Complete Index: The Ask-A-Hooker Thread


Registered User
May 8, 2009
What: The Ask-A-Hooker Thread

An Index (Table of Contents) of the ongoing invaluable, open and honest consulting thread initiated by Ms. Genevieve Lajoie. Other consultants include a variety of knowledgeable, articulate, not to mention lovely SPs: Carrie Moon, amber-jade, Twinklegirl, Hiding, Kyra_to, Ashton, Lisa of Toronto, silkfunkydiva, FOXYWEST, Angela@Mirage, Amanda_kirby, MsValentine Miss Maya Blue and perhaps others.

Why: For Terbmanity. For possibly improving the Client, the Client-SP Relationship, the SP experience (make the experience better for you and the SP) and to appreciate and understand the invaluable SP. Sometimes ignorance is not bliss.

-I made this index initially for my own quick reference (to the enormous thread) so I could gain perspective to improve myself, the experience, understand and treat the SP with the well deserved care and consideration, understand business/lifestyle, and well become the worlds greatest lover....(but I already am so....)
I just "finished" it and I have to share it with all of you.
(In case you are wondering: I started it long ago. As i read through the thread, very gradually, I just cut and pasted into a document)

Method: - Basic level of organization:
1) 4 Categorizes. a) The Client, b) The Encounter, c) Getting to Know your SP, d) The Infamous TERB, e) Industry, Agencies, Finances & Stuff
2) I tried to group related questions - However it may not be complete - Bold indicates key word to groups of questions - no time for further classification/formatting
3) [Post number in thread] [ QUESTION - as written by member] [ANSWER- Post number of SP Consultant(s)]

I hope you find this useful.

We all thank you Genevieve and the aforementioned SPs for your honesty, effort, care and consideration.
Thank you Terbites for your questions (some of you need therapy..I mean seriously :) )
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Registered User
May 8, 2009
The Client

2. What size was the smallest penis and biggest you've seen, and what do you thing the average size is. 5, 29, 174
508. Do you see "stars" or "sheep" if it's under 5 inches? 508
1058. Ever had to deal with a bad situation like this? 1059, 1062
699. What do you wonderful SP's think of uncircumcised penises? In respects to BBBJ's do you find them un-appealing/turnoffs/harder to work with? Outside of work, what is your honest opinion on them?Also, do they have a different taste/texture that would be unappealing? 702,705, 719
707. Have you ever had a client that was not clean enough that you would not continue on with the act/made them do something about it lol? 719
8 What races do you prefer? In order. 17, 710
470. Does the race/ethnicity of the client make a difference? I know that many will give the politically correct answer, but it would be interesting to know the truth. 476, 478,482,485, 536
9. weirdest/most unusual fetish you were asked to participate in 11,16,17, 29, 31, 174, 207,221,226,230,286,361
452. If some magical gremlin popped up and said you to decide on the one and only sex act you could do for the rest of your life. No choice it's going to happen. Which would you pick? Intercourse - vag or greek? oral - giving or receiving? some other fetishy thing? 453,454,456,457
439. what is your favorite fetish? (can i share mine with you?) 442,482,496
1095. How do you feel if you client/bf has a foot fetish? (Weird/Odd...etc) 1098
503. Are you surprised at what kinds of fetishes guys tend to be into the most? Stuff you never thought would be as popular? Examples? 522,537
25 Which fantasies get requested the most frequently?? what is the strangest fantasy you have been asked to be in?? 29, 30,3225 Have you been over overwhelmed by an overly affectionate client!?, 32, 174
1072.Have you ever had requests for strap-on, and if so, is it frequent enough? 1077, 1080,1084,1093
466. What is with the interest/desire of SP's to perform strap on to the guys? How many of you have done it? 469,494,530
629. whats the sickest thing you were requested!?..any guy offer to buy your used feminine hygiene products from your monthly visit!?...(sorry ..devilish me...craves shock value..hehe) 634
760. how often do you find clients that want to crossdress and how do you feel about it? 761,764
35.Have you encountered a client out in the "regular world" that has tried to talk to you?? what about the other way...someone you know (bank teller, mailman, etc.) that has scheduled an appointment with you?? 36, 174
38.What percentage of clients are people you think you would be interested in knowing (in a non-romantic sense) in the real world, if you didn't already know them as clients? 40
503. How many escorts that you know wind up dating a client? 522,537,573,581
1133. Under what circumstances, would you seriously consider dating/befriend with your clients? 1136,1144,1152
114. What do you think of your clients, no really? 116, 158
76. What do you really think of your clients? 82, 105, 174
I.e. is the majority just guys out to have some fun, or that the majority are guys trying to compensate for some inadequacy they feel about themselves and seeing you would alleviate some of their own self-doubt?
115. Have you guys ever had a guy absolutely obsessed with you? 116, 117, 121,222, 361
314. Is there any chance for a customer to ever be able to date you, even if he knows and does not care that you are an sp. 319
501. How many real "dick-heads" have you met so far? 501,502
48.What is the most cum you have seen produced by a client? 163
107.Any other "Peter Norths" out there? 163
76. What percentage of clients ask for CIM with swallow (if this service is provided, if not guess that means the question is moot). 174
76. What percentage of clients suffer from male pattern baldness? 104, 174
76.What percentage of clients are over-weight? 82, 104, 174
76. What percentage of clients are George Costanza look-a-likes? 174
101. what is the average age of your clients?? 105, 146, 163
102. Have you ever had a guy just break down out of guilt for cheating on his significant other and not be able to go through with it? Honest guilt 103,106, 124, 148
131. How many times have you had a man not being able to get it up during an encounter?
Did you take it personally?What kind of excuses the man made? 132, 163, 174
133. Some ladies have expressed a preference for clients north (or south in one case) of a certain age. If age was the only criteria, do you prefer your men to be 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, etc.? 135
142. Do you prefer boxers or briefs?145
161. How many of your clients are "regulars". 162, 176,219
161. What frequency do they see you? 162, 176,219
161. How many out of towners vs. locals. 162, 176,219
161. What's your longest standing client, most sessions. 162, 176,219
166. Do they complain about the service stateside? 166
170. Anything in particular that look for or wait to hear first?
I'am in business as well so reading body language and eye contact are very much a big component of understanding your suppliers or clientele. 170
172.Do you think you can ever trust men now that you've seen so many of us cheat?175
310. How often do you see clients at million dollar residences? In what ways do these clients differ from average clients in their attitude and level of service they request? 311, 312, 328
310. How often do you come across a client whose genitalia is suspect as far as having an STD such that you do not engage in any play with them? 311,312,328,361
313. Ever been busted by a client's wife in the middle of a session? 319
344. Has a client, ever offered you party favors while on a date. pot, blow, extsacy drugs. or Has anyone from an agency tried to offer you something. 350,377
365. Without naming any names, have you done anybody famous? 390
404. Are most of your client's on the shorter side (under 5'9")? 405
421. Do you think that guys like me get a better chance to know our own bodies, as well as how to work with you ladies? Is SP'ing a good way of doing this? 425
439. have you ever refused a client and what was your reason? 442,482,496
439. do you like guys hairy or smooth? 442,496
462. How many of your gentlemen callers are cut, uncut or neither? 481,482
463. Do you prefer cut or un-cut ? 481,482, 536
586 What % of your male clients are shaved or at least trimmed down below? 589
588. Do you prefer a hairy (Sean Connery/Austin Powers), Or do prefer a shaved chest? 590,601
847. Do you lovely ladies prefer a man to be clean shaven on the face? 848,849,853,1001
847.Does a beard cause issue with DATY or any other services? 848,849,1001
929.How do you shave your bikini zone and not get those little red welts? 930,933,964
929.How do you remove the hair that is up around the anus? 930,933
445. This question is for the agency ladies (not for independents). Is it appropriate for a man to ask the agency lady for contact info (cellphone, email, FaceBook, etc.)? (FYI: I ask SC dancers all the time but I realize that is a different venue.) 446,482
448. Do guys ever ask you for your real name? 448,451,482
503. What % of clients have asked you for BBFS? 522, 537, 573, 581
766. have you ever blackmailed (for good reasons) a client? flipside..have you ever been black mailed..maybe a bible thumping bastard of sorts!?
805. Have you ever met a man with more or less than 2 testicles? 807,822
824. How often do you meet a client, hope to see him again, but never do? 826,828,830,840,843,846
824. Do you hurt sometimes when a client moves on or is it just business? 826,828,830,840,843,846
825. Have you ladies ever had a blind or deaf client? If so, was the situation awkward or a walk in the park? 826,827
835. Did you ever ask the blind men came to choosing you? Or do you think the agency would have intervened there? 835
854.Have you ever felt physically in danger? 855


