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New member
Sep 9, 2004
Agreed. I saw her a while back before she moved spots. Maybe her new rent is higher or something but what used to be 5 greens looks like it is now 3 pinks with a new shower feature added. Service and conversation back then were good and she does have a stellar set of manmades but no reverse or bodyslide and she finished early as well. I would repeat at the lower price but for the new rate go see bethany instead. She is young, has naturals, she uses the whole time slot and the conversation is as excellent as the service.


New member
Sep 9, 2004
She's been with them for a few weeks and I have yet to see a review. Not sure if that is a good sign.


New member
Mar 30, 2006
Yes I saw her once and though it did go almost the entire time was disappointed in the massage and release. I thought on the release she was going to rip it right off, she was going so fast and hard


Nov 2, 2004
Wow!!! Somewhere I have read reviews that she was the best MP an pay for 45min..but she always goes overtime..the finish being the best....someone is 150 always has to be the best..


New member
Sep 9, 2004
She's good but not as good as her new prices would suggest. Bethany or Michelle cost the same and you'd have a hard time finding a less than stellar review of them.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
energizer5 said:
Ive seen her as well, and although she's a sweet person, easy to talk to, but for $150, my money would be better spent elsewhere.....
While a pleasant person, she did answer the phone twice during my session....and one of the calls, she chatted for at least 5 minutes....Mr. Happy quickly became Mr. Not So Happy....


Oct 1, 2005
I saw her recently through the new PK arrangement...

This was my first foray with the PK agency, I've been pretty much against the agency thing and stick to independents (with the exception of Indy's Secrets when Asian Michelle came to town)...however, the wicked rack/bod on Krissy had my attention for a long while with her massage ads. Seeing the reviews of her massage sessions being average and no extras, I wasn't that interested in seeing her. Then when the PK ads started with her pics doing the SP thing...I was like...well alrighty then... :D

I called PK and got a young guy (at least from the sound of the voice) and am assuming this is the Jason that people refer to there. I ask if Krissy / Victoria is GFE, specifically does she kiss. He says "Oh yeah! I asked her that when she signed up and she said yes". Knowing how people have referred to him online in other reviews as having no integrity and saying whatever to close the deal...I figured it was pointless to ask anyway. Sure enough it was...

Without going into to many details. Did an incall to her new location. Donation was requested upfront right away (2 browns for the hr) and then once that was out of the way, we chit chatted for a bit. Older looking than I was expecting, I would put her mid to late 30s. She has a big dog, which was no prob for me but just fyi. She is really laid back...too much IMO for the situation. She was constantly walking in and out of the room doing things while talking with me...she was making tea, checking her voicemails, rustling through cupboards, talking with the dog, doing the dishes...(joking on the dishes part, but you get the idea). Finally when she walked back into the room, I initiated things to get things going otherwise she would've just kept it up I'm sure.

Nice person, no question...but just not "in it" for this type of thing IMO. Acted very vacant, mechanical and just not into it from an intimacy/sensual point of view...very obvious that it's just a chore to perform and not even close to GFE and she doesn't kiss the old head turn and when I mentioned it, she said she didn't care for it...

Nice looking girl, great rack (natural) and nice personality and she seemed eager to please...not knocking that one bit...she's just not geared for this and it shows overall. Going through the deed, various positions and was little excuses here and there, switching things around or walking out of the room for something and checking her VMs. Just no "flow" to it...very dis-jointed. With all of that, there was no way I could complete the FS deed (as I need the sensual flow, foreplay, etc or it just ain't gonna work 'cause my head ain't in it...both of 'em...LOL) and she had to resort to a massage and finish to complete things. From a massage standpoint, wasn't anything too special either...

Nice girl, but she shouldn't be doing this IMO...won't be repeating anytime soon...
Jul 28, 2006
Jeezusss, answering the phone/ checking voice mail during a date is totally unacceptable and very unprofessional. This is YOUR time you've paid for it upfront, checking for other appointments during your session is just plain rude and disrespectful. That's like showin up with a few more of your buddies to tag team her, rude and disrespectful.

When i've found myself in similar situations I put things to stop. I've tossed tv remotes away and gently removed phones and hung them up, I've even asked one mid-romp to just go home now she was so mechanical and not at all living up to her claims!!

I don't tolerate that attitude. I'm quite surprised that a woman of her age is pulling that shit, usually the newer younger girls who don't know any better do that shit.

I would have asked her for 50 bucks back, just to prove a point. All you got was a high mileage massage. I would have also called the agency back and demanded some type of resolution or apology for the poor service and the inaccurate listing of options.

Guys, when we get poor service we can't just sit there and accept it. If we do then the poor providers will just continue to give poor service, if they keep getting the same feed back or reaction to poor service they just might get a clue and shape up or ship out. By doing nothing you are just enabling them to continue to provide bad service.


