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I knew the murdered doctor and her murderer doctor husband


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
uh yeah, obviously, but the principle still stands in other contexts. you can choose not to exercise logic or reason all you want, but i'm just saying this is how mob justice happens and how wrongful convictions happen. do you know how many times police have made quick arrests and it was the wrong guy in the end? i would prefer to wait for facts to surface before jumping the gun. be my guest if you want to get caught up in the sensationalizing.
The good doctor will get his day in court, where he'll have the benefit of the presumption of innocence. He'll also be able to afford competent defense counsel. As for police and prosecutors, I doubt that they'll feel pressured into hasty action because of a terb lounge thread.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
As long as we aren't trying to influence a jury we can have our speculative conversation.

I have to say it looks bad for the doc..... assaulting your partner and threatening her to have an abortion..... sounds pretty bad...... not reporting her missing..... sounds suscpisioucs.... rumours of her planning to divorce seems too close to be coincidence...... house sealed off sounds like there was evidence..... charge of first degree murder sounds like the cops believe he planned to do it.

He'lll get his day in court and if asked to be on the jury I would admit that I am already biased and therefore not suitable to be a juror.

The dropped peace bond and the over the top back and forth complements on fb and twitter make it seem fake. I look at my fb and twitter and none of my friends in relationships are like that except maybe at birthday or anniversary.
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