I think I've seen the Vanessa from EC you're looking for. She desribed herself as being "very sweet" in her ad right?
Here's a review: she works out of her apartment in a dumpy part of Gatineau. I wouldn't park my car there at night. Place was a bit dirty but she said she's on her way to a new place. Anyway, she is full figured, not overly fat but definitely not slim. Strech marks again (a trun off for me) but thankfully she's blessed with some amazing natural D cups. Face is cute enough I suppose. Has good attitude and was into it. Great CBJ and I was able to finish with that which usually doesn't happen for me. Not a bad time, but not really GFE and she could use some dental least she's easy to get hold of, unlike Britney or Nicole. If you're a breast man, you won't be disappointed.
Anyway, last time I saw her she said she'll be changing name soon. Think someone's who knows she's in the buisness has been bothering her for money or something. I only have the old email so see if it works: