The Meaning and Understanding of The Word 'NO'...


Kayleigh Carter
I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who was very distraught earlier today by a client who shall remain nameless (however booked with a Terb Handle) as a friendly reminder to remember that we are people too, everyone has their own sexual likes/dislikes and boundries/limits/restrictions. Give us the respect you would to a woman who is not in the adult industry and guranteed your session will go much smoother and you will leave feeling refreshed and relaxed!


The Meaning and understanding of the word 'NO'

Definition #1 No
1. (a negative used to express dissent, denial, or refusal, as in response to a question or request)

I'm sure this has been discussed before, however I just wanted to give everyone here on Terb a friendly reminder that when a lady says "NO", it means NO! It doesn't mean try again in 5 minutes, so pretty please do not push us to provide a service we are not comfortable doing.

If you're looking for particular services do your research ahead of time, believe it or not Terb for the most part will provide the answers you're looking for regarding a girls services!

Also, don't spring it on us that you want greek half way through a session, just to find out we don't offer it and you lose your erection. Don't blame your loss of erection on us either as it was YOU that didn't properly inform yourself before making the appointment.

Incident #1
"But baby your ass is so hot, how about just the tip" If we said NO, we meant NO! Stay away, cross it off your list, don't even blink in our assholes direction!

Incident #2

Action: *Without asking if these services are provided* Whips out dick, tears off condom and attempts to cim or cof. Proceeds to say "baby take a lick, come on taste it. What not even one drop?" "Why are you mad?"

Reaction: Closes mouth and hides face, maybe even jumps halfway across the room! "Wtf are you doing!?" "No I don't want even one drop in my mouth. Get your shit and leave *******!"

First of all if those services are not offered you definitley just crossed the boundaries and we have all the right in the world to be furious with you, and if these services are ymmv do not take it upon yourself to 'Go for it' unless you've asked prior to the start of the session. Ymmv is stated for a reason!

Happy Hobbying!


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Kayleigh, you make an excellent point (that has been made many times before but certainly bears repeating)! Respect and recognition/acknowledgment of boundaries is of the utmost importance.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Agree 100%. So, no matter how much you beg, when I say no, that I need a rest, order a pizza, no begging/pleading or whining. You will just have to wait...:D


Nov 19, 2008
Anywhere Naughty
Thank You for the very much needed reminder Ms.Kayleigh......sometimes I just feel ,some of the gents think that they are able to this because we are sp's! I don't offer COF and just this Weekend , I had someone try to do this without by consent. I just dont get it . It kills the mood and you loose trust for your client , then the session gets spolied. * Play Safe and Be considerate Boys*

happy the man

New member
Jan 12, 2004
You display a maturity much beyond your years.
Rip off a page when we get too out of line.
As the acronym implies...
Em with
(as quoted by Shiek...I believe...or Homonger...or Strongbeau...)



New member
Jan 18, 2009
"But baby your ass is so hot, how about just the tip"

LOL, guys actually say shit like this?


Pop Rock Kid
Kayleigh, you handled this situation in the only way you could. I am surprised though you are a very patient woman to not have thrown him out on incident #1.

Would it have been so hard for the client to simple ask:

'I am not sure of what your comfortable with, would you be interested in ...'

Good reminder to us to respect the ladies and their limits, just as we do.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
It's disgraceful.

This happens too often with most women, not just SPs. We're told it's okay to beg and plead, don't take "no" for an answer, she needs to be seduced, once you're in she'll change her mind, she's playing hard to get, etc.

We even learn it as kids, be persistant like Pepe Lepew!



Your ultimate MILF GFE!
Excellent post Kayleigh. I hope all the disrespectful a**holes on this board take note!

I'm wondering why the client should remain nameless though. I think that someone who is being persistant to the point of blatant disrespect for the lady's wishes definitely fits into the category of "bad client" and should be named for the sake of future escorts he may attempt to book. JMHO.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
So did your friend press criminal charges? I ask because what you describe is on the face of it, sexual assault.

