Mother is mid-80s
I do the physical. Shoveling the driveway, maintenance, grocery shopping, cleaning and mopping, driving to appointments. I've installed grab bars throughout the house, moved her bed downstairs, totally renovated the room she's in so it's warm and works. She can clean her own toilets though. I don't give a shit. She gets embarrassed enough that she eventually cleans them.
Financial - I do her investing...THANK GOD!!!! She was with Investors Group, what a bunch of absolutely almost-criminal useless fuckers...and pay her bills, do her taxes. Joint on everything. She went from doing ok financially to absolutely no worries & she has zero clue how much money she now has coming out her ass. I provide one sibling with yearly updates. Given my mom is doing better than 10% annual RoR on her investments, I don't get questioned.
I'm the Executor and keep one sibling in the loop and let the other sibling (who's going to sue me no matter what because they're just seriously close to retarded). I've made the will so that retarded sibling gets her inheritance via a Trust. Creditors and 'the husband' can't access the principal of the Trusts.
For the In-laws (mid-80s) it's a little different since I can't interfere on what the wife does. However, I sit in on their financial meetings, starting to pay their bills, going over there once/twice a week for groceries, drive for appointments, advocate with the Doctors, and do the maintenance, grab bars. Their Investments are really conservative but I'm not touching that. Father in law has dementia and likes to 'walk' so I've 'installed' air tags on him.
It's getting a little busy.