Registered User
May 8, 2009
The Client continued...

854. What about dealing with drunk or wasted clients? 855
931. Are most of your clients "degreed"? 931
955. Have you ever considered being mistress to some rich guy? Has such an opportunity ever presented itself. 955
958.Is it common for an escort to practice her trade in the same town where she was born and raised? 959,1000
958. Has a client ever asked to see your ID to "verify your age"? 959,1000
1318. have any of you provided service to a gentleman with body modification? or refused service beause of the amount of piecing on the member? 1324
1021. Do you find most clients are looking for a passionate , take their breath away encounter or more of a fun time with fuck some. laugh some, fuck some , etc. ? 1022,1024
1046.How many clients have you seen that are physically disabled (eg. wheelchair bound or a chronic non-infecious disease/condition that disables portions of their body)? How many of your clients have been mortally ill (eg. have cancer and told several months to live - and you can tell from the way they look that they're ill). 1048,1052
1046. Have you ever had clients that you thought were underage, like a 16 year old guy who wants to break the seal on his virginity? 1048,1052
1046. Have you ever unintentionally offended a client such that he wanted to end the session over it? 1048
1046. Have you ever been hired by a married guy to come over to his house while his wife was home, but unaware that you were an SP (eg. he told her you work at the office) so that he could nut right under his wife's nose with another woman? 1048
1046. Have any clients ever asked for you to engage in sexual acts with animals they have in their home (eg. dog, cat, bird, guinea pig, hamster) 1048,1052
1056. Have you ever entertained an active member of LE ? If yes, were you nervous (they do carry guns you know)? 1057,1060
1061. Ever been hired by a politician, minor celeb, known Toronto personality? 1063
1064. Do you find the majority of men shoot their shot while inside the V or do you generally have to finish them off with BJ/HJ?.
1066. have you ever encountered a customer who cries during sex? or some kind of weird habit during sex. 1067,1080.1084
1071. Does any of your regulars owe you money for session spent? like they wanted to extend the session but ran out of moolah... 1080
1072. Have you ever encountered someone who prays or recites the bible while in the act? 1077, 1080,1093
1072.How about requests to not shower and the client just smells you all over? 1077,1080,1084,1093
1072. And requests for a wrestling session? 1077,1080,1084,1093
1083. The Fraser Parliamentary Committee on Prostitution in Canada came up with some interesting stats some years ago. A couple of them: 15 - 20 % of johns just need affection, not sex,40% seek domination Has this been your experience? 1093
1085. How do you know when you're stressed out from this? How do you deal with it? 1089
How familiar do you become with your clients? 1089
1090. How long does it take you to spot the professsional hobbyist ? The guy that knows the drill and has obviously seen many SP's . 1092
1092. Other than telling you or using the "jargon" what gives them away ? 1092
1092. Once you establish he knows the terrain do you feel a little relaxed or does your spidey sense kick in and you think I better keep a close eye on this one (LOL) ? 1092
1092. Do the professionals usually have a game plan where they move you from activity to activity or do you believe you are generally in control of the sequence of events. 1092
1104. Do you prefer a client with manners but not good in bed or a client without manners but very good in bed? 1106
1112. So, what are the top 5 questions clients ask you on a routine basis? 1114,1116,1138
1112.Do you get a lot of people trying to "save" you, and are you tired of it? 1116
1130. what % of the clients the SP actually enjoyed having sex with and what % are "just business". 1138
1164. What professions or lines of work (or enterprise) were your most well-to-do clients in?
I'm not interested in the immoral gigs so exclusive of investment b(w)ankers, CEOs/CFOs/CIOs/Chairfarker, lawyers, police, excise and custom types, politicians, notary publics, and escort agency owners, what were the guys doing? 1165
1212. Is it true that women find "angry Black men" sexually exciting? 1221,1232
1247. Would you care if a client wore track pants to a meeting? Would it make a difference if he was cleaned-up, but still wore trackpants? Does attire make a difference? 1249,1251
1252. How are most clients dressed when they are standing at the door? Suit and tie? Jeans and shirt? 1253,1257

Unanswered Questions
119. How do client approach you when they want to have a 3 some with their SO, if the SO is quite conservative?! What way can you convince her to actually do it?
1101. Note I am not being racially discriminated here, but do you girls find certain racial group have a stronger "mojo" when performing the hanky-panky act?
1101. You heard the "african"-esq gentlemen has a longer-than-average "middle-leg" , is that true? Have you come across that from any of your clients? Does it really make a difference?
441.Seen questions about what clients ask you to wear, but what kinds of things do you like to dress up in to excite you?
1007. Have any of the SP ever run into a client with alot of genital modification?(body piercing, implants, metonomy)
1007.have any been injured do to the modifications?
1007. have you refused services because there were way to many things(piercings/implants) happening with the respected penis?
1046. What's the funkiest place that a client has wanted to have sex with you in (eg. his washroom)?
1055. Have you ever accompanied a client to a social or business event as "arm candy"? If yes, were you bored to tears?
1115.what underwear makes the best impression on you? Boxers vs. Briefs, Cotton vs. Lycra
White vs. Colour vs. Glow in the Dar
1142. A "40-year-old-virgin", do you have any advice for him to loosen "it" up?
57. Have you ever? or how many times have you had a celebrity or professional athlete as a client??? (no need to name names obviously)
1145.Do you ever get stupefied when seeing a celebrity for a call?
1190. Why do you miss seeing some clients?
1275. I am sure that all or almost all of your clients are "normal" human beings. Did you ever meet a client who really made you nervous? Someone who you thought might be a nutcase or an escaped ax murderer?
1294. What percentage of your clientele are incompetent, competent or great lovers?


Registered User
May 8, 2009
The Encounter

24. Generally speaking which gender is more skilled atDATY? 27.32,41
1261. what general advice can you offer guys on ways they can improve on their DATY techniques? 1265,1271,1272
1290. Is it true that generously endowed labia minoras on a woman means she engages in excessive DATY? Why is there such a large variation in size, thickness and shape of labia minoras? 1291,1293
459. Do you like you clit licked or sucked ? 469
575. G-spot Myth or reality? 576,577,578
614. how do you like your G spot stimulated? 614,621, 649
33.Do "dates" tend to follow a loose pattern ? Such as Kiss , Nibble , Suck , Lick , Finger , Suck , CG , Doggie , Mish , Cum , have a nice day . Or is there a true uniqueness to most encounters ? Examples of that uniqueness . 36,37
39.Well that's an interesting response because it makes me wonder how often you feel you are leading or are being lead by the client who may have a routine that they like to follow ? Which do you prefer ? 44
50. on bad are guys at kissing? 68,70,79
89. what percentage of the time would you say you are "acting" as opposed to genuinely enjoying the encounter or getting off? 104, 128, 149, 174
89. How often do you cum with a client if at all? 128, 149
255.Can't you ladies control your limbs when you are orgasming (is this a word?) ? 256,361
270. By a few SP's I have been told I was so hot, or I was the best at certain positions (usually right after her real orgasm - certainly felt real anyways), is she just saying this to boost my moral/experience or is it genuine? 272
662.How often does a client actually make you orgasm? 663
916. Do you ever have an orgasm during sessions? I'm referring to time with a male client. All the time? Some? Never? 924,927
1204. how often have you faked orgasm with a client? 1205
111. what is the most surprising or thoughtful gift you have received? 113, 158
784. When I see an escort I like, on my second visit I like to bring a gift. What suggestions would you like? Personal, and just overall. 786,787,793,810
784.How much is a good tip? 786,810
784. For incalls, I like to have a few things ready. Tea, coffee, cold drinks, clean towel in the shower and one by the bed for her to spit my sperm on, etc. Would you recommend anything else? 786
97. The last thing that runs around in my mind right before the SP opens the door is usually "Please let this not be a B&S" or "Please be hotter in person".So what is the last thing that you're thinking just before you look through the peephole or open the door? 100,108
114. What things do you do in a session to minimize the unpleasantness? 116, 158
131. How many times have you had a man not being able to get it up during an encounter?
Did you take it personally?What kind of excuses the man made? 132, 163, 174
191. Do you feel bad if the client have pre-mature ejaculations and they have only book for half hour. Is it possible to get another go if he does? 192, 193, 195
220. How often do you get outfit requests (lingerie, etc)? 223,251,361
972. just how uncomfortable is that hot looking lingerie? 975,976, 1000,1001
220. Do you find them to be a big nuisance (for standard stuff, nothing outrageous) to deal with? 223,251
220. How uncomfortable is it to have sex while clothed (including wearing heels)? 223,243,251
260. How did your first anal go, hurt, or have you tried? 262
284. How often do clients ask if they can photograph or film you? 287, 290,306 How often do you say yes? 290,306
303. Are your limits absolute, or are they "general rules", which are sometimes broken? (e.g., kissing, DFK, Greek, etc.) 304, 307,309
310. Would you defecate while allowing a client to watch if he requested it? Conversely, would you sit and watch a client defecate if he requested it? 311,312, 328
310. Ever fucked brothers or twin brothers simultaneously?311, 312, 328,361
310. Have you ever unintentionally hurt a client during play (eg. oops, I can't get that beer bottle out of your asshole, it's too deep in now)? 311, 312, 328
310. How often are clients verbally or physically abusive? How many clients get off on verbally degrading you while you're engaged in sexual act with them? 311,312,328
310. What % of clients don't want sex at all but just company only? 311,312,328
310. How long does a cock have to be before it hurts you to take it balls deep or so that it's impossible to take it balls deep? 311,312,328
310. Have you ever been unintentionally physically hurt during sexual play with a client (eg. the equivalent of a virgin girl biting a guy's nuts during oral)? 311, 312, 328
310. What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while with a client (eg. you take off your panties and discover skid marks all over them)? 311,312,328
313. What do you enjoy the most sexually (giving and receiving)? For example, do you just love receiving oral or getting your salad tossed while a vibrator is on your clit? For giving, do you enjoy giving handjob, blowjob, footjob over other activities? 319,361
313. What's the strangest fruit or object that a client has ever wanted to put in you? 319
339. As it regards cancellations/no shows, is there an understanding of the time and effort some clients make to clear their schedules and travel to an appointment? 373
341. Has a client ever cum in your mouth and you weren't expecting it? How did you react?
Every give a freebie? 378


Registered User
May 8, 2009
The Encounter Continues...

310. Have you ever puked while giving a client a bj? 311,312,328
420. Do you prefer incalls or outcalls, why?" 420,429
480. This question is for the agency ladies. Would you like the opportunity to briefly chitty chat with a client over the phone to get a sense of his personality, ability to converse, likes, dislikes, BEFORE he books and BEFORE he shows up on the other side of the peephole? 484
503. What % of clients have asked you for BBFS? 522, 537, 573, 581
554. Do you like being fisted? 555,559,591
554. Do you mind clients doing it to you? 559,591
557.If a client wanted to have a 3-some with you and a Tranny (one that would pass as a women), would you do it? 558, 560, 561, 567, 569,802
564. Have you ever been paid to take someones virginity ? 565, 560, 570,574,581
603. How does a first session usually go? Do you spend much time chatting or just jump right into it? How do YOU prefer it to go at a first meeting? What makes you happy? 605
751. When it someones first time using a SP, would the SP like to know that ahead of time? If so would this change the service the SP usually provides? 751
769. Extended visits and travel. Are there concerns or thoughts from the lady`s perspective of such a long encounter, especially where it would be inconvenient to leave if there is a personality conflict. 769,772
762. What time of Day do you prefer to see clients? Does it matter? 763
854. How patient are you with limp biscuits, how often do you get a limp client who expects you to get him hard when it`s just not hapnin`? 855
784. What would be the best way to ask if the SP does extras? 786,787,795
794. When having sex, do you prefer have your lover hammer away in a frenzy, or start with a slow measured pace, building up to a frenzy at the end? 794
868. From your experience(or in talking with other sp`s) is there a correlation between price charged and STD`s?? 869,871,877
854. If you`ve worked outcall, are 4am calls nerveracking, is there more uncertainty or creeps at different times? 855
948. How many showers do you take on days when you are "on duty"? Do you ever shower with clients? 948,951,954,973
1229. ladies in the biz shower/bathe much more frequently than the average joe/jane. What soap do you recommend? 1230,1233,1235
992.Do you ever get requested to masturbate to climax in front of the client? If so, do you find it hard to fully concentrate and reach the O? 995,1000,1001
1000. Which leads me to asking, what is your favorite outfit when youre meeting a client for the first time. 1000,1008
1032. Do you have any music on when you are "in session"? What about radio and/ or TV? 1037
1035.Why do some SPs feel compelled to act… such as fake moaning and fake O’s? 1036
1035. Do SPs say sweet things to clients during the session that are untrue but are simply meant to be part of the fantasy? 1036
1095. Do you girls like to wear pantyhose during the session? 1098
1095. How come girls in real life don`t wear pantyhose as often as in the past? 1098
1102. Do you generally consider a duo with a john and another sp: 1105
a) more work and more demanding than a 1 on 1
b) less work and may even be more fun depending on who the other girl is
c) usually, about the same
1103. What do you feel is the most underrated erotic act or practice?
1118. What`s the big deal about the passing of the envelope? ie How dare you hand it to me, put it on the dresser where I can see it. 1138, 1156
1129. I have noted some of the SP`s won`t look into the envelope until the session has ended/even after the gentlement is gone...What kind of safety measures do you have to ensure that the gentlemen won`t shortchange you? 1138
1159.During that 5 to 10 minute period from the end of the "formal" session until the client walks out the door (in an incall), do you hang around starkers or do you throw some clothes on? 1161
1192. What have you been asked to do professionally that you really, really wanted to do, but said no.... 1193,1195,1201,1203,1218,1220
1197. Has somebody ever been so good that you have given them a free session, or made them stay longer free of charge? 1198
1277. I would be interested in the percentage of guys when you feel "wow this is great, I hope he comes back often." as opposed to the percentage of guys to whom you think, "OMG I just wish this was over, this guy is an AH." Probably most in between. 1278

257. What is the most # of orgasms have you ladies had in one session?
204. does have you been over powered how sweaty a guy gets(becomes) while with you........are you turned sometimes by that or sometimes not!?
225. Do SP`s enjoy`s sex & maintain their sexual appetite for their 2nd, last or last customer? or they just have a feeling of have to do sex with a client.
778. What`s the most number of SOG`s a client had in a session? How long was the session? On the flip side, what`s the most number of times you came in a session?
867. Do you get frustrated or insulted if a client, while stiff, can`t cum? Or at least not in a timely manner?
1118. When guys cum, typically the intercourse stops, is this frustrating for women if you haven`t finished?
1129. Have you encountered someone whom put in something like an IOU or some sort of foreign bills in the envelopes
1236. Have you ever broken any furniture while performing in your line of work?
1280. How many SP`s check out the directory of bad clients mentioned in the following sticky:
1320. Ladies, do you go on a trip out of town or even country with a client and what is the best/weirdest locations you have been to ?
1320Isn`t it similar to hoping into a stranger`s car even if you `know` the client ?
What is the most awkward situation you have been in when going to a party/dinner/function with a client as his lady for the evening.
1320 And finally, are their requests for any music to be played in the background during the playtime and if so, what tune ( if any ) sets your mind to the ultra erotic mode ?


Registered User
May 8, 2009
Getting to Know Your Friendly Neighborhood SP

3 Recently had an SP tell me how much fun she was having with women as well as men clients which got me thinking how often do Sp's get solo female clients .Is it 1 in 10 , 2 in 10 or once in a blue moon ?4,10
6. What are hookers' biggest fear. Getting old?, getting warts? etc... 12, 29, 174
7. Have any of you ever get beat up and did you report it to the police? 16
13 Whats your favorite novel? 21,78, 174,361
14 Have you ever had guys try and 'talk you out of it' too? 27
18 Do Sp's actually pay to have sex with an SP they are attracted to ? 22,32
20. Have you ever become romantically attached / attracted to a client? 27,28,32,82
80. What do you find attractive in men? I'm not referring to clients, but a guy you'd meet in "civilian" life. 94, 174
46. Were you a goer in high school? 49, 54, 174
46. How old were you when you had intercourse for the first time? 47,49, 174
59. Are you ever envious of clients who obviously have a lot of money and can buy their pleasure on a whim while you have to work at providing that pleasure ?60, 174
73. Have you ever been hired to convert a Gay Man(by friend or family of guy so be it)!?
secondly 74
73. what is the oldest virgin you had deflowered!? 74
77.Have you ever been called to an appointment and it turned out to be a relative(close or distant) that was the client? Or one of your good friends, or someone you knew and didnt expect to hobby? 297, 299, 301, 306, 361, 497
Did you go through with it?
80. Do you have friends that are outside of the business with whom you talk (about the business, that is)? 94
151. Do escorts, especially those in incalls, TALK about clients among themselves? If yes, what do you talk about? 168, 174, 194
93. what is your favorite aspect of being an escort (aside from the money)? 95, 127, 163,174, 361
97.Gen, did you go ahead and lick the cumsicle? If so, did his creation actually turn you on? 108
109. Do you remember the first client you ever saw as an SP? Were you nervous or scared? 110, 112, 122, 125, 361
114. How often do you work at the wrong time of the month? 116,158
114. Do you ever feel bad about what you're doing? 116, 158, 361
119. Have you ever consider dancing and/or MPA as a vocation before settling on escorting? I have met many dancers who told me they also offer escort services on a "selective" basis (i.e. they pick and choose which men they meet at the SC to offer this service ). 147
136. Have you ever consider dancing and/or MPA as a vocation before settling on escorting? 163, 361
151. How do you feel when the same client comes back to see your best friend but not you (a bit jealous? ). 168, 174
171. Would you say your professional experiences have buoyed your faith in mankind or made you shake your head and worry for our future. 177, 178
179. How often does your work wear aka Lingerie aka Candy wrapping get swiped?...and how often have clients asked to purchase your well worn and female scented adornments!? 186
183. How often do you get fucked outside the industry, give it away for free. 189, 190
183. Is it hard or impossible to have a relationship when you're an escort? 189, 190
183. Are you exhausted after work? 189, 190
183. Do you ever lose (or loose for some) interest in sex when you're having so much of it, mostly with guys you're not physically attracted to. 189, 190
196. Do you play video games? 198
199. Do you like walks in the beach ? Sunset or Sunrise ? 200, 201, 205
209.Is there any particular male pornstar that any of you have ever wanted to get with? 212,213,251
241. Do any of you SPs enjoy Star Trek at all? If so which series did you prefer the most?241,251
260. can you tell when your pussy stinks? 262
260. For the bi ladies, if you were cut off for a month and were horny as fuck, who would you choose, girl or guy. Is the attraction the same for both? 262
260. How often is sex on your mind? 263
273. Is it just as hard for an SP to retire as it is for the clients? Aside from giving up the income, quitting knowing that your sexual variety is going to stop. 275
486. Do your family members know what you do for a living? 487
283. Does your family know about this, I doubt it but i asked. 289, 299,306
633 Not sure if it was asked but have you ever been called for an appointment and the client was somebody that you knew in your civilian life?
647. To those who have revealed to ones that they are dating that they work as an escort.
How did that person take it? 648,677
652. Do you or have you used a fake boyfriend to attend family functions with to avoid questions about why you aren't in a committed relationship ? 653,655
292. What do you do for fun? 293,306
310. Do you have a role model within the biz (or similar biz) past or present? 311,312,328
314.What do you ladies consider to be the perfect man? 319
319. What's the most number of men you have been with at one time? personal or work wise. 319,797


Registered User
May 8, 2009
Your SP Continues....must finish this quicker before Cycleguy interupts again! :)

319.Have you ever done a DP? if so do you really like it or only do it for the guy? 319,797
319. How many guys had you been with before you became an SP? 319
321. Ever had a sexually transmitted disease? 325, 338, 378
322. have you ever been knowingly hired to make some clients SO or the like arm candy to a shin dig or the like and was a prop. 325
331. have you or would you join a client , that you had chemistry with , on a holiday that they offerred to pay for without also charging them a daily services rate ? 331
363. Do you ever think about leaving the profession? 376,377
370. Toronto women get blasted on here for being snobby bitches at clubs and around town in general, is that accurate or just bitter guys. What's your opinion on TO guys and the club scene?
370. For Gen, TO or MO, which do you prefer, are French guys more sexually forward and friendly, French girls less inhibited about sex? Do and don't like about each city? 377
395. How has the biz changed you, made you stronger, like or dislike men more, empowered?403
What do you like on a hotdog/hamburger? 417, 418,419
How do you prefer your steak?417,418,419
Have you ever eaten brown beans out of the can? 417,418,419
What is your favorite color? 417,418,419
What is your favorite number (Fred had me ask this for his Keno picks) 417,418,419
Would you like a coin purse made out of my pubic hair? 417,418,419
Which came first – The chicken or the egg? 417,418,419
If you could only have one fruit for the rest of your life, what fruit would you choose? 417,418,419
Do you own a lawnmower? 417,418,419
Do you like to bowl? 417,418,419
Do you own more than 50 pairs of underwear? 417,418,419
Have you ever had a dump that looked like a client? 417,418,419
What do you wear at home when you are relaxing?417,418,419
What is your favorite TV show? 417,418,419
PC or Mac? 436,443
Pepsi or Coke?
Digital or Film?
Rogers or Bell?
Coffee or Tea?
Swiss Chalet or Harvey's?
Beer or Wine?
Real or Fake?
BlackBerry or iPhone?
Doggy, Mish, Cowgirl, Reverse, Spoon, 69, or what?
Incall or Outcall?
Innie or Outie?
CIM or not?
Dog or Cat lover?
White Meat or Dark Meat or Tofu?
Religious or Spiritual?
Yahoo! or Gmail or Hotmail/Live?
Labels or No Names or Knock Offs?
Generic Drugs or Brand Name Drugs?
Creation or Evolution?
Liberal or Conservative?
Butter or Margarine?
Sugar or Artificial Sweetener?
McAfee or Norton or Freeware/Shareware?
Homebody or Partygirl?
Agency or Indie?
Now or Eye?
Urban or Suburbs?
Left Brain or Right Brain?
Safe or GFE or PSE?

