Nobody wants to eat fake Beyond Meat burgers, McDonald’s discovers


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You will no longer find artificial meat patties at McDonald’s now that the fast-food chain has scrapped a pilot program involving Beyond Meat.

It turns out that Americans still prefer to eat ‘all beef patties’ of real meat from animals as opposed to the lab-concocted abomination known as Beyond Meat, a company in which billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is heavily invested.

A trial of the “plant-based” patties at some McDonald’s restaurants failed miserably we are told. Nobody ordered the so-called McPlant burger, which is apparently even more disgusting than the fast-food chain’s regular burgers.

McDonald’s had signed a three-year global distribution deal with Beyond Meat back in 2021. It appears as though that deal was cut short because customers simply do not want to eat synthetic meat made from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other toxic chemicals.

According to Ken Goldman, an analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co., “the product did not sell well enough” to keep it going. The financial news site The Fly joked that Beyond Meat is “McDone” as far as McDonald’s is concerned.

Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut have all discontinued Beyond Meat products as well
McDonald’s is not the only company that adopted Beyond Meat only to later abandon it. The full gamut of Yum! Brands companies, including KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, have all thrown Beyond Meat out the window after failed trials at its stores.

Panda Express did the same thing, as did Dunkin’, Hardee’s (Carl’s Jr.), and A&W, reports indicate.

“You’re not going to change cultural tastes overnight,” said John Baumgartner, an analyst for the Japanese bank Mizuho, suggesting that with enough propaganda and goading, people might eventually accept fake meat.

“Recruiting your next phase of consumers requires more innovation and better-tasting products.”

In the meantime, Beyond Meat has had to massively scale back its workforce as nobody wants the company’s products. Some 40 jobs have been cut from the company, which is slated to burn through all of its remaining cash in the coming months.

In 2022 alone, Beyond Meat’s stock price has fallen by about 50 percent – and this was after it fell by roughly the same amount in 2021.

“Beyond Meat has failed to generate any positive free cash flow since going public in 2019,” said David Trainer of the investment research firm New Constructs.

Layoffs could help, Trainer says, but “the proof is yet to be seen until we can see how much they can slow the burn.”

Our own readers are well aware of the fact that Beyond Meat, no matter how it is dressed up and modified to taste like real meat, will never be a healthy alternative to the real thing.

“Gates owns a lot of land and still has plenty of money,” wrote one of them about the dark and sinister nature of what is going on behind the scenes to try to force people away from eating real meat.

“Now that the pipeline has been scrapped, all those small towns that had people move there to work on the pipeline will become ghost towns. I wonder if Gates (and others) will snap up that real estate for pennies on the dollar.”

“He’s right. We should eat synthetic meat, starting with him, Soros, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, AOC and McConnell,” joked another about comments made by Gates about the “need” for global humanity to eat his Beyond Meat products rather than real meat.

“Their meat will be tough and gamey, though.”

Others echoed that sentiment, questioning what might be hidden inside Beyond Meat patties that Gates intends for people to die from. Certainly he is not eating the stuff himself.

More stories about artificial meat can be found at

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Senior Member
Aug 24, 2001
I like the A&W version . with sweet potato fries. Beyond burger is over priced , but the best of the lot
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Dr. Knockboot
Jun 21, 2003
I like the A&W version . with sweet potato fries. Beyond burger is over priced , but the best of the lot
That is it.. the beyond meat is either more expensive or priced similarly to meat.. in order for plant based meats to catch on, they have to be priced less expensive than traditional meat. I bet ya more people would buy a Beyond big Mac if it costs half the price of a regular meat big Mac.
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