

Your Ultimate Fantasy
Jul 11, 2003
Gentlemen tell me: why oh why do women change their names and their profile and expect to get away with it. If there is any review board in the world that has a more savvy group of "members" (sorry LOL) I would love to know it. With the advent of CL there are so many women posting yet often within minutes someone here says..."well that is ...." a few minutes after that CL deletes the listing or something along those lines.

So my original question, why do women change their name and profile knowing that they are going to get found out almost before "the ink has dried" sorry I just dated myself LOL:D


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Well it is a tough job competing against someone who is as well reviewed and beautiful as you.

It is a marketing tool to be seen as new to the business. Even if your “outed”, the guys on the boards still see the images, there is some talk, and some will try her despite the bad reviews.

Like any other business venture you have to try something different if what your doing isn’t working.

There are some girls that get hassled on the boards so it might be a step of trying to get away from of the guys with an axe to grind.

I am sure some don't understand how the process works either.

There are a lot of lazy guys that don't even know how to use the search function and may not even come up with the "old reviews" under a different name.


It's been good to know ya
I feel I am just getting bored of the name stacey but agree the cons outweigh the pros so I feel stuck with this name. It has been a long time and I love change. But this is who everyone knows me as.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hell Ms D, women change their hair, clothes, tastes, likes, dislikes, kind of shampoo etc etc 20 or 30 times a month so why not their name too?

Oh yea, I almost forgot, they also change immediately after hearing the words "I love you..." LOL


Your Ultimate Fantasy
Jul 11, 2003
tboy said:
Hell Ms D, women change their hair, clothes, tastes, likes, dislikes, kind of shampoo etc etc 20 or 30 times a month so why not their name too?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they also change immediately after hearing the words "I love you..." LOL
and you are so looking forward to something. I have yet to figure it out but you keep my yahoo group hopping. You big horn dog LMAO..
2100 hundred members mmmmmmmmmmmmmm now that is interesting.

TERB has 55,000members but little ole me with a one site addy has 5% of Terb members. what does that say..or does it say anything at all. Oh I keep going and going and going....I am the Energiser bunny no doubt about it LOL:D
There are always pro's and con's to everything, some do it with valid reasons, some for not so valid reasons. I'm just glad that we catch the ones that are trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
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