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When women attack - female on male assault

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I am curious to know how many Terbites have ever been punched or hit by a woman.

As of last night, my total is now 3.

Three times in my life, i have had a woman punch me. I have yet, and hopefully never will, done the same.

The first "incident" was with my girlfriend in University. We were at the beach, i was 21 years old at the time i think. We were horsing around. I was totally feeling the warmth of the day, the sun, the beach, she was a stunning 20 year old. I was the happiest guy in the world. I scooped her up in my arms and ran into the shores of Lake Erie and tossed her into the surf.

A very playfull situation, or so i thought.

She responds by punching me with all her might and fury right in the face, totally offended that i just took her into the water.

I was stunned. This wasn't a playfull punch, it was a right hook.

This girl was 6' tall and strong.

Needless to say, the day was pretty much over right there and then.

Second occasion, my ex that i lived with for many years. Every now and then, we would get into some heated arguement. The specifics of which I don't remember. But it would be a good one. Lots of screaming and yelling. On a couple of occasions, she would just loose it and attack me, usually arms flailing, coming at me like a bear. Lots of pushing and shoving. This one was only 5-6, but solid, not an ounce of fat and worked out every day.

Third occasion, last night. Out one a date with a woman, our fourth (and last) date. We go to some local pub. We're in this pub, I am not having that great of a time, it's smokie, very smokie. There's some bald dude playing guitar with a drum machine far too loud.

We eat some discusting pub food, you get the picture.

There's these two kids sitting beside us, at one time smooching up a storm. Well the chick i am with introduces herself to this guy who turns out to be from quebec. The woman i was with speaks french.

she is sitting on my right, him on my left, his girlfriend across from him. The two of them are talking past me for about 30 minutes without a break.

No lie.

Now, about this woman.

She is flakie, i knew that. But i truly think that there are some mental disorders occuring. For example, she will repeat statements several times, like 5 or 6 times. She forgets what she just asked, or what i just said quite often. She says things that literally don't make sense. One second she will be talking about X, the next, she will switch to Z. She's just all over the map. On the way over, she brought an elton john CD and cranked to 10 "This train don't stop here anymore". Played it twice. Then she proceeds to tell me that its the greatest song ever written.

"Don't you agree"

"It's ok"

"But it so accurately describes my life"

"But all he is saying is "this train don't stop here anymore"

"You didn't listen to it"

We listen to it again as she sings along.

Anyway, I knew that she was nuts, but, to put it nicely, i really liked her in bed.

Anyway, this is going on in the pub, and after a while the guys girlfriend disappears. The two of them are yacking away in french, which i understand about 80 percent of. The waitress is watching all of this and comes over and says to this guy, "your girlfriend has locked herself in the washroom crying"

He doesn't care.

Anyway, it's getting so fucking bizzare I just want out and to go home and be done with this so called evening.

So i get the cheque, pay for it, and say, "if you would like to stay, cool, but i am heading out"

she's pissed off, but we leave.

In the car, she says, "you're angry"

I tell her that what she did in there, i found disrespectfull (the exact word i used)

She then tries to tell me what the kid was telling her, blah blah blah.

I tell her i don't really care.

We are driving down younge street, getting close to her apt. and she says that i am "a small minded prick"

She starts up with the insults. Well i am looking straight ahead, pretty much keeping my cool.

Then she says, "there was never any connection between us"

And i say, "that''s good, because i never intend to see you again"

And she repeats, "no connection, no, no connection"

And i say, "well, that's probably why i can only be bothered to call you once a week"

I stop the car to let her out at the front door, and as she's getting out, she cold cocks me one in the right side of the head.

The door of the car isn't even closed, and i am on the gas.

Anyway, I find it interesting that in my life, i have had 3 different women sock me over one issue or another.

I think that a very real double standard exists out there where it is commonly believed that only men assault women.

As boys, we are taught, it is drummed into your head, never hit a girl. Boys don't hit girls. If i hit my sister, i was just about drawn and quartered.
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New member
Jan 8, 2002
Under no circumstances is it ok for a woman to hit a man.

The rules that exist for women and their right to not be abused (no matter what), apply no less to men and their right to not be abused (no matter what).

