I knew the murdered doctor and her murderer doctor husband


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
While I applaud you for being open-minded, there is a point where it is naive... if you care to do any kind of reading about the centuries-old conflict between muslims and hindus, you'll realize why no hindu family would name their son Mohammed. Same thing with sikhs, too (even moreso, actually).
would he likely marry inter racially if he was devout religion x?

is it possible to be named mohamed and not be religious?

are there enough western educated muslim husbands who commit murder to make this conclusion?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
While it does not justify murder, on the face of it, it appears she totally used him. Got the kids she wanted, house she wanted, and just wanted to kick him out the door and as a neurosurgeon the cash would keep pouring in though child support. I guess he snapped and she did not think he would.
she was a doctor too. she didnt need to use anyone for cash. sperm is also cheap.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
why is there an undercurrent suggesting that the wife is at fault? if this guy was capable of murder maybe he was a horrible husband? and if we are allowing el captian his assumptions of religious upbringing is it not possible that he displayed other characteristics that made him a husband you would want to divorce?


New member
Jun 22, 2016
would he likely marry inter racially if he was devout religion x?

is it possible to be named mohamed and not be religious?

are there enough western educated muslim husbands who commit murder to make this conclusion?
He wasn't particularly devout and I never suggested he was. The only thing I suggested was that at a point of emotional crisis that he was not emotionally equipped to handle, he could plausibly have fallen back on the fundamental cultural biases he was raised with. And as for your hypotheticals, I live in a Bayesian probability world.

It's also pretty clear if you read his Twitter feed that he was always at least somewhat dominant/demeaning to his wife. He consistently makes "joking" remarks to her about certain things that are demeaning in a passive-aggressive kind of way.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
I think you have to have a huge ego to be a superstar neurosurgeon. He is a Yale graduate. Yale!

I think it is the same with superstar hockey players.

P.S. Just saw CTV interviewed former patient Derek Smith. He speaks very highly of him.
Why do people freak out over ivy league graduates? GWB was an Ivy League graduate and he's a straight up retard.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
GP vs Neurosurgeon is like crack hoe vs escort...just to put in in terms of the audience.
thats not true either. There are Neurosurgeon's on the lower end of the spectrum and GP's on the higher end of the spectrum.

Where on earth are you people getting your information?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
He wasn't particularly devout and I never suggested he was. The only thing I suggested was that at a point of emotional crisis that he was not emotionally equipped to handle, he could plausibly have fallen back on the fundamental cultural biases he was raised with. And as for your hypotheticals, I live in a Bayesian probability world.

It's also pretty clear if you read his Twitter feed that he was always at least somewhat dominant/demeaning to his wife. He consistently makes "joking" remarks to her about certain things that are demeaning in a passive-aggressive kind of way.
I think a person can be an asshole and it could very easily have nothing to do with his religious upbringing especially since you know nothing about how he was raised. The fact he married a white woman suggests his family (or at least he) was more open minded than you give him credit for.

CP24 reported that friends of the wife said she was abused. IF true and combined with the alledged "demeaning posts" you spoke of it paints a picture of a person who was perhaps not the nicest guy in the world. Then add on top the potential for ego as a super star doctor. Also if he trained in bjj perhaps he has a more aggressive personality..... I know many gentle martial artists but also met my fair share of meat heads who hurt people when "rolling."

Do you know anything about the guys family? Was he first generation? Where were his parents born and educated? You're making big assumptions on his cultural upbringing based on last name alone.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
GP vs Neurosurgeon is like crack hoe vs escort...just to put in in terms of the audience.
Average doctor's salary is well over 300K so good chance she wasn't tricking at Jarvis and gerrard ;) She was also a teaching physician amongst other things and published and worked out of scarborough general hospital. So not exactly your basic GP although she also had a family practice.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I am not doubting the demeaning posts but can anyone produce examples? I looked at the docs tweets back to 2015 and he congrats his wife a couple times and retweets her comments about lord of the rings and walking dead,


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
If, as the OP states, she was totally in love with him and constantly raved about him, what caused the sudden change one month later?


Active member
May 22, 2011
When I first read the articles, it said a hubby killed a wife and both were doctors.

Immediately I thought...... probably divorce related and the hubby is pissed.....



Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Mental illness has no socioeconomic boundaries. And it can be concealed for a lifetime, until that one trigger blows it's cover. The variables which combine to ferment the illness could be a variety of the speculative factors noted above, or not.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
While it does not justify murder, on the face of it, it appears she totally used him. Got the kids she wanted, house she wanted, and just wanted to kick him out the door and as a neurosurgeon the cash would keep pouring in though child support. I guess he snapped and she did not think he would.
Stop embarrassing yourself. An accomplished woman like this does not take advantage of a poor unsuspecting husband. She was well accomplished in her field and there's no reason to imply that she was a gold digger. Please show some respect!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
CP24 interviewed a couple of his patients and they spoke well of him.

Neurosurgeons are at the top of the food chain in the medical field. Beautiful and successful wife, 3 kids, nice house. Where did it all go off the rail?
Perhaps when the Police were called after a "volatile incident" when he allegedly threatened to kill her if she didn't get an abortion, some 10 years ago? I guess jackjackjohnson didn't know them as well as he thought he did.

Oh wow... this is just so sad. And 3 kids left behind? I can't imagine what his rationale was to kill her. I wonder if he expected to get away with it? Just awful.
Now 3 kids with no mom, and a father who's going to jail for a long time. Very sad indeed!

The fact that it was her mother that reported her missing, I'm sure he knew the cops would be looking for him. It wouldn't have taken them long to follow the trail of breadcrumbs.


What a Hobby!
Mar 27, 2013
good eye. big assumption that his unknown religious upbringing is one which celebrates murder.

i was atching a yotube video and an ad came up for ris 2016 which had sound bytes of islamic religioue figures speaking about life in north america and it is a message of peace and harmony. besides this gut could be hindu or something else or not religious.
While I applaud you for being open-minded, there is a point where it is naive... if you care to do any kind of reading about the centuries-old conflict between muslims and hindus, you'll realize why no hindu family would name their son Mohammed. Same thing with sikhs, too (even moreso, actually).
The battle cry of the Sikhs:

"We no convert, we fight, fuck you!" If not for the heroic efforts of the Sikhs, the entire Indian sub-continent would be Islamic to-day.
A few points worth mentioning to for the benefit the Terb community:

Mohammed Shamji is probably an Ismaili name. Ismaili are Muslims who believe in a living imam/prophet - the Aga khan

WRT the Hindus, you can only be born a Hindu. There is no conversion to Hinduism.

Sikhs are a warrior class created the protect the masses from injustice and oppression - mainly from Muslim rulers. To date practicing Sikhs carry a ceremonial dagger on them.
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