My Masturbation Habits


Jul 21, 2006
Hi guys! I feel really good that you’ve changed my mind about getting the penis surgery. My penis is my best friend and I am so glad that I’ve decided not to changed it. To show my gratitude to you guys, I would like to share with you how happy my penis and I are with each other.
I masturbate 3 times per day on average: in the morning before I go to work, right after I come home from work, and before I go to sleep. I find it absolutely necessary to masturbate before going to work, because if I don’t, I will have a strong urge all day and thus not be able to concentrate on my work (I will also be very miserable all day). But if I do, I will feel really good during my drive to work and will carry out my duties with great vigour. I get horny by the time I drive home though, so I have to gratify myself after I walk through the door. Going to sleep without masturbating first is like a nightmare! I toss and turn and can never fall asleep in good time. And when I do, I am dreaming of having sex but without feeling fulfilled because of the urges in my groin that remain. However, once I released my spunk I fall fast asleep like a pacified happy baby.
It also a very good idea to masturbate before going out in general. I almost inevitable to see a hot babe when you go out, and when that happens and I did not masturbate beforehand I will have no choice but to look for a public washroom to relieve myself with the image of that woman in my mind. If I did masturbate beforehand, I usually can wait till I get home to carry that out. Masturbating in the washroom at work of course can be avoided if I masturbated before going to work. I also tend to masturbate before a date so that I can begin the date like a gentleman and regard her as a person rather than a piece of meat. The drawback of this is when the date does end up in the bedroom and I don't have as much spunk to soil her with than if I didn't masturbate. It is a tough call but I tend to make a habit of masturbating before going on a date.
The most convenient way for me to masturbate is lying down on my bed or sitting on my sofa with a Kleenex in my left hand. The Kleenex is a must and I always have a box beside my bed. Kleenex is also very useful for wiping out precum during the masturbation. Usually my Kleenex does an excellent job capturing my cum but sometimes when my load is very big some of it shoots through the Kleenex and onto my hands (I hate that!). Even worse, is when I am sitting in my sofa and the Kleenex captures only half of my cumshot while the rest of the cum drips down along my hands and onto my laps. Especially annoying is when it drips onto my sofa because cleaning it is a really inconvenience.
My maturbation sessions last anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes depending on how much time I have and how horny I am. About 10% of the time that I masturbate I am simply imagining that I am doing it with another woman. The majority of the time I am looking at an image on my computer or watching a video. The advantage of still pictures is that I can focus on the body part I am looking at (60% of the time it is a bent over butt, 30% a woman lying down, 10% a woman giving a blowjob and getting CIM). The advantage of the video is of course seeing the motions, but sometimes the sex act ends before I end so then I have to rewind which is a real inconvenience. So I got a video editor and trims out the non-sex scence and the scene loops itself whenever it ends. I’ve mastered the art of timing my cumming at the precise moment that the guy in the video releases his spunk on the lady.
Of course, when planning to visit an SP, I refrain from masturbating for at least 24 hours. I know, it is a very tortorous wait, but for me it is the wisest course of action. The reason for this is obvious, so that I am super horny when I see the SP. Also, the 24 hour abstinence allows me to shoot a big one, and I can only feel that I get my money’s worth if I really soil the SP up. All in all, I would say that masturbation is a very important and integral part of my life. It gives me reason to look forward to every new day and appreciate fully the short time that we have in this world. Thank you guys so much for dissuading me from altering my penis and I will cherish it everyday for the rest of my life!


The Greekster.


New member
May 25, 2005
Don'tcha hate it when people post vague, non-descript, highly impersonal information about their sex life on TERB forums.


New member
Jun 12, 2006
Too Much Info

too much information here. I don't think other guys want to hear your masterbation techniques and frequency.


New member
Aug 17, 2001
Great to hear that you have reconsidered having the penis enlargement.

It certainly seems to be serving you well at the moment.

And with all the $$ you will save from not having the surgery, think of all the SPs you can visit instead with all that money you saved and concentrate on giving them a good soiling with your spunk.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Instead of spending so much of your time masturbating why not spend more time learning to write in paragraphs?


Jul 21, 2006
Hello folks! I'm in a very good mood today and I'll tell you why. Today's morning masturbation went much better than my average morning masturbation. As per your request, I’ll type this story out with proper paragraphs so that you can enjoy the reading more.

This is morning I woke up pretty early, so I had time to actually get out of bed and turn on the computer. I even had time to type out 80% of this story for you guys before I left my home. Although I am the Greekster, this morning I was in the mood for a BBBJTCIM. I browsed through my BBBJTCIM folder and decided to go with a Kobe Tai video, who gives one the best BBBJTCIM ever. I grabbed my Kleenex and was ready to go! The sucking in the video lasted about 5 minutes and then she was ready to go into missionary position. Yes, yes, I know promised you a BBBJTCIM masturbation story, and even Kobe Tai doesn’t do a pure BBBJTCIM. But remember the video editor I told you about? Yes, I had already edited this Kobe Tai scene long ago such that I deleted the sex scene in the middle and kept only the warm-up bj and the ending bbbjtcim so this masturbation turns out to be a bbbjtcim masturbation after all (smart, eh!).

When the guy cummed, I wasn’t finished masturbating yet, but the scene will repeat itself (had it all set-up with my video editting)! Every stroke with my hand was a moment of pure bliss! I honestly felt that Kobe Tai was sucking on my penis! There were even a few scenes where the view was the first person point of view. Those scenes are the best because it really looks like the lady is sucking on your penis! Unfortunately such scenes are also rare and I’m still frustrated in my search for them. Anyway, back to the masturbation, the scene cycled itself about four times, a total of 20-25 minutes, before I shot my load. And remember I said that I can time my cumming right when the guy in the video cums? Yes, it is perhaps my best talent when it comes to the art of masturbating. This time it was done to perfection! I mean the very nanosecond that cum was first squirted in the video, I shot my load as well—and it was a really big load! The cum squirt landed right on Kobe Tai’s tongue and it really felt like I was cumming all over her tongue! TOTALLY AWESOME!!! And to top it all off, Kobe was squirling her tongue and licking on the guys tip as the deluge of cum spread all over her tongue, and so therefore I felt it happening to me as well. She even continued to suck after the cumshot so I continued stroking for a bit after.

Now I don’t want you to be misled here. The masturbation session was not 100% perfect. The drawback of an awesome cumshot is that there is likely a chance for a mess. I know, I know: “I thought you had Kleenex in your other hand?” you are thinking. But you see, no matter how much I have tried mastering the art of masturbating, I still cannot capture my own cum perfectly all this time. This time my cum shot through the Kleenex, past the gap between my fingers, and onto the coffee table. So I had some furniture cleaning to do before jumping into the shower. Yes, yes “Why didn’t I use more plies of tissue?” you ask. Well, I learned long time ago that 1 ply of tissue is definitely too little, but then three plies of tissue is also too much. No it’s not the money issue (don’t be silly!). It’s just that at 3 plies of tissue or more, the cumshot will be blocked, but the cum will also very easily spill. That’s when it gets onto my laps and even the sofa. I don’t like that either. I’m sorry, but I can’t really explain to you why this is. Perhaps it’s something to do with the geometry of the tissue. After 2 plies, the shape of the tissue allows cum to easily slide down. Well, whatever the scientific reason, I had decided years ago that I will stick with 2 plies of tissue henceforth. Don’t worry, it’s not very often that my cumshot shoots through the Kleenex like that.

Anyway, after I wiped the table I had to inspect the floor to make sure that I wiped off all my cum (don’t you hate it when you miss that invisible cum?). Yes, spotlessly clean! No one will ever know. I was practically singing in the shower after this wonderful masturbation session, convinced that I did an excellent job. Damn I good! My drive to work was a pretty pleasant one, ready to do my day’s duty with great energy and verve. Can’t wait till I get home…


The Greekster


New member
Aug 17, 2001
Excellent job with the paragraphs!

Sorry to hear about the coffee table though.


Active member
Jan 22, 2005
He's used the word "masturbation" or a derivative of it around 18 times in his first story...maybe change some of those to synonyms for the act like "jerked off", "whacked off", "choked..." etc. so it's more interesting to read and is less repetitive. (Just a style thing for writing - no big deal!)


