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Wireless Connection Help PLEASE!

Help, I'm a damsel in distress...

I'm pretty wise when it comes to computers, but this has me stumped!

I recently bought a top of the line Dell laptop. It has a built in wireless connection thingy...but everytime I try to connect to the internet, it'll say: Wireless Connection Excellent, or Very Good. That lasts for about 3 minutes, then I get booted off line and it tells me that there is no available wireless connection. I can reconnect with a good signal, but as I surf the web, I get booted off continually.

The laptop cost me a lot of money, so I'm hoping that it's not broken already. Everytime I try to call Dell, I'm put on hold for 15 minutes at which point I hang up because I feel a tumor develping in my brain from my cellphone!

I'm frustrated- can anyone suggest a solution?

Thank you in advance!



New member
Aug 31, 2003
for wireless you cannot be far from the wireless access point, it works to a point but too far and the connection will drop.

unless your modem and your computer is farther than 100 meters you can use a long cable and there will be no speed drop.

with wireless you better have a firewall installed or other people can access your wireless internet.

there was a guy recenty busted for surfing for child porn and he was accessing somone's wireless internet connection.
I do have a firewall enabled on my laptop.

I dont understand the term "Wireless Connection". I thought if your computer or laptop had this feature built in, then you can connect to any internet signal in the area.

Also, I have a computer in my bedroom. When I sit on my bed with my laptop and try to connect to the internet, the same problem happens. In the livingroom, my roommate has a computer and she even purchased a wireless router.

Is there something wrong with my laptop?



Nov 19, 2002
I think you are stealing someone's wireless signals

Which wireless service are you using ?


Aug 18, 2001
If you opted for high speed light (128kbps) it will not support a wireless router. You need the regular high speed to connect.
Good luck
I do have a wireless router. Its in the living room which is besides my bedroom. I live in a house in North Toronto. My roommate and I share an internet connection via the wireless router and she even installed some sort of card thing with an antenna sticking out of it into my computer tower.

I think that when I first got the laptop, perhaps I messed up some of the codes or information?

Thank you for all the help...



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Not that I am overly fluent in this but here's a couple of things also to look at:

1) did you set up the router to handle a 3rd computer?
2) did you configure the new laptop to match the IP settings on your router? (dynamically or statically assigned indentification numbers to each pc connected to the router). Dynamically assigned means that you get a new number everytime you sign on, statically means you're assigned a number and that is what you always will have.
3) What speed is your net access thru rogers? You're dropped signal could be a traffic problem through the router. If you both are accessing the net at exactly the same time, the router will assign priority to one pc, then when it is done completing that command will go to the next. If all three are connected then that is going to slow down things somewhat.
4) the wireless thingy that came with your laptop: is it part of a subscriber service like sierra wireless, or is it simply a wireless ethernet card? From the sounds of it you most likely have to subscribe to a wireless service (like a cellphone) before using it.

Programs or ISP's like MSN will allow you to logon briefly to setup an account and if you don't set up an account. It will drop you periodically. (otherwise why would you get an account if you could sign on for free?)

From my understanding of the new microsoft wireless net access on new laptops is that it allows you to access the net from anywhere (not just at home). If this is the type of "wireless thingy" you have in your laptop then you will have to subscribe to a wireless net access service.

Like I said above, if it is simply a wireless ethernet card, then you can use your router to access the net but won't be able to use this outside your home.

Number 1 is to determine what you have, in order to determine what you have to do to fix your problem.

Maybe if you gave us the model number or ?? of your dell laptop we could go to Dell.ca and figure out what you have.....


New member
Jul 14, 2002
first thing first. are you blond?
second thing: wireless connectivity can mean many thing.

my suggestion are:
1. check the wireless router and see what technology it is using.
2. check your laptop. see what technology it is using.
3. read the menual from the router, read the meual from roger, read the menual from dell
4. whatever you do, dont call Dell. because they wil rediect your line to somewhere in india.
5. if still can't figure it out. call me.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LOL good one cruise, and yes, she is blond...

I went to Dell.ca and they have a wireless network card as an option, not one that requires a Wireless service.

You will have to insure that the settings on your laptop for net access match the router and your net service.

All this could just be that you will have to upgrade your router to handle the additional traffic from the 3 computers. EIther that or make sure your 2nd pc is off and or not accessing the net before turning on your laptop.


Nov 22, 2001
here's something to try

I trust it's Windows XP you're on. That sounds exactly like the problem I had. When I first set up my connection, it worked fine but I didn't have the encryption turned on. When I figured out how to do that, that's when I experienced the continual dropped signal. Through trial and error, I discovered something in the configuration properties:

- in the "Wireless Network Connection Properties" click on the "Properties" of your named network connection.
- click on the "Authentication" tab
- uncheck the box for "Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network" (by default it is checked)

I searched around everywhere (help files, documentation, google, etc.) and could not find out what this is but disabling it solved the problem of the dropped signal.


Aug 24, 2001
York Region
If you are using a wireless router or wireless access point, I trust it is configured with WEP (either 64 or 128 bit). If it is, you MUST have your wireless NIC configured with WEP as well with the proper WEP access. If WEP is enabled on the WAP but not on the NIC, you will get a connection but not access to anything.

If your WAP does not have WEP enabled, DO IT NOW! You are an open hotspot that can be used by anyone within range.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
1) u have a firewall and that would keep you from connecting not someone from using your wireless signal.
2) how are u connecting to the router via DHCP? or are u assigned an ip.
3) do you have encryption on your router whether it is WEP or WPA. WEP being inherently unsafe.
4) have u tried connecting via ether net cable and seeing if you have any problems with the rogers router which i have often found is the problem.
5) from my understanding and with issues i have experienced with clients is that rogers does not support routers on their network.
6) what are your internet connect settings like on your computer and how did u configure it.
7) check to see if your wireless modem is supported by your outer as believe or not some are not.
8) check some forums for issues with your specific hardware and check for firmware updates as this may be a common issue.
9) buy a mac zero configuration...
10) i had issues with Xp Pro and dell Computers and linksys routers before
11) find out if you router is 802.11g or 802.11b if you have it setup as able to connect with both then their may lie the problem.
12) make sure the modem and router are 30 cms apart as this is often an issue also.
Good luck


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Try changing the wireless channel. You do this through the router.

There are 12 channels you can choose from, and there may be interference on the channel you are currently using (most routers default to channel 1, including your neighbour's).
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