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Please help. I can't get along with my liberal friends.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Liberals tend to be ruled by their emotions rather than logic. There is even a movement now that says logic is racist and colonialist. That idea implies that non-whites are incapable of reason, a racist idea if ever there was one. Logic implies that there is an objective reality to which we must conform. Liberals don't like this idea since they want to define reality for themselves. The schools make it worse by using brainwashing instead of reason. Hence, young people nowadays seem to be less capable of logic, and even imagine they can define their own gender, rather than conform to the objective reality they were born with.
That is very rich coming from a guy who thinks praying cures plagues.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
This thread has really wandered, but to the OP: There is a place you can go that treats liberals in ways you would like. All you have to do is change which "man playing God" you follow. North Korea would welcome you with open arms. Tell them Dennis Rodman sent you...
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
It sucks because like half of the world's population are liberals. I guess it's because the public school system brainwashes them. I want to get along with them but none of them have been able to convince me they are right. Only conservatives' ideas are logical and make sense to me.

Liberals think that if you are not a minority, you are privileged and deserve no love or sympathy. They think you should get shot by criminals and don't you dare defend yourself.

They think criminals are underprivileged and have had a hard life and can do no wrong. Everything they say is based on emotions and feelings. If they disagree with you, they will call you racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic. The name calling has nothing to do with logic and facts. They are like little children.

Everything liberals do or say triggers the crap out of me, and everything I do or say triggers the crap out of them. How can I get along with them?
Since when Liberals are leftist? I am pretty much a liberal I would say. Yet I do not fit anything you describe here. I think you are confusing liberals with hard core leftist. Your post is flawed.

And one advice. Shill out. It's ok not to agree with someone.
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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
It is uncool to be young and conservative. If I were you I would
refrain from exposing my view on religion and politics as much
diplomacy dictates.
I respectfully disagree with you. Conservativism whether you agree with them or not, have a philosophical and intellectual basis for their beliefs. he current GOP has nothing al all to do with conservatism and it is certainly uncool to be young and a supporter of the chosen one because they will inherit a world which has been decimated by the self-interest and anti-conservative polices of the stable genius. You need only look at the number of real conservatives who have abandoned the GOP. Or better why don't you name a few real conservatives who support the chosen one. And please do not say the trifecta of idiots at Fox Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham.
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