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
Cowboy Kenny said:
That's like showin up with a few more of your buddies to tag team her

ROFL CK you are awesome always make people laugh

Keep up the investigation work too :D


Someone needs to bitch slap Cerb

fart said:
Wow!!! Somewhere I have read reviews that she was the best MP an pay for 45min..but she always goes overtime..the finish being the best....someone is 150 always has to be the best..
Must have been on Cerb ...... over there every girl is the latest most wonderful GFE love you long time to die for prettiest sexiest wonderful charming can do no wrong etc etc blah blah blah

I'm an optimistic guy but if you read too much over there you feel like hurling .....


Oct 1, 2005
Cowboy Kenny said:
Guys, when we get poor service we can't just sit there and accept it. If we do then the poor providers will just continue to give poor service, if they keep getting the same feed back or reaction to poor service they just might get a clue and shape up or ship out. By doing nothing you are just enabling them to continue to provide bad service.
Trust pisses me off too, however for me there is a difference (in how I respond) depending on the type of situation/girl. What gets my blood boiling is when it's someone purposely yanking your chain / taking advantage of you, getting your money then doing as little as possible to just get you out the door. Thankfully, the last time I had one of those encounters was a long time ago (a number of you will remember my JetSet escorts review and long rant from over a year ago I'm sure...which was exactly one of those blood boiling situations). In my opinion, Krissy is NOT that...I truly believe she's just that vacant or doesn't really get least until I talked about it with her. So I didn't feel taken, I wasn't happy that the encounter wasn't what I was expecting...but wasn't upset with her because I did like her as a person.

For the record, I did talk to her (Krissy) about it at the end and she said that it doesn't seem to be for her...she thought she would just go back to doing the massage only thing as the SP thing wasn't really working out... That's why the massage with finish thing happened, she truly didn't want me to leave without getting off which is what I was going to do and she was feeling bad about it... Yeah, I know some people can act...but if it was acting, it was an oscar level performance...typically I can read people quite well.

It's really no different than people I encounter at work, there are soooo many people that are obviously not meant to be in the jobs they are in...but what can you do about it? Some people have more talent/aptitude for doing some jobs than others...there are some things that just can't be taught, like common sense, personality and attitude. Essentially...same applies to our hobby here too... The best thing is these review forums where we can get the word out to others about these lacklustre performers...

In the past, I have had those type of TOFTT encounters that you get screwed (not in the good way) over. I have called the agencies previously to communicate my displeasure to no avail. They just either say "Sorry, but nothing I can do about it" or "I'll have a talk to the girl and give you $20-40 off another one of my girls" but ultimately they don't give a rat's ass...seriously, they just live on the volume calls, the people that just call agencies and don't know about online review forums,'s not really about rep with them IMO. How many times have you seen PK's Jessica saying on this forum in various threads..."nothing I can do about it or what the girl does...we're just they're booking agent / scheduler". Just look at the number of ads on CL that advertise "No Restrictions", only for you to show up and findout there's TONS of restrictions. They really don't give a shit what we think, they pay us the lip service in telling us they care but they don't...

As for arguing and getting into a pissing match with the SP, been there...done's just a lose/lose situation, it gets you all worked up, some folks may "lose it" temper-wise, not to mention what kind of predicament you could get yourself into unknowingly. If this were a straightup legit business that you could report and had some leverage, then that would be a different story.


New member
s_licker said:
I have to agree with s_licker on this one, while I have never met is very obvious that those are 100% manmades .....On lighter note as A LOVER of women..all shapes and sizes..I'd say for a woman who may be in her late 30's or early 40's she is smokin hott..I'd do her :D


Oct 1, 2005
s_licker said:
I do believe the "look" is all in the support equipment. Any pic I've seen of her always has them holstered or her hands pushing them down / supporting them...but in person they do droop down, they don't stick out at all as with typical overdone boob jobs... I know I did say..."all natural?" when she first disrobed and she said yes to me.

When she's laying on her back, they're loose enough that they lay off to the side towards her armpits more than I would expect from a set of manmades.

So if she's got "any" manmade stuff in there, it sure didn't look it in person and I didn't feel anything in the playing around I did...but I didn't give them a mammogram level squeeze either though... LOL

I really couldn't care less whether they were real or not if I can't feel the implants under "normal" use...heh...I'm not a breast guy, so it's possible I didn't give them enough attention to tell absolutely.

I thought there were a few folks that saw her as an MP...maybe they can confirm that or not...


New member
Sep 9, 2004
Having seen them I think they are fake but she likely had them done a long time ago so maybe they are an older model. She is very hot for her age but they are just too big to be what she was born with and had kids with. That being said, I only had one of her low mileage massages so I am not making a "hands on" assessment.

All thing considered though, if she went back to $100 massages and maybe was a little less mechanical, I would go back. She is very easy on the eyes and a good conversationalist.
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