Serious Threatening Phone Messages

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
I'm not sure what to do?!?!?!?!?!?! Lately, i've been recieving voice messages that started out with only background noise, perhaps a t.v. and what even sounded like a photocopier. I didn't think anything of it. Then it progressed to heavy breathing with the same background noise. Then just a few days ago the same message but this time with a guy saying "i'm gonna get you.....i'm gonna get you....i will get you" In a really creepy, low whisper and spoke very slowly. It scared the shit out of me. Then again the same message the day after. The messages are getting more frequent and more detailed. My driver/security is aware of this situation and i will be taking necessary precautions. I will no longer accept new clients without getting detailed information first such as first and last name, phone number that i will dial, room number, and i will no longer be staying longer than the decided upon appointment time without contacting my driver to let him know i'm okay.

If this persists and gets worse i will be contacting the police. I'm too close to being retired to get hurt now. :confused:

It's too bad some people are so crazy, they ruin it for the good guys.

P.S. if any ladies are reading this and had this happen to them too then please let me know so that i know this guy isn't just isolating me out and that he's just crazy in general.

Thanks guys and girls,



Active member
Aug 6, 2006
if you're REALLY worried for your life, CALL THE POLICE. They'll track the moron down, who I'm guessing is probably a fat nerd, with nothing better to do. simple as that. no need to ponder, post and ask for advice here. Not like we're actually going to come guard your house from the intruder or something.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
I am surprised at the insensitivity I am seeing here. A girl is being threatened and she deserves some support. If you have nothing but snide comments to make, please just keep your cakehole shut and move along.:rolleyes:
Ariel, I wholeheartedly think that you should contact the police in regards to this.... talking to them is certainly miles better than injury or death. If you're scared, your instinct is telling you something. ACT on it. Immediately.

Good Luck,


New member
Dec 26, 2006
rubmeister100 said:
Hi Ariel,

First, sorry for my fellow "men" being such cold assholes with their comments... colour of text, guarding your house... STFU.

Anyways, you do need to take these calls seriously. They are escalating and are direct threats. Both are bad signs.

I assume you have saved the messages.

Now, I know that because you are in the sex biz that you are reluctant to go to the police. Truth be known, most cops really don't care about your biz and the one who takes your case is going to be a more senior person involved with things OTHER than morality.

I'd suggest you contact Wendy Leaver of Toronto Police Services and tell her exactly what has happened. Tell her that you REALLY do fear for your life as a result of these calls. That you take the words as a threat against your LIFE.

THAT statement is very important.

Do NOT put on a brave face and try to be cool. If YOU don't take it seriously, neither will the police.

Be assured that if you make a FORMAL complaint of threats against your life and you have recorded messages the police WILL get to the bottom of it. Imagine the pressure they have knowing if something bad happens to you and they let it slide...

Be 100% truthful, do not make inconsitent statements. They can come back on you if the criminal's lawyer wants to make an issue.

Please, make the effort to do it. This creep needs to be stopped. Not just for you but for the OTHER girls he most certainly ALSO is threatening.
Yea!!! What he said:)


Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Ariel Sanchez said:
What does the font color have anything to do with my being serious? It's just something that i do.

Because when I first started to read your post I wasn't sure if you were being serious.

And like I said, if you have call restrict on you'll never get a call through from a blocked number, even on a machine. It may not solve the problem now, but it prevents it in the future.


Jan 25, 2004

All you need to do is press *57 on your touchtone phone afterwards and the phone number of the last person to call is automatically recorded into Bell computer for retrival by the police. The person doesn't have to be on the line when the trace is done, as long as he was the last caller. Even if he blocks his phone number, *57 cannot be blocked.

Do this every time for the next few times, then lodge a complaint with the police. They can retrieve the *57 information from Bell and investigate.

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Thanks to those who took me seriously even with the pink font. The only problem is that i lost my phone a week ago and i only get messages so i don't think i'd be able to do the *57 thing. About the guarding my house thing, that's not necessary since i don't have an incall and my place of residence is very private. Man, if you only heard how freaky those messages were. I did save them and if it happens again then i will definately be in touch with Wendy Leaver . Thanks again to those who actually care.


Jan 25, 2004
Ariel Sanchez said:
... don't think i'd be able to do the *57 thing.
Just add to your answering machine's message something along the line "that you subscribe to call trace and any malicious callers will be reported to the police" That will probably be enough deterrent to get rid of most problem callers.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
You can still have the police or phone company trace you messages even without the phone. In the interest of your safety/sanity it is better to have it looked into.


