Dentist Walter Palmer who killed Cecil the Lion 'is spotted hunting mountain sheep in Mongolia


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
The American dentist who sparked global outrage when he killed an endangered black-maned lion in 2015 has been sighted hunting again.

Walter Palmer, 60, from Minnesota, is reported to have made his return to the blood sport by travelling to Mongolia to slaughter the Altai argali -the largest wild sheep in the world.

In an image which has recently emerged on social media, the dentist, whose face is edited out of view, is seen showing off the dead animal next to another trophy hunter, The Mirror reported.

The scenes come nearly five years after the dentist sparked protests across the world for killing Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe with a bow and arrow.

Palmer is believed to have paid up to £80,000 to kill the wild animal in Mongolia last year, according The Mirror.

Following the revelation Dr Teresa, wildlife vice-president at Humane Society International told The Mirror: 'For trophy hunters to travel to Mongolia to kill a beautiful and endangered ram is an absolute outrage.

'The argali ram is a species in danger of extinction, so the idea that these animals can be killed for pleasure is abhorrent.

'The killing of Cecil the lion five years ago caused international shock. But clearly the killing for kicks continues.'

During his trip to Mongolia, Palmer and his friend Brent Sinclair are believed to have climbed the hills in the Altai region and come as close as 20 yards to sheep.

Following the trip in 2019, Mr Sinclair shared a post on Facebook which read: 'Another great adventure has come and gone, one to be put in the memory book for sure. Just back from Mongolia, and it's almost like it was only a dream.

'We saw rams every day and climbed around the hills in the Altai region getting as close as 20 yards one day to sheep bigger than I could imagine.

'Sheep hunting isn't sheep hunting without a mid day nap in the sun on a mountain side, but its hard to relax and count sheep when all you can see through the scope are horns on rams bedded 200 yards away that carry twice the mass I have ever seen on sheep here in North America.

'I have booked more hunting trips with this guy over the past 20 years than I can count. Together we have traveled to many far reaches of the world. We've seen some pretty amazing places.

'In the years that have passed we've made camp in some rough country, we've challenged mountains and elevation that almost beat us but we never quit...we've waited out weather for days in the remote reaches of the Arctic.

'I've felt my heart beat in my ears when an 8000 lb + bull elephant looked down his trunk at us as we stood in the thorn brush a mere 31 yards from those tusks and all you had was a bow in your hand..... you drew back those 95 limbs and I thought to myself theres now way it's going to do the job of harvesting that massive bull, but you placed the arrow perfect and the rest is history.

'This may however be the one that will be at the top of the pinnacle and hard to beat.

'The Altai Argali of Mongolia is the largest of the worlds wild sheep and humbling is the only word one can use when you walk up to a ram like this for the first time.. Thanks Amigo for the adventure...look forward to our next one.'

In 2015, Palmer sparked months of outrage and protests across the world when he paid £32,000 to his Zimbabwean guides in return for a chance to shoot Cecil the lion.

Following the creature's death a book by lion researcher Dr. Andrew Loveridge, who looked into the killing, showed that Cecil lived on for 10 to 12 hours after he was shot by Palmer.

In his book, 'Lion Hearted: The Life and Death of Cecil and the Future of Africa's Iconic Cats, Dr Loveridge wrote: 'Clearly, although the wound was severe, the arrow had missed the vital organs or arteries that would have caused rapid blood loss and a relatively quick death.

'Certainly, the lion was so incapacitated that in all those hours he'd been able to move only 350 meters from the place where he was shot.'



Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
I've been an outspoken critic of the riots but would make an exception if a certain dentists practice was ransacked. Preferably with him in it and this waste of space with him.

Trophy hunting should be banned period.
I agree, someone forgot to demolish his place. He will always be remembered for killing that lion, plus all the leopards and other animals that he killed..
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Jan 4, 2005
I agree, someone forgot to demolish his place. He will always be remembered for killing that lion, plus all the leopards and other animals that he killed..
Animals are beautiful, sentient beings that have evolved some of the most ingenious adaptations to survive the most unforgiving environments. In many ways our own well being is dependent on them, as we are all one web connected.

Anyone who gleefully takes pleasure in callously killing animals for their self-aggrandizement not only lacks empathy and compassion, but also is under the illusion that killing and “defeating” a majestic animal somehow makes him superior to it and therefore worthy of praise and adulation.

To boast about his killings to the world and to expect public approval and attention is an attempt to prop up a low self-esteem caused by underlying insecurities and feelings of inadequacy.

However, any feeble imbecile with a gun can shoot and kill the most powerful and noble animal, just as any five-year old can set fire to the most beautiful and luxurious mansion, or destroy an exquisite statue sculpted by the most talented and renowned artist by smashing it with a hammer.

It is a frightening thought that this man is even allowed to practice dentistry when clearly his own selfish needs take precedence over the health and well-being of the patients who trust him.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
This cunt deserves a tune up with a hammer. I remember him bragging to Joe Rogan that he killed a bear in Alaska while he was in a killing frenzy. His explanation was that he never saw action when he served in the army,so he had to get it out of his system by taking it out on the bear.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
He should hunt wild hog, in the US there are millions that are destroying property. Big problem.


Active member
May 25, 2017
I recall reading about a trophy hunter who was killed by a crocodile in South Africa a few years. My hope is that this POS suffers the same fate. Reading about it will make me very happy.


Sep 17, 2007
It musy make him feel manly to kill a sheep. At least a lion can be seen as a vicious animal; but a sheep?
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Why are people allowed to go trophy hunting in foreign countries during a pandemic?
Isn't there an outbreak of bubonic plague in Mongolia? One can hope........
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I remember the story of the trophy hunter who was stalking wild elephants. He had a high powered rifle so he though he was invincible, he didn't see The Bull coming at him in time. His head burst open like a melon.

Rifle or not, you show respect!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
Isn't there an outbreak of bubonic plague in Mongolia? One can hope........
There is a outbreak of the plague alright in Mongolia, they've been eating some of those groundhogs raw, hopefully this sob will get it.


Oct 24, 2018
I'd you are outraged at this guy. What do you think of bush meat?

Nathan 88

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2017
I want to hunt him down and get his head stuffed at the taxidermist and stick it on my wall.


I’m your Huckleberry
Jul 2, 2002
I’m not a hunter...nor am I a fan of it. There are actual benefits to trophy hunting if it is managed correctly. It sounds weird, but in many cases, trophy hunting preserves a species. IMO zoos are cruel and an extraordinary waste of money.

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