Jul 21, 2006
Ok guys, I know that most of you were expecting me to masturbate as soon as I got home, but believe it or not, as soon as I got home I went to the computer instead and starting typing. “What’s going on?” you ask? Why the break in routine? Why am I contradicting everything I said before? Well, everybody once in a while experiences an unforeseen obstacle that causes a break in one’s routine. This unforeseen obstacle was actually indirectly due to one of the responses in this thread. Believe it or not, despite my expertise in shampooing the puppy, I’ve never actually heard of a masturbate-a-thon, and I had to check it out. No, no, I did not begin my own masturbate-a-thon at work. What happened was that in trying to get more information I just happened to have stumbled onto a website that allowed me to download a free 5 minute sex video. Downloading is much easier to get away with than surfing during work simply because you can download in the background. So I had to do it and that’s when the anomaly in my masturbation routine occurred. The 5 minute video was so erotic that I couldn’t get it off my mind afterwards! Damn!

I immediately recalled the thread about pooping at work and I knew that it was the only feasible plan. I picked up some newspapers, said “Excuse me, got to go.” to my colleagues, and went the washroom under the pretense of needing to take a dump. Fortunately for me the washroom was empty so I foresaw no obstacle to my plan. I proceeded to the stall, and with some toilet paper in my left hand, began wacking away. I knew this session could not be as long or be of the same quality as this morning’s session. It was more of an emergency session that had to be done in any fashion or time so long as I got the job done. Then, after about 5 minutes into it, that’s when the it felt like hell broke loose. Someone walked into the washroom! Now, you might think “So what? This should not pose a problem, as long as I don’t make any noise.” Indeed I am a silent masturbator. Is it true that some people actually moan loudly or even scream when they jerk off? Anyway, the problem was that there is a small gap bordering the stall door. I guess its purpose is to allow people to know that someone’s inside (as if looking at the feet is so hard, sheesh!). But I believe this gap was big enough to allow the person to actually see what I was doing.

I had to think fast. For sure I was not going to let this person stop my session. Hell no! I’ll do it with him knowing it if I had to (as long as he couldn’t see my face). But of course, I tried to think of a way to conceal it. And then…the stroke of genius! (no pun intended by the work stroke) Instead of sitting on the toilet wacking away with my hand, I decided to stand up. “How does that help?” you ask? Well I would stand and masturbate while facing the toilet. It would look like I was getting ready to pee. After all, some people do prefer to pee in a toilet. “Won’t he see my arm motion from behind through the tiny gap?” you ask? We’ll fortunately I am right handed, and the stall is on the right side of the wall (I would have used my wrong hand if I had to anyway). Based on the angle, he could not see the motion of my right arm unless he walked right over to the right wall, and he was peeing on the left side of the stall. Perfect! Still, it’s kind of weird to see a guy standing to pee and then not hearing any peeing sound for so long, right? True, it was kind of weird. I even coughed and flushed the toilet a few times to make it look like I had some bodily dysfunctions that caused me to have some problems peeing immediately. Besides, the worst case scenario was that he only suspected that I was masturbating. He would not know for certain, and he definitely would not know that it was me.

It was a great relief to hear him leave the washroom. Well I dodged a bullet there and decided to finish off my session fast before another guy came in. I did finish to my satisfaction, and thanks to the toilet paper in my left hand I did not make a mess anywhere (making a mess at home is one thing, but to make a mess at work would make most people feel guilty I think). When I finished and washed my hands, another person came in. He had no idea what I had accomplished of course, and so I went back to work quite satisfied. I know some of you are thinking, “Hey, this guy gets paid to jack off at work?” Well, put it this way. Had I not jacked off, I would have made mistakes during work due to lack of concentration, so I would honestly say that my masturbating at work was the best course of action for the entire company. So when I got home, I did not feel much of an urge, having gratified myself at work already. Instead, I started typing away for you guys. Now I have finished my typing and made the post, but I the clock is ticking…


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
Greekster....You got the whole world in your hands...:D sorry 'bout the mess tho...
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