CupidS Escorts
Toronto Escorts

Platium One



Was there yesterday, saw a girl named Billy young blond nice tits and ass. First off she keeps me waiting a good 10minutes,i hae booked an hr man do I ever hate that, then starts trying to up sell me from the second she walks in. Well we talk about reversal and she wants me to get off the table so i can massage her first, That dosn't work for me as i tell her so she tries upselling to body slid. We settle for that 10 minutes into the massage she wants me to turn over(been here done that) I inform her i have booked for the hr and we have plenty of time. Not so my her clock we where 40 minutes in already
Lets just say that for a 60 time frame i was out in under 35minutes. Word of warning do not see this girl


New member
Dec 14, 2001
I had a similiar experience with billy. She tries to milk you until you pay 40-60 dollars for a body slide. She's really not into her job as some of the girls there but oh well. She is very pretty tho.

I suggest that you not fall for a pretty face but instead go for someone else. I would say 50% of the girls there will offer more of what the people want on this board ;)
Toronto Escorts