Condom Or No Condom? -- The Difference In Sensation?


  • NO, I have no difficulty. I can't really tell the difference.

    Votes: 33 19.0%
  • I have occasional difficulty but it's not a big problem for me.

    Votes: 61 35.1%
  • YES, I have great difficulty. The loss of sensation is a major problem for me.

    Votes: 80 46.0%

  • Total voters


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
I always experience very great difficulty feeling anything, let alone cumming, with a condom on (I've experienced FS and BJ both with and without the hat). Perhaps it's because I experienced only BB with my wife and mistress that now I can't feel much during a CBJ or CFS? Is this just my problem? I'd appreciate finding out what your experiences have been.


Winner of TIE's FIFA Cup
Jun 1, 2006
i have never tried BBFS with my girl, its always been CFS so i can't tell the difference, as for CBJ never tried that either, my girl likes to give head BB

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I hate condoms.

If I am dating someone, I don't use condoms. I find them hard on destroyers. One, I don't get much sensation, but on a more psychological level there is this implication that I am some harbinger of disease. Most women I have dated do not use condoms either.

I do get tested for STDs, though not yearly I admit. My last test battery was approximately 2 years ago, so I am due.

I will use condoms for a fling, I have no problem with that. Usually, I am so worked up that coming is not a problem then.

However, if I am dating someone, there is not the same heightened sense of excitment as when you first have sex with a woman. I seldom come with a condom.

Some condoms feel better than others, though, strangely enough, sometimes it feels OK, then the next time, nothing. Yet it's the same brand. I have no idea why.

As to a CBJ - never. I'm never going to come with that. Again, there is that whole thing about me being some walking disease, and there is no sensation. I was in a strip joint about 4 or 5 months ago and a dancer wanted to give me a BJ. (This was the first time I had been offered such treatment believe it or not.) I said ok and she promptly wrapped a condom on me. Fuck, I never thought of that. Anyway, she's honking on Mr. Happy and I am not getting anything but bored. After 2 songs, she's getting frustrated and upset that she's not making me cum in 30 seconds and has to work for her money. I ended up stopping her because it was going nowhere and I was feeling rather stupid by this point. (Nor did it go anywhere) Then the next girl I had dance for me also (amazingly) offered me a BJ. (Things have changed at strip joints boy.). I declined because I knew it was going to be a covered BJ and asked her just to do a lap dance. She actually got UPSET with me. Fucking bitch. I guess she figured that she was hoping to make 120 bucks in about 30 seconds if she blew me as opposed to 20 bucks a song if she just lap danced for me. I explained that I would never come with a CBJ and I could tell she was put off. Needless to say, the mood was blown (figuratively, not literally) so I had a few air dances with then then called it a day and a learning experience.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I too often have troubles whilst using a raincoat. I tried all brands and have yet to find one better than the other. One thing I have found that just exacerbates the problems are ones with lubicration inside and out. Frankly I don't know why they do this because if I wanted my hat to slide around, I'd buy a magnum.

As for being in a relationship with someone, I use a condom until about 9 months into it then we both get tested. If we're both clean, then off comes the rain coat and haPpy daysssss are here Again......oh happydaysarehereagain!!!!!

Just a side note: we should do one of these for the ladies too. My last long term GF also hated condoms and also couldn't wait until we could go bareback.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
For me tthe difference between a condom and no condom is substantial. However in this hobby, no condom is not an option. Hence I participate in this hobby more to explore other turn-ons (lingerie, role-play, etc) than the actual act of intercourse itself.


Apr 24, 2005
james t kirk said:
I was in a strip joint about 4 or 5 months ago and a dancer wanted to give me a . (This was the first time I had been offered such treatment believe it or not.) I said ok and she promptly wrapped a condom on me.
I asked a dancer about the use of condoms and she said the reason is to contain the cum. In fact, they apply the condom even when it is only a "C", again to contain the cum. Please remember that the next guy who sits in your chair could be me.

Condoms do spoil the sensation and it is even worse when she also applies lube as well. The combination of condom and lube means virtually no sensation in my experience.


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Rockslinger said:
I asked a dancer about the use of condoms and she said the reason is to contain the cum. In fact, they apply the condom even when it is only a "C", again to contain the cum. Please remember that the next guy who sits in your chair could be me.

Condoms do spoil the sensation and it is even worse when she also applies lube as well. The combination of condom and lube means virtually no sensation in my experience.
Man you are so right, it's even worse if you have a condom that's too tight, and then they use a tube of lube and there's no feeling at all!
Feb 21, 2007
Rockslinger said:
I asked a dancer about the use of condoms and she said the reason is to contain the cum. In fact, they apply the condom even when it is only a "C", again to contain the cum.

Ok...what's a "C" ?:confused:


New member
Jun 5, 2007
using condoms used to only be a problem when i was doing a lot of drinking, back when i was young. now it is increasingly becoming harder to maintain an erection wearing a rain coat. perhaps i should try wearing a condom and also taking a viagra? i am 46 years old. i think it is something that has begun to occur just in the past few years?


New member
Sep 17, 2006
Don said:
For me tthe difference between a condom and no condom is substantial. However in this hobby, no condom is not an option. Hence I participate in this hobby more to explore other turn-ons (lingerie, role-play, etc) than the actual act of intercourse itself.
yep thats the same for me. I have alot of difficulty keeping it up after the cover goes on. but I would never consider BB except bj which always feels great. maybe one day I'll try viagra.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Part 1

I can't comment too much - I am 36 and I have only had uncovered intercourse 6 times in my life - all within a 3 week period in November of 1998 - before we decided that we just couldn't trust the pill alone, as well as it didn't agree with my GF to be on it all the time.

My main problem with condoms is the difficulty I have putting them on, not the effect on sensation. My head is quite sensitive and if the pussy is tight there is no problem getting enough stimulation from FS.

I did find I wasn't lasting as long without the condom. I think that was more because of the THRILL factor than the actual sensation. It did feel nicer in way that's hard to put into words, and it was great staying slick all the time instead of getty dry and pasty like the inside of the condom does after a while.

But with oral, it's a different story. Only tried covered BJ a few times and it felt silly, arousal level was low and I was nowhere near cumming at any point. I missed the wetness and texture of the mouth, and it just wasn't mentally exciting without the direct contact. Not the same thing at all.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
OK, not to put myself out there TOO much but as I stated before, I have difficulty retaining an erection whilst using a condom.

I recently tried cialis and, well, I don't have that problem any more :)

My advice is: try it, or viagra, or levitra....don't suffer any longer than you have to.

BTW: for the record: I still don't have the same sensation as bareback but it still feels Pretty fucking good and now with the chemical assistance, I can relax and enjoy my time instead of concentrating so hard on staying hard....

Y Hunter

seasonal AMP user
Aug 5, 2005
It does have a difference for me, but I prefer to use condom so I can last longer. For my gf, she prefers no condom near orgasm. However we have to play safe to prevent pregnancy, pills are no good for the body.
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