openwide said:
if you have a year to wait then wait 2 as thats when you will surely hit the jackpot
with 100,000 condos in the.... being built or ...... to be built category, and interest rates going up just pick and choose a really sweet spot and buying something with at least 1 but better 2 plus bedrooms
all the people in those tiny little condos are heading for a huge dose of humble pie!!!
just my opinion~!!
Yea, I heard this same arguement about New York over 15 years ago, "Condos are way over priced in downtown Manhatten and way too small, the market is gonna dive!" Five years ago when I was in New York, guess what, they're still building condos, but there is one major difference, the costs went through the roof. Today, I'm hard pressed to find a bachelor unit around 400 sq ft for under a million. I was in Rome last year, and Paris and London a couple of years ago, same problem, lots of condos in the downtown core and extremely expensive, but few for sale. Toronto is not in the same league as these international cities today, but maybe like them 10 to 15 years ago, it's all relative. It's no accident that the Ritz, Trump, Four Seasons and now the Shangra La are all building super luxury condos/hotel combos in the Toronto core, these are not stupid companies and are quite aware and have studied the international market, the changing demographics and lifestyle changes of the aging baby boomers, they chose Toronto at this time for a reason, basically the Toronto core is way undervalued in their opinion.
Condos are like commodities to me, I'm very selective and buy units based on location, views, size, etc...., there are several factors including a financial formula I use, and you have to be able to carry them through the correction cycles, just like any other commodity, ie. stocks. This is not for the amateur or the faint of heart, if you can't stomach the down cycles, don't get into this. In 30 years of buying and selling real estate, I lost money once, in the Vancouver condo market about 15 years ago because I couldn't wait and had to get out, if I would have waited longer, I would have made money there as well.
Real estate can be extremely lucrative, but you have to know what you're doing, don't think for a second anyone can walk right in, buy a unit and making money is guaranteed, far from it. Can you lose money? Absolutely, and many do, they're usually the ones who haven't done enough homework, don't understand the principles of real estate, panic, get swept up in the buying craze, and don't have the experience, etc......