(I always like the magenta font color.)


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
I think we're not the only one that cares.

I think the police would care to.

Considering you're probably not the only one that he might be doing this to.

Also, sounds like this guy gets off on fucking around with people.

He needs to be caught.

Good luck.

P.S. Makes you wonder if this guy has anything else better to do with his time, instead of using destructively, instead of productively. Where's his gf to occupy his time. Where's his life? Hobby? Job? Family?

Makes you wonder if he has any of those.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
I don't know what the status of the Bad Client List is these days, but if it still exists you should post the guy's phone number so that none of the other ladies takes his calls.

In the meantime, I hope the cops get to this guy soon.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Phone lost and has you #...

Ariel Sanchez said:
Thanks to those who took me seriously even with the pink font. The only problem is that i lost my phone a week ago and i only get messages so i don't think i'd be able to do the *57 thing. About the guarding my house thing, that's not necessary since i don't have an incall and my place of residence is very private. Man, if you only heard how freaky those messages were. I did save them and if it happens again then i will definately be in touch with Wendy Leaver . Thanks again to those who actually care.

Sorry Ariel but any good skip tracer can find you. I should know. I used to be in the collection business.

Call the female cop.

Stop seeing all customers. Stackers are usually people you know.

Loose yourself.:)


New member
Apr 21, 2007
Lots of good advice, yes call Wendy Leaver and also contact the bad client list and other girls with any info you can share.
You have a lot of support available.

I know it's easier said than done, but you also shouldn't post in a way that makes your fear known to people. Jackasses like this guy feed on that, they get off on knowing they've had an impact.
Get a grip, get strong.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
Ariel Sanchez said:
Thanks to those who took me seriously even with the pink font. The only problem is that i lost my phone a week ago and i only get messages so i don't think i'd be able to do the *57 thing. About the guarding my house thing, that's not necessary since i don't have an incall and my place of residence is very private. Man, if you only heard how freaky those messages were. I did save them and if it happens again then i will definately be in touch with Wendy Leaver . Thanks again to those who actually care.
why wait for it to happen again just call her get it taken care of now:rolleyes:


Senior Member
I for one took this very seriously. I'm sure most other Terbite's do as well. This board has a majority of nice folks and we all feel responsible somewhat if someone in this business is done wrong or worse, like this.
I hope these suggestions put a stop to this jerks activites. Please let us know if this stopped this guy.
Nothing pisses me off more than some body bothering one of the ladies who work so hard to please us dudes.
If your reading this fuckhead Stop or get the cops at your door.


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
Ariel Sanchez said:
I'm not sure what to do?!?!?!?!?!?! Lately, i've been recieving voice messages that started out with only background noise, perhaps a t.v. and what even sounded like a photocopier. I didn't think anything of it. Then it progressed to heavy breathing with the same background noise. Then just a few days ago the same message but this time with a guy saying "i'm gonna get you.....i'm gonna get you....i will get you" In a really creepy, low whisper and spoke very slowly. It scared the shit out of me. Then again the same message the day after. The messages are getting more frequent and more detailed. My driver/security is aware of this situation and i will be taking necessary precautions. I will no longer accept new clients without getting detailed information first such as first and last name, phone number that i will dial, room number, and i will no longer be staying longer than the decided upon appointment time without contacting my driver to let him know i'm okay.

If this persists and gets worse i will be contacting the police. I'm too close to being retired to get hurt now. :confused:

It's too bad some people are so crazy, they ruin it for the good guys.

P.S. if any ladies are reading this and had this happen to them too then please let me know so that i know this guy isn't just isolating me out and that he's just crazy in general.

Thanks guys and girls,

You have every right to be afraid Ariel. I'm 6-2" and I'd be scared. Its probably some pimply faced teenager but you just never know. My apologies for some of the comments from a few.

LKD, you might be surprised about the number of guys that would be willing to guard Ariel's house in order to give her a good night's sleep.

Ariel, you came here in an effort to share your fears and concerns with your friends and you get one or two moronic comments.

Like Luv says, Don't wait, call Wendy.


Nov 11, 2004
kitaa said:
Even for blocked calls?
Yes. Blocking calls blocks Call Display, and nothing else. Phone records still exist and are available in the proper circumstances.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts