Jezebel Valentine - PORN STAR & Pin-Up Model!


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Hey guys,

I have been doing a lot of photoshoots lately. I have well over 100 brand new photos up that I took last week at a nice studio :)

I am definitely going to be posting a lot more videos too!

I thought I would let you all know some info on how to succeed at getting a booking with me.

Firstly, I DO NOT see multiple guys in a row. At the very most, 1 in the aft and 1 at night and this isn't an every day thing. I see a total of about 5 guys per week.

Please do not call last minute as the answer is always no. If you email me in the morning, there is a good chance I might be able to fit you into my day.

I enjoy flirtatious emails/texts and very rarely respond to emails that aren't enticing in some way or are asking me questions that are already answered in several places all over my websites.

Anyway... a few men have been frustrated with me lately, unable to nail down a booking. This isn't because I am fucking guys 24/7, it is actually because I do SO SO SO much outside of this and I am also very focused on establishing a porn career right now.

I am still horny as ever though and I LOVE meeting, friendly, fun, horny guys who like what they see and want to take me for a ride!

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me, I love what I do, but I definitely have boundaries and standards around who gets my attention, as it is limited!




New member
Mar 3, 2010
<embed src="" width="426" height="320" name="smilplayer" id="smilplayer" bgcolor="FF00FF" menu="false" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="id=img851/6834/1329574016ix2.smil"/>
<br/><a href="">Go to ImageShack® to Create your own Slideshow</a>
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