I think an SP lives in the Apartment above me....

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
Bearlythere said:
Guy's....I just moved to a building in Oshawa. Central Oshawa really...wont of course say where. The apartment above me I can hear no voices but the odd thing being dropped on the floor and the sliding door for the balcony opening up about once an hour. The thing though that has me wondering is I can hear the door buzzer in that apartment go off about once an hour and you can almost set your watch by it. Now....either there is someone dealing drugs out of there or a girl has it for a place of "business".

Understand though one thing. This building isn't the type of building you would expect to find that in and I certainly don't want to find it HERE. I have a lady who I have lived with for a few years and the last thing I need is a temptress for pay living above me. Hell...if there is a drug operation going out of there I am moving!

Now I cant ask anyone to betray where women live or do their business...but the building I live in has six floors and this woman is on the 4th facing south...and it is a nice building around 20 years old. I will let you guys maybe fill me in who or whom is working here. I wont say anything to the super ( I think I have been on the boards long enough no one would think of me as an LE) and I likely wont say shit to the lady in question if she is there. I am just curious.....but from my description of the constant door buzzer about once an hour..what the hell could it be?
I wouldn't worry about it much. It could be an sp working there but I doubt if it is drug dealers because traffic would be constant day and night not every hour.
Now take a deep breath and repeat over and over again, "I will not be led into temptation". :D

Just noticed this on CL. Maybe this is who is above you.



Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Something that convenient, I was just visiting the neighbour upstairs dear, LOL. I would be more broke than I am Now, LOL.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
Bearlythere said:
I think this is just curiousity.....and hoping like hell my woman doesn't figure it out. I wont go see whoever it is up there because THAT would be asking for trouble. My foray's into the hobby are not that often but it is a lot of wonder. I figure it has to be an SP for sure.

AS for the type of building it is, it is quite nice yet cheap so it likely would be ideal for that sort of thing. That said, I think more than a few of us wouldn't really want it too close. Hypocritical? Ya...it is.

As for the ladies doing what they can to make a living. That is not my issue. That is up to them and I would be a hypocrite to suggest anything else. I just don't want my woman to figure out what is going on up there.

Got any updates for us?

If you have figured out who it is, maybe you can at least pass on the info to those who can play.....


always the quiet ones...
Sep 28, 2002
600+ posts and you think 'your' building is special compared to all the others in Oshawa? I lived near the Million Dollar many years ago and know full well the action isn't segregated to the towers south of Bloor & up on Nonquon.

Are you sure your girl leaves the building when she goes to work? ;)


New member
Mar 28, 2004

1. Why do you care if your girlfriend figures out what's going on up there? What would come of it if she thought there was a working girl in your building? What would she do? I am not clear on the problem.

2. Why would your gf think that? You are a hobbiest so that type of thing might spring to mind, but I don't think the average Canadian thinks "escort" all the time.

3. She might have all types of other businesses - RMT comes to mind.

4. How do you know its a woman?

5. If you are that curious, I would drop an envelope under her door with a private email address in it, saying that you'd like to get hold of her for a booking. "I dropped by to see you but you weren't home, so I hope you dont' mind me leaving a note..." Ask if there's a website you can visit for more details. See what comes of it, if she gets back to you.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
CapitalGuy said:
1. Why do you care if your girlfriend figures out what's going on up there? What would come of it if she thought there was a working girl in your building? What would she do? Its got nothing to do with you. I am not clear on the problem.
I don't see what the GF would be able to do other then complain to the landlord or maybe go as far as complaining to LE. I agree I don't understand the big problem if his GF knows what is going on.

CapitalGuy said:
2. Why would your gf think that? You are a hobbiest so that type of thing might spring to mind, but I don't think the average Canadian thinks "escort" all the time.
I think this is a key point. For most of us, we naturally jump to thinking escort, but for most civilians - they don't think that way.

