Female Friend Needs SC Advice


New member
Oct 28, 2005
A female friend of mine is concerned about her husband. He has been going to SCs for a long time. Most recently almost always CB. It has been a sore spot in their marriage 'cause she knows what goes on in these places. He claims that he goes for a few drinks and to watch the show which she has no problem with. However, she does draw the line at him getting lap dances, extras etc. He claims not to. They recently had a big blow-up over this issue. She wants to know what is going on and I want to help. There is a health issue here. She's been my friend for 20 years. He is not my friend. Any advice? PMs are welcome. Thanks.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
It could be that he doesn't get dances like he says, most guys don't. The main health issue is probably their filthy washroom. :rolleyes:
Anyway, this is something between the two of them and none of your business. I mean this in a kind way.


stress Releaser
Jul 25, 2002
Tell her

Why does she not go with him? If he enjoys the "show" maybe she can do one for him. She should be a bit more open minded and give her man what he is craving. Ladies do him right or someone else will !!! Or maybe he is a jerk and not worth her time or energy trying in that case she will know once she tries. Good luck!!


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
shaneen said:
Why does she not go with him? If he enjoys the "show" maybe she can do one for him. She should be a bit more open minded and give her man what he is craving. Ladies do him right or someone else will !!! Or maybe he is a jerk and not worth her time or energy trying in that case she will know once she tries. Good luck!!
This kind of behavour on the part of her husband could signify that he has a need that he feels is not addressed in his marriage. I agree that she should suggest the she accompany him. However, she needs to phrase her request in a proper manner. "Honey, I was just wondering what it's like to see the girls dancing up stage, i have never been to a strip club." Or, "I wonder how I measure up against these girls. I bet I can do better than them for you, but I need a couple of pointers." Something along those lines to break down his 'defences' and to make it sound that she wants to give him a real delight, or to share time with him.

As another example, I once showed my wife a porno movie and we laughed about it, after she stopped acting disgusted. Then, we had an extremely hot night together. I hope that I got my message across. ;<)


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
Carmen Electra...

...has a great video out that teaches erotic dance technique. It would make a great xmas present.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I suspect...

hambone said:
That seems to be common sense but soooo many wives cannot seem to grasp it. :confused:
...because many of them are waiting for their husband to "do them right", but haven't (yet) considered infidelity.

For most women, sex = emotion. That isn't the case for most men, most of the time. This I feel is the biggest issues between the genders.
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