Prosecutors ask FBI agents for info on Uranium One deal


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
Prosecutors ask FBI agents for info on Uranium One deal

On the orders of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Justice Department prosecutors have begun asking FBI agents to explain the evidence they found in a now dormant criminal investigation into a controversial uranium deal that critics have linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, multiple law enforcement officials told NBC News.

The interviews with FBI agents are part of the Justice Department's effort to fulfill a promise an assistant attorney general made to Congress last month to examine whether a special counsel was warranted to look into what has become known as the Uranium One deal, a senior Justice Department official said.

At issue is a 2010 transaction in which the Obama Administration allowed the sale of U.S. uranium mining facilities to Russia's state atomic energy company. Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time, and the State Department was one of nine agencies that agreed to approve the deal after finding no threat to U.S. national security.......

Merry Christmas Hillary :)


Feb 16, 2013
They should re-open another Benghazi investigation while they’re at it. Maybe another email investigation too... Can never be too careful.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They should re-open another Benghazi investigation while they’re at it. Maybe another email investigation too... Can never be too careful.
Oh, and Iran/Contra.

Don't forget to open that as well.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Oh, and Iran/Contra.

Don't forget to open that as well.
What's happening? The enthusiasm for investigations is suddenly becoming less palatable?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Of course little mentioned is what Russian was really interested in were the uranium mines and processing facilities in Kazakhstan.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course little mentioned is what Russian was really interested in were the uranium mines and processing facilities in Uzbekistan.
You know that Clinton wasn't involved in the decision on the sale, don't you?
Trump’s allegation went too far in two ways.

One, Trump seemed to say that Clinton bears all of the responsibility for the deal’s approval. That is incorrect.

Clinton told a New Hampshire TV station in June 2015 that "I was not personally involved because that wasn’t something the secretary of state did." And Jose Fernandez, who served as assistant secretary of state for economic, energy and business affairs under Clinton and represented the department on the panel, told the Times that Clinton "never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter."

But even if you don’t take either Clinton or Fernandez at their word, the reality is that the State Department was just one of nine government agencies that signed off on the transaction.

Second, while we concluded that nine people related to the company did at some point donate to the Clinton Foundation, we found that the bulk of the $145 million came from Giustra. Guistra said he sold all of his stakes in Uranium One in the fall of 2007, "at least 18 months before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state" and three years before the Russian deal.

We couldn’t independently verify Giustra’s claim, but if he is telling the truth, the donation amount to the Clinton Foundation from confirmed Uranium One investors drops from more than $145 million to $4 million.

The main exception is Ian Telfer, an investor who the New York Times found donated between $1.3 million and $5.6 million to the Clinton Foundation during and after the review process for the Russian deal.

So while Trump was within his right to question links between foundation donors and their ties to Uranium one, his specific charge was exaggerated.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post Fact Checker subsequently looked at a similar Trump statement: "Remember that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20 percent of American uranium and, you know, she was paid a fortune. You know, they got a tremendous amount of money."

The Fact Checker came to the same conclusion about Trump’s misleading language, giving Trump’s assertion its worst rating of Four Pinocchios.

If you look into the specifics its a nonsense story from Breitbart, makers of fake news.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It is pure coincidence that the Clinton Foundation received hundreds of millions of dollars from those involved. Likewise pure coincidence that Bill Clinton flew with Frank Giustra to Kazakhstan.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The republicans tried to grill Mcabe about those investigations yesterday.
They did manage to confirm that Comey told Mcabe about Trump's demand for loyalty.

Obstruction of justice.....

Speaking of which, or witch hunts, Nunes (supposed to have been reclused) is trying to lead a subverted witch hunt to shut down the FBI investigations on Trump.

'Course they don't seem as worried about the threat of a foreign country screwing with their elections as they are about the FBI.

The intercept has a good rundown on the FBI's behaviour in this case.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The republicans tried to grill Mcabe about those investigations yesterday.
They did manage to confirm that Comey told Mcabe about Trump's demand for loyalty.

Obstruction of justice.....

Speaking of which, or witch hunts, Nunes (supposed to have been reclused) is trying to lead a subverted witch hunt to shut down the FBI investigations on Trump.

'Course they don't seem as worried about the threat of a foreign country screwing with their elections as they are about the FBI.

The intercept has a good rundown on the FBI's behaviour in this case.
You still don't get it. The Russia investigation is over, it died the day the FBI emails came to light. Right now, Mueller is trying to figure a way out. The next phase has begun, however. And that is- what the hell is wrong with the DOJ and the FBI?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You know that Clinton wasn't involved in the decision on the sale, don't you?

If you look into the specifics its a nonsense story from Breitbart, makers of fake news.
And if you read the info you posted it clearly states that the information it's presenting is not verified but is solely based on the word of the billionaire.

So id say a hard look at the Clinton books are in order. Then the air can be cleared.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
You still don't get it. The Russia investigation is over, it died the day the FBI emails came to light. Right now, Mueller is trying to figure a way out. The next phase has begun, however. And that is- what the hell is wrong with the DOJ and the FBI?

You are delusional. That is the dumbest, moronic if not flimsiest thread of desperate logic to close down an investigation that already has two guilty pleas and foreign interference charges on four individuals from Trump's inner circle. I'm only using the term delusional for jcpro because in his blind adulation for the disastrous Trump, he is accepting moronic Fox News arguments at face value not realising that repeating them gives the impression that he has lost his mind.

Forgetting that the agent who wrote the e-mail was immediately released early into the investigation - there are hundreds of agents working on different aspects of this investigation and they already have obtained guilt convictions can only prove that they are conducting a successful investigation. Who the fuck would put political expediency ahead of an investigation that a hostile nation in coordination with local agents conspired to rig a US election ?

Why would anyone put national security on hold because some foreign agents are in their party is beyond me.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You are delusional. That is the dumbest, moronic if not flimsiest thread of desperate logic to close down an investigation that already has two guilty pleas and foreign interference charges on four individuals from Trump's inner circle. I'm only using the term delusional for jcpro because in his blind adulation for the disastrous Trump, he is accepting moronic Fox News arguments at face value not realising that repeating them gives the impression that he has lost his mind.

Forgetting that the agent who wrote the e-mail was immediately released early into the investigation - there are hundreds of agents working on different aspects of this investigation and they already have obtained guilt convictions can only prove that they are conducting a successful investigation. Who the fuck would put political expediency ahead of an investigation that a hostile nation in coordination with local agents conspired to rig a US election ?

Why would anyone put national security on hold because some foreign agents are in their party is beyond me.
You can foam at the mouth all you want. We're past the tipping point in the investigation and not only Mueller failed to come up with a shred of evidence of collusion, he exposed the DOJ and the FBI for what they've become- political whores. You can be sure of one thing, the Republicans-80% of them- are hot mad about the bogus allegations on which the whole thing is based, so is the President and the Congressional Republicans. What began as a dirty exercise in opposition research is about to take a life all of its own.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And if you read the info you posted it clearly states that the information it's presenting is not verified but is solely based on the word of the billionaire.

So id say a hard look at the Clinton books are in order. Then the air can be cleared.
Its all based on a 'book' written by a Breitbart editor. The research behind your accusations is shoddy and weak, as politifact pointed out.
There is no way Clinton had the means to change the decision on the sale.


Feb 16, 2013
And if you read the info you posted it clearly states that the information it's presenting is not verified but is solely based on the word of the billionaire.

So id say a hard look at the Clinton books are in order. Then the air can be cleared.
You would think the GOP would tire of the endless “WhatAboutHillary” attacks eventually...apparently not. They clearly need something to distract their base from the Russia probe...I guess a 10-year-old uranium deal is as good as anything.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Like the long drawn out investigation on the Clinton email investigation, again this cigarette smoke of an investigation perpetrated by the right wing to deflect attention from the real smoking gun of a Russia collision is going nowhere. Only the Trump cult followers disapprove of Mueller's investigation, while a much larger percentage approve of Mueller's handling of the investigation. Respondents didn't have much faith that Trump is telling the truth—about 56 percent of people said that they think things he's said publicly about the investigation into potential Russian interference in the election have been false, and 24 percent said they believe his statements have been “completely false".


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

"Uranium for reactors, not nuclear fuel"
To begin with, the uranium was for commercial use in reactors. In fact, Graham says, "the United States has no way to turn uranium into nuclear fuel for weapons." What's more, Clinton was, by all accounts, never directly involved in the foreign transfer of that company while she was secretary of state. Instead, Graham says, a State Department underling would have sat at the table representing one of nine agencies on the committee on foreign investment in the United States to review the deal to ensure it didn't compromise national security.
"The decision-making in these cases is delegated to somebody else at a lower level, not the cabinet secretary." And Graham notes that Trump's "20 per cent" estimate refers to domestic production capacity, not the American supply of produced uranium.
The distinction has been lost on some conservative pundits. On Fox News, host Tucker Carlson questioned whether it was wise to "give" Russia 20 per cent "of our uranium supplies." Compared to uranium-mining powerhouses worldwide, though, the U.S. is a small-time player. Prominent nuclear policy analyst Frank Von Hippel, a former assistant national security director in the Clinton administration, says the U.S. represents less than three per cent of global uranium production. By comparison, he estimates Canada accounts for more than 15 per cent. So this whole thing," Von Hippel says, "it's just a political tempest in the teapot, as far as I'm concerned. It has nothing to do with national security. It's a completely bogus issue." Even if the Russians wanted to do something with the relatively small amounts of U.S.-produced uranium, they wouldn't be able to export any of it outside the U.S., anyway. That's because they don't have an export licence from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Asked why, in that case, Rosatom would want a controlling stake of Uranium One, Von Hippel pointed to the firm's mining rights in Kazakhstan, the world's top uranium producer, as well as in Canada. "That would probably be of much greater interest." The Uranium One transaction nevertheless became a scary-sounding mainstay of Trump's campaign rallies last year. Recently, the president resurrected the myth.


Jun 11, 2011
Poor Liberals. Still can't grasp the fact that they've been duped and everything the Dems accused Trump of doing was really them all along! So sad.


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
Poor Liberals. Still can't grasp the fact that they've been duped and everything the Dems accused Trump of doing was really them all along! So sad.
i'm actually enjoying all their whining and crying. 7 more years of it to go lol
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