Let her know.

Fuck men are assholes!


Durham's Best Kept Secret
I had to post something about this a few months ago as well. I do not allow CIM with any of my girls. If they want to do that, they can work elsewhere. It is just my rule.

I have had to blacklist 3 people from our agency jut last week because "oops, they accidentally busted" in her mouth. It is not an accident but a forcible sexual act.

No means NO. :mad:


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
I have had to blacklist 3 people from our agency jut last week because "oops, they accidentally busted" in her mouth. It is not an accident but a forcible sexual act.

No means NO. :mad:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yup, I have to agree, great post....

Now this isn't the same situation but I do know from past experience even your previous mileage may vary with the same sp.

For eg: You may have done certain things before, but THIS time, she doesn't want to do it. I equate this with what happened once (lol JUST once) with an ex gf: she used to get off doing cowgirl and I'd reach around and put a finger in her butt. So we're starting off and she says "stay away from my butt tonight" problem, so we're movin' and groovin' and I'm really losing myself into it, she flops me over and starts riding me hard. Well I forget myself and (you know what's coming) I reach around and you guessed it, put a finger in her butt...well, if you watch Californication you know what "fucking and punching" means well she smacked me a good one.

DOH, believe me, it wasn't on purpose I just wasn't thinking, just lost myself in the moment. Now this isn't the same as a guy begging and being told no repeatedly, but I thought I'd ad this funny little anecdote to show that sometimes, we just aren't thinking of all the rules and regs and the changes in the above at that moment.....

Anyhow, as for the OP: I'd definitely be putting that guy on the no repeat list. There's just no call for that.....


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Unfortunately, these things happen in this business. Or so I am told. It sounds like the client got carried away with the fantasy...the one where he is irresistible and the girl really wants his dick up her ass and his cum on her face.

The OP's friend acted entirely appropriately. The client did not. I hope she actually followed through and showed him the door. I'd love to know who the client is, but realize his name won't be posted publicly. Girls, that what private messages are for. I hope his name was spread far and wide so that other SPs can avoid him.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Too many guys have lost the meaning of the word "respect".

My theory (right or wrong) is to treat every woman as if she was my sister, daughter, mom, so, etc., we're all in this together.

Funny enough the more respect you show the more respect you receive, doesn't seem to be rocket science.

There is a reason for the "old" terms like "you get what you give".


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I had to post something about this a few months ago as well. I do not allow CIM with any of my girls. If they want to do that, they can work elsewhere. It is just my rule.

I have had to blacklist 3 people from our agency jut last week because "oops, they accidentally busted" in her mouth. It is not an accident but a forcible sexual act.

No means NO. :mad:
Honestly, I have to disagree with you on it being a "forcible sexual act" UNLESS your girls specifically say at the beginning of the session here are my rules no CIM.

However, I completely agree with you on the larger point that No means just that.


Isn't this fun?
Dec 4, 2002

SP's are people, women, sisters, daughters, and even maybe mothers, just because they are doing what they are doing to make $$, doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect them or overstep their personal boundries. It pisses me off when I read about a few bad apples out there, and I'm sure there are even more, but we don't even hear about it. Good for Kayleigh to step forward and bring it to everyone's attention. She obviously has a great head on her shoulders and wise beyond her years. Its so simple....... the nicer you treat the ladies, the nicer they will treat you!!


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
I wish I could rememeber the name of the comedian that did a routing on this subject. He's a Canadian comedian, his father is black and from Chicago, and his mother is white and from the prairies. He's a heavy gentleman, shaved head with a goatee, typically wears large earrings and dresses kind of pimp-esque.

But he was doing a routine on No means No. The general jist of his routine was as men, we expect our dogs to understand no, but when it applies to us...

If I could remember his name, I'd see if I could youtube his routine, because it rolled into date rape and whistling/yelling at women too.
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