You cherry picked 2 years,...out of 15,...worthless bull shit, usual.Its just wrong.
NOAA lists 2000 as a 0.40ºC anomaly and lists 2015 as 0.85ºC (year to date).
Thats a difference of 0.45ºC over a decade and a half, 0.30ºC per decade.
Is it hard being wrong all the time?
And you accused me of cherry picking,...
I plotted for a span of 15 years,...2000 thru 2015,...your UNEMPLOYABLES site NOAA,...produced the numbers I stated,...2000 thru 2015, was +0.12C/decade.
It must be hard being a weasel all the time,...!!!
PS: You statement,...Meanwhile, 2015 is still going to be a record warm year and 14 of the 15 warmest years have occurred since 2000.
The evidence is overwhelming
Has to be one of the most idiotic statements you have ever said,...and that's saying a lot,...