Royal Spa

Life Down Under


a muddy reclining Buddha
Forget Queensland.... Go to Melbourne... it's in a different state being Victoria and there are lots of brothels there. The Melbourne brothels are something to experience... you walk in the place and you come into a bar lounge area that’s all fancy and decked out playboy style. The girls walk through and drum up a conversation with you... most are very hot looking... some are very upfront too and tell you things out loud like "I do anal... do you like that?" Once you pick a girl she takes you to a nice big room ... looks more like a bedroom in a castle. You take a shower and when I came out she says "I have to check you for STD's" heheheh! She took a quick look at my cock and then put a condom on it.... then a BJ and everything else... Not bad I kept saying to myself "this is legal? wish we had stuff like this in Toronto!"

On another trip down there my mate took me to another place... we first went to the MacDonald’s and there was this cute Asian chick working there... he then tells me of a new Asian brothel. I say lets go there! So we get there but it's more a scum hole with a chicken wire gate... they let us in and it's reminding me of a Asian massage joint back home. The place if run by an old Chinese women and she calls the girls ... they come out all 5 of them and just stand there... 2 are really HOT! I grab one and my mate the other. The rooms are small and just have massage tables like they do here. She's good and has some new tricks like "Fire and Ice" first she sips hot tea... sucks my cock with hot tea in her mouth.... yes bare! Then puts an ice cube in her mouth and wow when she sucks again! This is a great BBBJ. I then fuck her with condom and cum in her face... she giggles like a little girl. I gave her a $50 tip and she was so happy.

Later I find out that this Asian Brothel is an unlicensed and illegal one and that if I was caught in there I might have been arrested and deported… oh well I won’t do that again…
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts