Thanks for everyones input. I went to Bay Bloor and have the following quote let me know what you think.
Yamaha rxv 740 reciever. $ 699
Totem taw8 front speakers $ 850.
Totem taw6.5 rear speakers $ 600.
Totem mitetcbk centre $ 450.
energy s10.2 sub $ 599
bunch of cable $ 150.
Total $ 3,348. + tax
Sell price if I buy all $ 2,969. + tax
Thanks again this is last post for this next its a plasma tv
Yamaha rxv 740 reciever. $ 699
Totem taw8 front speakers $ 850.
Totem taw6.5 rear speakers $ 600.
Totem mitetcbk centre $ 450.
energy s10.2 sub $ 599
bunch of cable $ 150.
Total $ 3,348. + tax
Sell price if I buy all $ 2,969. + tax
Thanks again this is last post for this next its a plasma tv