The first time needs to be the last time.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
never been really hit by a woman, but I have taken abuse from them that I would never accept from a man. I've been spit by a woman who did for no other reason then to try and make me respond. been slapped around a little, all mild shots but it went on for about a half hour until I snapped and yelled at them for about 5 minutes (this was in high school on the bus home, and when I got off the bus driver told me if he ever saw me yelling at them like that again he'd kick me off). A guy pulls shit like this, I'm a non-violent person but I probably go after him, woman does it you have to suck it up, it's the way things are.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Captain Kirk, I would be paranoid to fall asleep with any of the women you describe.
I have known a few women who said they would kill me or cut off my muchacho if I cheated on them, but I have never been assaulted.
I like to think that I would never hit a woman even if I had to defend myself, unless she is armed.
I can understand how some men can be driven to lose it and hit a woman, especially if he is facing potential bodily harm.
Some women seem to abuse the thought that they are immune from retaliation even if they deserve it.
It seems like a man giving a woman a smack is more common and acceptable in some cultures as long as restraint is exercised.
Any relationship that reaches this point should be severed immediately before things escalate and something else gets severed.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You wanna know the worst part of it...

I can't get that stupid fucking elton john song out of my head today.

After all this went down, you know what was going through my head?

I was thinking, man, i hope i didn't clip her with the car when i hit the gas to get out of there. (She stepped out, i didn't even wait for her to close the door, nor did i look back, just hit the gas to the floor.)

I was thinking i might get a visit from LE.

Try explaining that whole situation.

vidi vici veni

Pedantic Lurker
Aug 17, 2001
Across the Rubicon
james t kirk said:
You wanna know the worst part of it...I can't get that stupid fucking elton john song out of my head today....
James T. KirK:

You haven't lost your sense of the absurd! Thanks for providing that ending.:p


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This woman from last night, passionate in bed is an understatement.

She's an animal in bed.

I don't think there is a man out there who could keep up with her. I mean, she would get on top and ride and snarl and growl and scream. She's not into kissing, or cuddling or any of that. Just intercourse and lots of it and HARD. Last Saturday my knees were bruised from doing it doggie style. In her own words, " I don't get much out of anything, just POUNDING, the harder the better."

But not worth the noodle problems, no thanks.


New member
Mar 13, 2002
Why do I get such a kick out of other guys bad stories? Just makes me so happy I'm not with those woman I guess. I like sort of quiet women anyways, so it seems all the more unbelievable to me.
I hdd a gay guy slap me in the face in the Duke of Gloucester on Yonge when I said that I prefered girls from 16-20. I was drunk.


New member
Feb 11, 2002
Sad to hear that, but as someone once said,
" If they want equal rights, the get the right and the left"
Hitting a woman is not nice, but sometimes.............argggghhhhh.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
I remember when i was in high school and some girl i was going with kicked me in the balls one nite and i cold cocked her right upside the head and when my dad heard what was going on he came downstairs and kicked my ass for hitting her and told me under any cicumstances never hit a woman. when i look back at it now it still pisses me off. IF a WOMAN wants to act that way and wants to throw some punches she is game in my book to get blasted back. luckily i have never came across that situation in my life since then.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
there was a bit on the show Titus kind of on point to this, the father had a line some thing like "you never hit a woman, not if she hits you first, not if she threatens you with a knife, not if she tries to run you down in your own truck." I wouldn't got that far, woman pulls a knife on me she's going down.


a better fitting club
Dec 13, 2001
Hey James T...sorry man but I think weve been seeing the same psycho...Mine was doing the same stuff, forgetting things, we'd have the same discussion and she'd look totally stunned when I repeated my half of the discussion. Johnson kept me going back for almost a year, but the episodes just got way out of hand and I moved without telling her and got a new things are quiet but, the silence is golden.


P.S. are you sure she didnt open the door to take a second swipe at you as you were accelerating off??? (think about it):rolleyes:


Horny Bastard
Aug 19, 2001
Back in the USSR, eh.
Re: omg!!

sweetdiane said:

I was sooooo mad, I got up and punched him square in the face.
He ran away!!--- and I ran after him. I never caught him.


What would you have done if you had caught him? Would it have been OK for him to defend himself by punching you in the face?

Just wondering.

A few years ago, I was in a bar in Hamilton and saw a guy (drunk) giving a girl a hard time. I wasn't sure if it was his girlfriend or wife or if he even knew her. It was just verbal so I was minding my own business and finished my drink. I got up to leave and as I was approaching the end of the bar they were at, he grabbed her by the arm. Of course, I already know enough not to get involved, but I got in the middle of the two and the guy grabbed me. Naturally, I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the bar.

The next thing I know, he has me by my shirt and she is screaming and on my back so I started throwing punches. I'm positive she caught an elbow in the face as I was stroking Mr. Right. I'm not really sure how many times I hit him, but I do know she got hit with at least that one elbow. I know I was hitting something since my knuckles were all banged up.

Anyway, I ended up upside down getting tossed out the side door into the alley. When I got up, I expected to see the other guy come flying out and was ready to open a can of woop-ass. He didn't get thrown out at all.

The bottom line is that I won't be getting involved again and my advice to the ladies is not to throw down unless your looking to actually get into a fight and get hit. Just my opinion.
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