CapitalGuy said:
3. She might have all types of other businesses - RMT comes to mind.
There are tons of at home business, especially now since times are getting tough. People are doing everything they can to make an extra buck.

CapitalGuy said:
4. How do you know its a woman?
I think he may know she is a woman if he has seen her, which I thought he had form his post. I could be wrong.

CapitalGuy said:
5. If you are that curious, I would drop an envelope under her door with a private email address in it, saying that you'd like to get hold of her for a booking. "I dropped by to see you but you weren't home, so I hope you dont' mind me leaving a note..." Ask if there's a website you can visit for more details. See what comes of it, if she gets back to you.
I think that might bring about temptation, but it could work. Make sure to use anonymous email address of course.

Although, if she is a working girl - this is not a normal form of contact and she get freaked out by this.

CapitalGuy said:
6. Tell your landlord you are interested in asking out the girl who lives above you, and ask if he knows anything about her.
This may cause some issues as well, as it may make the landlord ask more questions. Again, this is if you want to worry about the girl havign issues if she is indeed an escort.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
An Update. I was talking to the super about some things in the Apt. and mentioned something about a probably bit of water damage from a leak above our bathroom. Since any leak would come from up there I figured I might get some info. Apparently a guy with his wife/gf lives up there and they have a kid. When it is really quiet I can hear the kid so an SP is DEFINATELY out. That said...not sure why the coming and going with the dang buzzer then. It has been a lot quieter the last week and I have been home to hear it.

As for WHY I don't want my woman to know if there was an SP in the building it is pretty easy to figure out. Most women who don't understand the business are very much wary of having an SP around and in my case, would be thinking the place was going down the tubes. The general public is of the somewhat misguided notion that all SP are on drugs or dealing in the same and wouldn't want an SP in the building. Those of us who has participated in the "hobby" know better of course. Since I am pretty much on the sidelines of this hobby, I am not really crazy about living right below an SP because it would be a tempation that would be a little close to home that I didn't need. As I said however...whatever is going on up there it isn't an SP with a few of you guys visiting every day...so drama solved.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
Bearlythere said:
An Update. I was talking to the super about some things in the Apt. and mentioned something about a probably bit of water damage from a leak above our bathroom. Since any leak would come from up there I figured I might get some info. Apparently a guy with his wife/gf lives up there and they have a kid. When it is really quiet I can hear the kid so an SP is DEFINATELY out. That said...not sure why the coming and going with the dang buzzer then. It has been a lot quieter the last week and I have been home to hear it.

As for WHY I don't want my woman to know if there was an SP in the building it is pretty easy to figure out. Most women who don't understand the business are very much wary of having an SP around and in my case, would be thinking the place was going down the tubes. The general public is of the somewhat misguided notion that all SP are on drugs or dealing in the same and wouldn't want an SP in the building. Those of us who has participated in the "hobby" know better of course. Since I am pretty much on the sidelines of this hobby, I am not really crazy about living right below an SP because it would be a tempation that would be a little close to home that I didn't need. As I said however...whatever is going on up there it isn't an SP with a few of you guys visiting every day...so drama solved.
I seriously think you should get the boytoy and her to get it on with you. This will definately ease the jones. do it. What do you have to lose?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
People coming and going all the time can be many things but honestly it's hard to imagine how it could negatively affect you.

I think it's movies and what not that would make you think that a gunfight is likely to break out but honestly in a city with 60 someodd or is it higher now murders a year the odds are really in your favour. Not to mention you aren't even on the same floor.

Oh and stop watching reruns of Columbo.:D


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
I second Noir's point about civilians and SPs, they just have no idea about the happenings and whatnot when it comes to these things.

Secondly, Columbo was the best:)


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
Not sure why they have people going in and out but they do.

As for my GF and why I don't want her thinking there is an SP up there. If I told her I thought there was one up there, she might start asking how would I know and I don't want to ever let her know I know any of this crap much less that I participated in the hobby on and off for about 10 years.

The less she knows about the trade...the better.
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