434. And the gynacological: lube. Yes/no, when, where, how, types, good, bad, accidents, colours, flavours, practical jokes on coworkers? 440
458. How often do you masturbate? 469
461. What birth control method are you on? Have any of the following devices ever been inside you? 481,482
1) Tampon (probably yes).
2) IUD
3) Sponge
4) Diaphragm (check spelling)
5) Nuva Ring
6) Dildo
7) Miscellaneous
467. How many guys do you think you have had sex with, and how many of those are outside of work (not been paid for)? And what age did you loose your virginity? 469,482
483. How bad is it when you get Semen in your eye(s)...visine a good remedy? 525
483. Have you ever had to put ice on you kitty after a hard day at work!? 525
486. Have you ever been pregnant by a client? 487
784. Asides from condoms for STD's and the like, how many escorts are on the pill to protect against pregnancy? Which brings another question, how many escorts have ever become pregnant by a client? 787,789,795,810
486. How many times a year do you get tested for HIV/STD? 487
486. What is a avg yearly income (estimate)? 487
503. How many escorts that you know find a sugar daddy client and leave the business to spend life with him? 522,537,573
503. Do you ever feel physically and mentally dirty having been with multiple men in a day/week and just find it hard to feel clean? 522,537
503. How do you prepare for a client? Do you have a routine of not eating for a certain period beforehand? Do you get a certain amount of sleep etc? 522,537
503. Will you tell your future partner that you used to escort? 522, 537,581
503. How often have you run into clients in public when you're not on the job? 522,537,573,581
506. How old were you when you started? 537
506. How did you get into it? 537
506. Was this a free-choice that you made alone? 537
506. Have you enjoyed it some of the time?
506. Do you like your clients? 537
541.Do you ladies approach men in your personal life if you're interested in them, I find women never do. 544
541 Gen, how many men or women do you want to get it on with in school? 544
543. Some ladies say they are "wettest" before their cycle but some ladies say they are "wettest" after their cycle. Is there a common pattern? 543
552. Do you ladies approach men in your personal life if you're interested in them, I find women never do. 552
575. What where you like as a child/early teen ? Were you the Geek who didn't fit it in? Part of the Popular group? 576,577,578
600. Have your sexual preferences in your private life changed as a result of experiences with clients ? 601,604
600. Were you surprised to find out you could have fun fucking guys over two to three times your age ? 601,604
615. would you say you are good with saving money? 623
661.What is you all time best escorting experience? 664
706. If any additional precautions SP's take against possible pregnancy (failed condom or anything similar) 706
708.Here are a couple of cervix questions:
1) Sometimes I feel an object shaped like the end of my ring finger (minus the nail) at the back end of the vagina. This object extends about a half inch into the vagina. Its surface area is extremely smooth and is wet. Is this the famous CERVIX? 726,727
2) How do you ladies really feel when a gent bumps into the cervix during whatever? Be honest now.
758. cervix. Does the cervix protrude the most in cowgirl and the least (if at all) in missionary and/or doggy? 758
728. It's been mentioned by a few terbites that many SPs and dancers have
black boyfriends. Any particular reason? 732,737
746. here's a special soap for pussy??!! 746
770. "How did you get started in this Business? 775
781. how common are lesbian SPs? 782,783
781. If a good friend of yours complains about being poor would you recommend this job to them? 782,783
796. I would like to know if any of you ladies have shown up at a hotel room (for example) and when the door opens it is someone you know. How do you feel about continuing with the transaction? 799 many customers do you average per night and do you make them take a shower first? 810,
824.What's the longest you've went without sex? 826,828,830,840,843,846
823. Can escorting be lonely at times? 826,828,830,840,843,846
824. Do your relationships usually end from jealousy from your job, or stem from your job? 826,828,830,840,843,846
824. How would you compare work sex to SO sex or flings where you want to fuck someones brains out b/c you can't resist them? 826,828,830,840,843,846
824. Do you ever yearn for non-work sex? 826,828,830,840,843,846
824. Is work sex enough to fulfill your needs? We pick you girls, you don't pick us, does this make any sense? 826,828,830,840,843,846
845. Have you ever participated in a sexual event involving small animals? 846,856,857
852.Are you lefthanded? 856,857
852. Where do you hide the icepick? 856,857
852. Do you sleep in the nude? 856,857,861
917. What motivated your decision to become a prostitute? 933 I understand that you wanted or perhaps needed the money, but only a rare breed of women choose to do what you do. What makes you different? 920,923
944.There are bisexual SP's who eagerly eat pussy but insist on giving guys CBJ .Aren't they fooling themselves by thinking there is much less risk in eating pussy versus BBBJ ? 946,948,952,957
991. Do you ever let your real name slip? 994,1000,1001, 1202
1027.Ever used a female condom with a client? 1031


Registered User
May 8, 2009
Knowing your SP continues.......

1035. How easy is it for a SP to retire to a monogamous relationship? After sampling dozens or hundreds of men, she must have unforgettable memories of A who gave the best daty, B who had the best dick, C who made her come most times, D who was the most handsome, etc, etc. 1036
1039. Does your Gyno know what you do to earn a dollar? If yes, does he or she offer any advice? Also, do you feel "expose" when your Gyno does an "internal" ? 1040
1041. s there a nurse in the room during the "internal" to ensure the Gyno doesn't molest you? 1042
1045. What is good "wambo minki" music? What about 1812 Overture with the cannons shooting off?
1112.More thoughts: I have met dancers who refuse to let themselves become aroused. Pretty Woman had the famous "no kissing" thing going. Is there a part of yourself that you save for interactions with your S.O.? 1116
1112. If you are bi, when (and how) did you realize it? 1114,1138
1117.Do you ever have any really bad dates that come back to haunt you? If yes what is it that bothered you about the guy . 1119, 1155
111. When two women 69 (soixante neuf for gen), do you like the top or bottom or does it matter? 1138,1156
1121.So really what do you girls do during your sparetime when you're not working? 1125,1138
1160. Would any of the lovely SP's on this board find it awkward if the "John" genuinely wants to get to know you without indulging any "naked" fun?
1190. What did you discover about yourself that surprised you the most? Sex, Types of men you prefer, finance, cuisine etc. How have you been changed?
1224. Do you ever wish you had been born male? For example, you would likely be taller. Also, have you ever suffered from penis envy? 1226

