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people on TERB are lying about the ID of HIV girl



:mad: The Toronto Star story today identifies the names of Ms. Murphys immediate family. My best friend dated suzyQ's younger brother for years. She confirms that this is NOT the family of suzyQ/lisa/amy.

I can't stand Lisa/suzy so I am not trying to defend her, but don't try to ruin her.

I think thequietlife is some escort who has an axe to grind with Lisa (and savannah).
quietlife maybe u should heed your own name AND SHUT THE HELL UP liar!!!!


Mar 29, 2005
Feminista thanks for the link back to your board. You had quite a bit to say while you were there.
One post made by you,

YES. I was an escort from 2000-2003. I was on base at least 3 nights a week and my co-workers were there just as often. Ask the guy at the gate how often escorts come in. They know us. They even call guys and warn them that their wives have returned unexpectedly early so they better get us outta there.

This is not speculation. I've lived it. I remain in contact with all my ho-friends.

I am NOT taking shots at the military. I also did not say that Jennifer was an escort. People in the escort industry have a website where it is claimed that Jennifer is Lisa/Suzy -a well known escort who fits the description. Lisa/Suzy has a broken tooth and pink boots and a son and stays at Borden while working out of an escort house in Angus.

When that guy mentioned the broken tooth I started to wonder if what they are saying on the Escort Review Board is true, becuz up until now I have been defending Lisa/Suzy and denying it's her. No one can find Lisa(stage name) and she isn't answering her phone-which is unheard of for her. Is that her in jail or is she away for Easter?

It seems like you may be quite worried about yourself here, maybe you have had some indirect contact with this woman yourself?
Sounds like you were close to the accussed, as you stated that she had pink go-go boots. What a coincidence! Just wondering, have you managed to "get ahold" of your friend on the phone yet?


Mar 29, 2005
feminista said:
:mad: The Toronto Star story today identifies the names of Ms. Murphys immediate family. My best friend dated suzyQ's younger brother for years. She confirms that this is NOT the family of suzyQ/lisa/amy.
You made this statement one day BEFORE(on March 26),you posted on the military board (in my post above)your concern about this friend of yours not answering her phone.
Care to explain?
And the link you were so eager to post, the one which supposedly showed the woman in question, could not be her. It doesn't too many brains to figure it out. Do the math, she was 18 when she had her son. That is a baby in that picture. And the picture was from 2002.
No where in the media, it says that the accused's son lived with her.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
What does she have to explain????

Nothing has far as I can see. There is now a pic of Jennifer and it is clear to many that it is not the escort named in a few threads here.

Nothing else really needs to be said or explain.



I would never claim this is my board. I have not posted a link to this site on any other board and I don't know who you are.

Is thequietlife making a comeback?

If you take issue with the woman in the picture being the same military wife Jennifer Murphy, I suggest you attend at the Barrie courthouse tomorrow morning and see for yourself.

CBC Newsworld re-aired footage of Ms. Murphy a couple days ago. Email them if you have a problem with it.
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New member
Oct 6, 2003
if u knew i'd have to kill you
HappyHookers said:
What does she have to explain????

Nothing has far as I can see. There is now a pic of Jennifer and it is clear to many that it is not the escort named in a few threads here.

Nothing else really needs to be said or explain.

what erks us that fem is coming on the board saying no no it's not suzy 110% no. then posts on another board hmmm maybe it is the girl i worked with. basically covering up her own ass here on the escort board so she does not get tied in with the HIV girl, while asking for more info in the post static has posted.


Mar 29, 2005
It is suzyq/amy/lisa. She was seen at the courthouse today by people who have known her.
Her once bright blue eyes are not bright any longer.


Mar 29, 2005
Oh Feminista,
I don't have a problem with CBC, other then.that they should have got their facts straight before they flashed the wrong womans' photo.
The accused has a 14yr old son, not a 3 year old son.
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again quitelife/staitc:

you have offered nothing tangible to substantiate your initial claim that it is suzy/lisa. You have made new false allegations as straitc. The only thing I know for sure about you is that you lie.

has cbc made some admission that they aired a picture of the wrong jennifer murphy? IF they were wrong I would think they would have to apologize after airing the wrong woman and claiming she's hiv positive.


I am not a friend of lisa/suzy -another false allegation. I am not defending her. I am just very uncomfortable with accepting the accusation from someone known to lie without any independent corroboration. I also am aware of facts that contradict with the accusation.

my friend knows her entire family -none of whom share names with the members of jennifer murphy's family members as previously listed in the Toronto Star.

from the Star "Jennifer Murphy grew up in this subsidized row house in St. John’s, Nfld., with her mother Carrie and siblings Amanda and Terry."

Lisa/suzy's mom is named ##### and she has a younger brother named #####. Lisa/suzy's real name has already been revealed here. She changed her name to jennifer as previously stated. Her last name wasn't murphy and her family name isn't murphy. Her mom's last name is #### and her dads is ########.

quietlife/straitc has made the accusation and she should back it up. she has made other accusations I know to be untrue. Y has quietlife become straitc? More deception.

sorry but allegedly knowing people who allegedly went to court today doesn't cut it. how did she know before today if that is her evidense? she was making the accusation a week ago. I asked her to back it up and she fell silent until reappearing with a new name and new allegations about me. Again she is consistently inaccurate.

I know someone who went to court today and did not recognize the accused as lisa/suzy.

the only thing we will be agreeing on at this point is that lisa/suzy's eyes are blue.
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Mar 29, 2005
We'll just wait and see.

It's nice of you to stand up for your "HO-Friends", I guess. It must be hard for you to find any respectable friends.

I hope you get ahold of your friend Jen/suzy/lisa/amy.
Have a nice life! HO! :D


K, HO.
U 2 HO.

maybe us HOs should attend her next court date together and put this thing to bed for good.


Mar 22, 2005
back to Square One
You two are no further ahead

Please for everyones sake get concrete proof .

"If " this girl is not the girl . She now has her mothers ,fathers, name real name other escort names, etc... Plastered for all to see .Think about it . Mistaken identity is nothing new. It's a cut throat industry . Stage names are expected. If she is innocent you both have damaged her personal information ,because you both want to be right. Yes everyone has a right to know .In my opinion your not the law to publish such material . This could have been handled with authorities if anyone was so sure and concerned about the health and welfare of other people .Does this mean if anyone is falsely accused we will read about his/hers family tree on this board!
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