Where is the Magic in Friendships……….


Gone to the future.
NOTE: For those of you that have no patience for rambling and think terb is just for reviews, may I suggest you skip this thread and move on. It’ll probably just piss you off.

I have discovered over the last few years that there is a large segment here that believes this is not the place to find love. I am still on the fence on that issue.
If that is the where the truth resides, then I think it follows that this may not be the place to look for friendship either. What is friendship, but love to a lesser degree.

I have made what I thought to be long lasting friendships here. An investment of time and emotions have netted me some of the most memorable times of my life. For that I consider myself a very fortunate man.

Recently, some of those friendships have resulted in some very painful experiences. The loss of a friend to a disastrous medical and family situation has saddened me greatly. The loss of others to the inevitable “moving on” has at times left me feeling adrift. The loss of someone whom I felt was possibly a kindred spirit has left me questioning the sense of being in this “hobby” and even on terb.

I’m not looking for anyone to commiserate with me here, I’m just tabling the question of: “Is the pain worth the investment?”

Over the last month I have refrained from hobbying and posting to deal with two things. (I did notice when I looked one day that, there was my buddy Nautilus wondering where I was.) :)

Can I break the “addiction” to terb?

Can I deal with the loss of what I perceived as close friendships.

I think that I’ve conquered the addiction.

Only time will tell if I can deal with the loss of such cool friends.

I am looking forward to where my life will go next, for there is a new chapter starting soon.

I also realize that without the pain, there is no joy.

Take care.


Everyone needs a hobby!
Sep 28, 2006
Golden Horseshoe
I’m not looking for anyone to commiserate with me here, I’m just tabling the question of: “Is the pain worth the investment?”
Let me offer a weak analogy. I am not a young man, but recently decided to take up a new hobby of motorcycling just for the thrill of it. My SO said it was dangerous, and asked if I was afraid of dying. I responded no, I was afraid of not living.

Anything that makes you feel alive is worth doing. As long as one takes a balanced approach so that it doesn't become an obsession, I would consider the pain worth the investment.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Can I break the “addiction” to terb?
That's up to you and the reasons why you want to leave in the first place.
Is your addiction Terb or the actual hobby?

Can I deal with the loss of what I perceived as close friendships.
You will only be able to tell when you finally let go and move on to new friendships.

I think that I’ve conquered the addiction.
No you haven't... you're just recharging your batteries and your bank account.

P.S. Welcome back... :)
bOOTyMaN said:
Way to support him there bud...
LOL... MMoM... We're all a bunch of fuckups here. We share that as our bond. For whatever reason, we "need" to pay women for sex, and I don't care how much any of us think this is "great", or "normal"... it isn't! Many of us have fucked marriages (I used to have one), or we are unable to form "normal" relationships with women for, I presume, a multitude of reasons. We take comfort in the arms of strange women, who use false names because they're afraid someone will know who they really are. Many of us use fake names; invent false careers and false familys to mask our identities and protect our privacy. I know there are exceptions, but they are rare.

As much as I love many of the women we meet here, the reality is that when they retire or move on, we'll be dropped like hot potatoes. If you believe otherwise, I think you are dreaming. At one point, I thought I was falling "head over heels" for a KW SP. If you read some of my old posts, you will be able to figure out who. My brain told me "don't be stupid", but my heart said otherwise. I even thought the feeling was mutual. Then she retired, and I haven't heard a thing from her. To her, it was a business transaction, and that was all. I won't make that mistake again. I have since learned I wasn't the only one.

Some of the friendships we form with fellow Terbites are indeed special. Just like the bonds that form between members of AA. We can talk about our problems, feelings and addictions with each other. Fucked up people love being in the company of other fucked up people. It makes us feel normal.

I don't want to pee on your parade, and I don't want to come across as Dr. Phil here, but it might be time to give your head a shake...!

But then this is just my opinion!
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Jan 17, 2004
If you spend any meaningful time with an SP, it's inevitable to feel something for them, and perhaps they may feel something as well.

Wow, ain't that the truth????

Good luck Magic, take care buddy. It was a blast while it lasted. Thanks for being my friend. Contact me if you feel it's worthwhile doing so.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
magicmanofmassage said:
Can I break the “addiction” to terb?

Can I deal with the loss of what I perceived as close friendships.

I think that I’ve conquered the addiction.
Might I make a suggestion if it becomes too hard at some point? Open a new handle and use that one to occasionally log onto TERB while you are trying to get over the "addiction". It makes it easier to not see PMs that pop up from various personalities here.

Also, it is possible to quit the hobby and still be on TERB, as there are many here that have done so themselves. It's not easy (it's the equivalent of an alcoholic chatting in a bar) but you may find you have the strength to do it.

Good luck regardless of where things take you.


Throbbing Member
Apr 23, 2003
In exile from Madisen!
The Daulfin said:
Might I make a suggestion if it becomes too hard at some point? Open a new handle and use that one to occasionally log onto TERB while you are trying to get over the "addiction". It makes it easier to not see PMs that pop up from various personalities here.

Also, it is possible to quit the hobby and still be on TERB, as there are many here that have done so themselves. It's not easy (it's the equivalent of an alcoholic chatting in a bar) but you may find you have the strength to do it.

Good luck regardless of where things take you.
Sounds like something you're doing right now.;)


Semi-Retired Shill Hunter
Jul 15, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
Magic, Magic, Magic......

people sometimes forget that this is a Hobby that this is what we do in our free time we should not make this our obsession......... i have shared laughs here many, many, many times (usually while reading Calloway's, Indy's and your posts) i seem to also shared the concern regarding a good friend and what he is going through.....but think of it this way......there are worse things that I could be doing with my time out there....

take a break if one is needed after all you are not the young man you used to be :D


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
hammertm said:
True to a point, the Sp you are referring to had the exact same effect on me, so i do know where you are coming from on this and yes you weren't the only one.
Easy for you to say... haven't you dated half the SP's in KW? :p

You're experienced at this... poor Magic is still a rookie at SP relationships.


Used to hobby
Jan 24, 2007
ed_v said:
Let me offer a weak analogy. I am not a young man, but recently decided to take up a new hobby of motorcycling just for the thrill of it. My SO said it was dangerous, and asked if I was afraid of dying. I responded no, I was afraid of not living.

Anything that makes you feel alive is worth doing. As long as one takes a balanced approach so that it doesn't become an obsession, I would consider the pain worth the investment.
One of the best quotes I've ever heard. Thank you for that.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2006
guys...the stories I could tell from this side of things....One thing I can day MMoM..is that as an agency owner I wonder the same things all the time! Differences here and there of course..but sure. Every morning I look in the mirror, sigh, realize I spent four years in university. AND THIS IS WHAT I DO NOW. I feel a moment of infinite sadness for that, think about all the hotdog carts I could have bought, and then laugh out loud, grin like an idiot, realize how fucked up life is....and brush my teeth:D Now at first it may seem like by this statement I'm mocking your pain, and even used to think as I was laughing that I was mocking my own; but if you read carefully you'll find as I did, that there's something profound in there....not sure what..but it's there. Good luck buddy and I'll tell you, anytime you want to talk about anything just give me a call or PM. Friends are friends...there's no part time.


New member
Mar 16, 2007
I have been experiencing some of that pain.

I was not fooled or lead on, I simply got attached easily and too quickly over and over.

The summer of 2005, I decided to play the field, met several women.

Money is the motivation-some will ask for financial help outside of the service, some will not ask but scheming enough to make you take an interest in their lives.

Romance is rewarded with roses and chocolate.
Affection with jewellery
Other than that, an escort relationship is similar to her picking up a guy at the bar just for sex. There is no romance, no affection-it is all about money.

Few times I was fortunate to have wonderful times with several women, and experience some relationships where it was masturbating-the other difference was I wasn't using hands.
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