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What Can Israel Teach the U.S. About Airport Security?


Apr 24, 2005
The Israelis, like the PRC Chinese, are more concerned about the safety of their citizens and properties than political correctness. How many suicide bombers since Israel put up the wall?


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
The Israelis, like the PRC Chinese, are more concerned about the safety of their citizens and properties than political correctness. How many suicide bombers since Israel put up the wall?
The only thing the wall is responsible for is stealing more land and making the lives of more Palestinians more miserable. The only reason there has been a drop in the number of suicide bombings is Hamas has called a stop to them, but I do like your comparison of Israel to the PRC, and here I have been wrong always been told they are this wonderful progressive democracy

I guess the analogy to apartheid South Africa is wrong, Israel is really comparable to a country that sends tanks into its streets to crush their own people, thanks for the lesson. :D


Jan 31, 2005
The only reason there has been a drop in the number of suicide bombings is Hamas has called a stop to them
I don't think that that's accurate, I think the wall has been effective in stopping all sorts of attacks on Israel.

That said, I agree the wall is in the wrong place: The Israelis built the wall around settlements that were clearly inside Palestinian territory, and that is obnoxious.

In my opinion the wall should have been built along the original border and not extended into Palestinian territory to enclose settlements. Those settlements should either be disbanded, or they should accept that they are subject to Palestinian rule and Palestinian security.

However, obnoxious as its location is, it has been pretty effective, it's too bad it wasn't built in the proper spot.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
I wonder if we could reduce the obnoxious Airport security procedures if we put two armed guards on every plane. Perhaps equip them with Tasers.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
The ISreali airport security training system is very effective. The screeners are tested by people trying to get things past them, if the miss something there is no second chance its off to a new position . El Al has made it a practice to include blast resistanty cargo bays on all its aircraft as well as the cargo containers.

They took the position that it is possible to stop these things lets find out how to do it.

Their position on hostages and terrorists/kidnapers also slows down the less than sucidal


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Watch the paranoia grow....:rolleyes:


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Another Israeli Myth

Despite all the talk about Israel's aviation security, it's actually a travesty. The FAA has accorded Israel Third World status for it's aviation systems.

Read it and laugh. The Trained Seals for Israel will have to change their Depends after reading this.

"The FAA report found several security defects at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport, prompting it to categorize Israel’s aviation security in the same bracket as Third World countries.",7340,L-3678366,00.html

Although this article is from a conservative editorial source it raises some interesting questions. Having flown out of Israel twice I can attest to the authenticity of the experience.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now gryf is saying Israel is evil because the FAA doesn't like it's security. I think he's just upset that El Al isn't an easy target for his buddies.

(as an aside, the second article states that the problems are bureaucratic, not actual safety issues.)


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Now gryf is saying Israel is evil because the FAA doesn't like it's security. I think he's just upset that El Al isn't an easy target for his buddies.

(as an aside, the second article states that the problems are bureaucratic, not actual safety issues.)
don't let little things like reality get in the way of a good story now.

The fact remains that the Isrealies have not had a bomb on board in recent memory. They take it seriously and take no prisoners in that respect


New member
Nov 27, 2006
The Israelis, like the PRC Chinese, are more concerned about the safety of their citizens and properties than political correctness. How many suicide bombers since Israel put up the wall?
Israel is no PRC or vice versa. Israel is first equal among the US "trusted" Allies, on par with Britain. PRC on the other hand is "de facto" enemy of the Jewish State since in addition to buying oil from Iran, they sold weapons to Iranians which in turn passed them to Hizbullah and Hamas to kill the Israelis. The Chinese were Pakistan Allies before 911, when they armed and equipped Pakistan Army to counter India.

At best you could say Jews and overseas Chinese are identicial in terms of history (victims of persecutions/porgoms/genocides and being dominant in controlling the economies of the host countries, at least for the Chinese in Southeast Asia).

The mainland Chinese, mostly Mandarin speaking ones are not necessarily Anti-Semitic but they definitely do not share the same sentiments and sense of solidarity like the overseas breathen and their Jewish counterparts. They simply don't get it.

Still, the mainland Han Chinese could learn a thing or two from Israel and IDF in particular when they try to control Xinjiang and Tibet by figuring out what works and doesn't work in the West Bank, Gaza Strips and the Golan Heights.:rolleyes:

As far as teaching the Americans on Airport Securities are concern, the Israelis could teach them 3 things,

-pay the Airport security well in order to hire well qualified individuals (being multilingual in Arabic, Mandarin & Persian other than French, Spanish and Portguese a big plus), not oursourcing to companies paying minimum wages to somebody
-stop those politically correctness nonsense and turf wars between the bureacracies, optimize racial profiling and improve intelligence sharing
-rely both technologies and intuition, not either one of the two


Apr 24, 2005
They took the position that it is possible to stop these things lets find out how to do it.
The Israelis do live in a rough neighbourhood. I think a former Israeli prime minister said that the Arabs can lose 100 wars and still survive but Israel can't afford to lose even one. Look at the map. A tiny speck surrounded by 300 million Arabs.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
There's a quip from an early astronaut about sitting atop an enormous bomb on the launchpad, with every single part supplied by the lowest bidder that says a lot about the difference between Israeli and 'our' airport security. For all the top-level cliches about 'a war on terror' the american set-up is run like just another rent-a-cop franchise with managers focussed for new machines they can put on their capital budgets to reduce the troublesome minimum-wage labour side. Just a job. The notable feature of Israeli security in the cited accounts is all the eye-contact. These are people who believe they're fighting in a war and doing their part to protect their folks.

High-level terror talk, low-level life as usual reality, and not enough money for even that to keep you alert is a recipe for what we got: You and I in long line-ups and the bad guys still bringing in bad stuff. They know they're at war.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
There's a quip from an early astronaut about sitting atop an enormous bomb on the launchpad, with every single part supplied by the lowest bidder that says a lot about the difference between Israeli and 'our' airport security. For all the top-level cliches about 'a war on terror' the american set-up is run like just another rent-a-cop franchise with managers focussed for new machines they can put on their capital budgets to reduce the troublesome minimum-wage labour side. Just a job. The notable feature of Israeli security in the cited accounts is all the eye-contact. These are people who believe they're fighting in a war and doing their part to protect their folks.

High-level terror talk, low-level life as usual reality, and not enough money for even that to keep you alert is a recipe for what we got: You and I in long line-ups and the bad guys still bringing in bad stuff. They know they're at war.
Clearly making them all Federal employees and having them wear the same shirt hasn't done much - still the same level of skill at the scanner.....



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Clearly making them all Federal employees and having them wear the same shirt hasn't done much - still the same level of skill at the scanner.....

Welcome to the lunacy your conservative war-mongering policies have spawned.....:rolleyes:


New member
Jan 19, 2006
There's a quip from an early astronaut about sitting atop an enormous bomb on the launchpad, with every single part supplied by the lowest bidder
FWIW: Captain Walter M. Schirra Jr., USN. (Wally Schirra) When following his first (Mercury-8) flight he was asked what he had thought of when he was in the capsule on the launchpad, he replied, "This was all put together by the lowest bidder."

By the way his father was one of those who "ran away to Canada" to serve in the First World War.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
FWIW: Captain Walter M. Schirra Jr., USN. (Wally Schirra) When following his first (Mercury-8) flight he was asked what he had thought of when he was in the capsule on the launchpad, he replied, "This was all put together by the lowest bidder."
Amazing WHAT the lowest bidder CAN accomplish, when properly managed, eh....;)

SOMETHING the GOP has NO knowledge of!


Sep 19, 2006
Although this article is from a conservative editorial source it raises some interesting questions. Having flown out of Israel twice I can attest to the authenticity of the experience.
It's sad that this serious thread was hijacked with the usual BS and irrelevant comments. Oh yes, I see, they didn't read the article and they dont know what they are talking about :)

The difference between Israel and the rest of the world is that Israel recognized what hijacking was all about and the implications right from when it started. They developed a security policy based on the possibility of hijacking and developed it over time to recognize other threats like suicide bombings etc. The western world essentially ignored these threats and only reacted to situations as and when they developed. For example, terminal design in the western world is all about access and passenger volumes with littel emphasis on security and bombs, etc. Soon after T1 at Pearson was opened, there was a relaisaition that a bomb carrying vehicle could drive through the doors and do a hell of a lot of damage and kill alot of people. Checked baggage is never checked in any way while in the possession of the passenger other that the usual questions which are asked in a very offhand and casual fashion as the tickets are checked. If there was a bomb threat at T1 Pearson today, how long would it take to isolate the issue or even to evacuate the terminal?
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