1281. Do SPs keep "bucket lists" (mentally or otherwise) of cool stuff they've done with clients?
Do SPs compare these achievements with each other? Kinda like guys trading fishing tales?
1283. I think this thread would make a good book. If you do roleplaying what role is requested most? What role do u like to play the most? How does the script go? 1285
1307. Assuming you get married, then found your hubby is hobbying, what would you think? what would you do? 1313
1175. One of the escorts stated that she will not accept any clients north of 50 because it reminds her of "grandpa" . When you engage in wambo minki with a guy in your own age group, does it remind you of your brother? 1178,1179

Unanswered Questions
99. Have you and two of your fellow escorts ever been hired to attend a private stag party and found one of the gents so attractive that you performed the "deed" with him gratis?
119. When did you first discover that you were suitable for this profession?
197. Have you ever given a freebie to a good looking dude at a private stag party?
447. How many ladies are innie, outie or partial ? I noticed that both AJ and Gen answered innie already.
460. If making an outcall to a clients residence do you worry about the SO showing up unexpectedly?
477. How old were you, when you start escorting?
477. Did you look for an agency, start indie or were you actively recruited?
549. For those who do not offer anal, do you it in your personal lives or just not interested?
if you don't offer greek, why not?
850. Have any of you ladies ever worked as/considered/ or do modeling?
851. Has a client ever recognized you in the street and tried to strike up a casual conversation like you're old friends?
851.How about an awkward business conversation in front of your friends or family?
1120. Given the lucrative amount that one can potentially earn in the business, what kind of "luxurious toys" have you guys bought to reward yourselves for the hard work you put in? 1138
how do you guys keep your hard-earned "donations"? At a bank? Put them all on investments like stocks, gold & diamonds? or a vault at somewhere safe?
1120. Did any of your bank managers ever questioned "where" did you get all that "donations" from?
1240.Let say you have a 15 year old son, and you stumble on his stash of "girlie" magazines while cleaning his room. Would you:
a) Discretely make those mags "disappear".
b) Rip them to shreds and throw the pieces on his bed and then beat the crap out of him when he gets home.
c) Smile to yourself knowing that you have a normal, healthy hetero (not that there is anything wrong with the other 10,000 sexual varients) male child who is naturally interested in and curious about the female body.
433. Family and friends know? If yes, what do they think. If no, what do they think you do?


Registered User
May 8, 2009
The Infamous TERB

50. Is there an sp meet and greet event anywhere in the city? 51
114. How much of your terb persona is make believe? 116,158
161. How many terbites? if they're saying. 162, 176,219
260. Do many of the girls read TERB but are just lurkers? 262,361
415.Have you ever had a client threaten you with a bad review unless you gave him a freebie or extra? 417,418,419
260. Is it hard not to comment in one of your reviews, difficult to take if there's criticisms? 262
260. Do you look for reviews of yourself and maybe even disappointed if there aren't many? 262,301
670.Do you ever laugh while reading some of the reviews we post, especially the ones bragging "I made her cum three times in 1/2 hour!!!"? The clients "impressions" of the session and the reality from the girl's point of view are often divergent, it seems? 671,676
676. Asked by SP: The one thing that always boggles me is the obsession with describing every positions taken, in what order, for how long, etc. That and the way the SOG(s) happen(s). Why is this so important for you? 679,681,682,683,684,689
1151. Are there reviewers who you know are so full of shit but you bite your tongue because it is a losing battle . 1158
1170. I would first like to ask the ladies whether they laugh reading their reviews. 1171,1173,1184
1170. Secondly.. how often do the reviews actually tell the real story? 1171,1173,1184
1151. Have you ever read review on yourself that made you question if the guy who wrote it was actually in the same bed as you . Either you thought it was a so so encounter and he's praising you to the god's or maybe you had a really good time and the review us just " meh " . 1158
1151. Do you read the reviews to learn how to do your job better or just for fun. 1158
1151. Do you PM other providers after reading a review about them to congratulate them on the positive press or lend support because some guy has done a hatchet job on them . 1158
276. Do you have better encounters with clients who you initially met/communicated with through TERB? 277,278,361
280. How many of your clients are TERBIES? How do you know what you know about them (e.g. PM's, TERB parties, the various forums, etc.)? 305
668.Have you ever asked a client if he is a TERBIE? Or, do you let him volunteer the info if and when he is ready. 673
370. When you get a PM from someone on here looking to see you, do you check his posting history for trollness levels? 377, 378
413. Which handle on terb have you've always been curious about from their posts, but never seen as a client? 413
550. How many pm's do you ladies get asking stupid shit that you would never do, dinner, movie, date, or to meet, etc? 550,555,571
612. Do terb members identify themselves as such? If yes what percentage of your clients have done so. (I'll go first...I do not) Does it make a difference if you know it is someone from terb? (not in services, just in your comfort level) 620, 654
722. Why don't more sps promote themselves by getting into daily terb conversations and engaging in some fun banter with the terb guys? 724
1151. Have you added items to your menu as a result of reading what the "boy's " are getting from the other girls . 1158
1151. Very few SP's participate on the boards but what percentage of the girls you know scan the boards at least once a week . 1158
1170. I would also like to ask whether most men are actually average to shitty in bed even though they give themselves high marks on Terb for their lovemaking techniques. 1171,1173

Unanswered Questions
1104. Do you PM a regular client(one who has seen you 2x or more) for follow-up just what like dentist do?


Registered User
May 8, 2009
Industry, Agencies, Finances & Stuff

283. How much do escorts make in a year? 289, 299,306
283. Is drug use a problem in the industry? 289, 299,306, 309, 335
395. Do girls do drugs for the most to numb the thought of being with someone they're not remotely attracted to? 396, 403
310. Have you ever known or heard of an escort that was so successful at escorting that they were able to live the high life - buy house, car, trips etc.? 311, 312, 328
310. You do it only for the money, so how much money for you to quit escorting altogether? If Joe Blow gave you $60k would you quit and never look back? 311, 312, 328
310. Ever think that this temporary job may end up becoming an unintended career? And if so, are you concerned about getting old? 311, 312, 328,361
310. Are sexual favors regularly given to your pimp(s)/agency owners (assuming they're male) either by you or girls you work with? 311, 312,328,361
313. Have you ever worked with any girls whom you believed were racist? 319
313. Ever worked with girls who you clearly think are not escort material? Are there many girls like this who may see one client and then quit immediately after realizing this isn't their life's calling? 319
370. Do you girls get approached? 377, 378
370. Are the working girls catty and nasty? Talk about others that they work with or other escorts? 377
With strippers I find they live in a fantasy land where guys are constantly fawning over them and the girls are always the ones in control (not that there's anything wrong with that), I've seen one poor guy wait for his regular and I don't think she ever came over to see him. Escorts get this too to a degree, can they separate real life from their job, can the ego of some of the girls get out of control? 396
404.Do agencies advise some of their SP talent that they will be slightly understating their actual age with a younger age online (by i.e. 24 = 20, 27 = 23, etc.)? Is the SP expected to play along if their clients ask their age in person (to see if it matches as advertised)? 405, 482
434. Does the agency have a tub of lube brought up to the suite by a bellhop, or lubehop, for a healthy tip of course. Bring your own? 440
486. Would you encourage a niece or daughter to participate in this career? If not why? 487
486. Have you ever had a pimp and is that how you got into the industry? 487
486. Do you ever think "oh my god what has my life become" and have regrets about the career you chose? 487
489. Based on your current hourly rate what would your ideal be for ; 536
1) Clients per day . 536
2) Number of days per week . 536
491. If the hobby was legalized, what impact would it have on your bottom line? 800
491. Would you be willing to pay taxes to have the industry come above ground? 800
608. would you gals like the industry to be legalized and regulated and in turn taxed like any other,
575. Do you fully declare your income for taxes? 576,577,578, 607,617
503. Are escort girls competitive with each other? Like if one girl is getting tons of business does everybody else get catty with her? 522,537
506. Do you any women who are trafficked as sex slaves? 537
650. how does one tell from an advert on the web that a woman has a pimp or was trafficked? 654
810. Have you ever actually met someone who was trafficked or pimped? I don't mean maybe but a for sure 100% true case. 809,810,812
814.Are the majority of sp's in all areas of work (micros to independents) trafficked or working against their will? 820
513. What % of girls working do you suspect aren't doing it of their own volition? 527
519.Do the ladies plan for the future? Save money, buy investments etc. generally or much like the general public? I suspect that many of you can't / won't do this forever and may wish to make the most of it financially. 526, 528
529.Have you ever been arrested for a prostitution related offense? What happened? 591
529. Have you had visits from bylaw or other government agencies? 591
549. Interview at the agency
549. How do agencies girls get hooked up with agencies? 553, 556, 566,654
is it via a friend/ or is cold calling through an ad? 553, 556, 566
549. Whats it like meeting the owner of the agency?553, 556, 566
549. What kind of questions does he/she ask? 553, 556, 566
549. Is he trying to figure out if you are undercover or something? 553, 556, 566
549. Do you have to show him/her your goods (basically get naked)? 553, 556, 566
549. Do agency owners ever sample (paying the full rate though)553, 556, 566
583. If the agency owner/manager does not see you nude before or after you are hired, then how does he or she know what the agency's clients are getting? (I heard that SC owners/managers ask their dancers to do a full 3 song stage show before they are hired.) 585
593. Whats your favorite thing about the bizz?
596. Do you think it's going to be hard to adjust to a normal job after working in this biz? You make good money and have flexible hours of your own choosing. Most other jobs are much more regimented and the pay not so good. 601,604
600.Has your experience in the sex trade given you a greater degree of confidence when dealing with people in the real world or is there no correlation ? 601,604
607, 608,610,617
686. if agencies are simply administrative experts and marketing gurus, how hard is it being independent? is it financially more lucrative to be independent? How much does the agency take? How is the percentage arrived at? is it a negotiation? 690,691,709, 713,716,723
811. Can an SP be successful in this industry without repeat customers or does she need to establish a stable of regulars to make a good consistent dollar. 820, 823
874.What do sp's do to protect themselves? I don't mean STD's, but violent customers, rapists, etc. Wondering if anyone hear takes any precautions, even if it's martial arts training. 875,876,877
878. Have you ever encountered anyone working as an SP who was underage? 884,933
904. How many sps actually have university or community college degrees? 905, 906, 916, 932,933
917. Do you think that sexual abuse early in life influences women to become sex workers? 920,923
917. How has working as a prostitute changed how you views on sex, and in society in general? 920,923
917. I see many women come and go from the various agency websites after only a short period of time. What are the most common reasons as to why they leave? Is it mainly because of the clients? 917, 920,923,933
929. Without naming any specific business, how do agencies actually treat their girls? 930,933
935. Is there a difference between a "female owned" versus a non-female owned agency? 936
1094. What about male escort for women? What is that market like out there? 1096
1174. How common is the practice of an escort being associated with 2 or more agencies? 1179,1183

Unanswered Questions
310. Ever regret entering the biz? Not necessarily resulting from guilt or public censure, but because there was another path and looking back you should have taken it.
310. What season is the best for business? I assume spring and summer, but to be sure.
404.For those with contacts in the porn biz, is Belladonna and Rocco S. correct when they say the overwhelming majority of porn stars who have been performing in the biz for a while have all contracted herpes (which would explain why they don't even test for it)?
488. When do you plan to leave the biz?
488. Do you have a specific exit strategy/goal, or do you plan to SP until it ain't fun no more?
549. Do agency owners have some common charactersitics? ie single , no children
549. Do they encourage more services to generate more income? ie bbbj, greek
583.Do you prefer to work for a MALE or FEMALE agency owner? Why?
583. Does the agency give you a full job description before your first day on the job? Do you know the job involves BJ and FS?
665.Do you get pissed when another girl in the industry takes your name? (of course, may sting more if you have a unique name)
1103. What have you learned during your professional career that you did not expect to learn?
1103. What is the most valuable thing you have learned during your professional career?
1174.On a related question, is it true that several agencies have different names but only one common ownership?
Your SP Continues....must finish this quicker before Cycleguy interupts again! :)
Sorry about that C-T... I was just trying to get clarification... you know, in case it ever came up... inquiring minds want to know.

found it: 313. What's the strangest fruit or object that a client has ever wanted to put in you? 319

Yikes still stands.
I guess I don't understand how your index works... I will go back and read the instructions again.

EDIT: Grapes? Seriously? **rolls eyes**
Last edited:


New member
Jul 14, 2009
that was a lot of letters


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
I'm not convinced this was the best use of your time, but I do admire your work ethic.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts