Charles Manson granted license to marry woman, 26


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Mass murderer Charles Manson has been granted a marriage license.

The former commune leader, 80, appears set to marry 26-year-old Afton "Star" Burton behind bars, who left her home nine years ago to be with the convicted killer.

The dynamic duo's marriage license was issued November 7, according to the Associated Press. The blushing bride-to-be told the AP she plans to marry Manson next month.

"Y'all can know that it's true, It's going to happen," she insisted. "I love him, I'm with him. There's all kinds of things."

They can invite up to 10 people plus an outside person to officiate over their vows.

Once married, the pair can have conjugal visits, California officials told the AP. Family can also obtain information and help to get Manson another trial.

"There's certain things next of kin can do," Star told the AP, insisting he would be set free.
Star has previously insisted in multiple media interviews that she would marry Manson, a man found guilty in 1972 of orchestrating at least seven murders.

California marriage licenses are valid for 90-days. Should the lovebirds not marry within that timeframe, they would need to reapply for another license.

Star began secretly writing Manson from across the country when she was only a teenager and then moved to California to be closer to him when she was only 18-years-old, her father told the Daily Mail.

"Daddy I'm getting married to Charlie," father Phil Burton recalled his daughter telling him. The family refuses to go to the wedding but insisted to the British tabloid they would not condemn her decision.

"We have not, we are not going to and we never will, no matter what she does in her life, disown our daughter," said Phil Burton. "I love my daughter, my wife loves my daughter and I know she still loves us.

Phil Burton's unwavering devotion to his daughter came shortly after a CNN interview in which she professed her undying love for man behind bars for his part in ending seven lives.

"I'm completely with him, and he's completely with me," she told the cable news network. "It's what I was born for, you know. I don't know what else to say.

"I don't care what ... people think," she continued. "It doesn't make any difference."

Manson's group of followers, dubbed "The Family," carried out the killings at his behest.

They infamously killed actress Sharon Tate, when she was only weeks from giving birth to movie producer Roman Polanski's baby, and four others at Polanski's California home.

The Family also killed record producer Gary Hinman, who lived in Polanski's house prior to the director, and another couple.

Manson dubbed the murderous operation "Helter Skelter," after a Beatles song of the same name, authorities said during his trial, but Star insisted the name was made up.

"Charlie never believed in something called Helter Skelter. That didn't have anything to do with why those people were killed," she told CNN without providing any further explanation.

Subsequent reports suggested Manson bragged to a family attorney that he killed many more people on his own, but those rumors have not been substantiated by police.

Manson is not eligible for parole until he is at least 92-years-old.


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I am surprised he has not been killed

I would think killing him would give the killer status which is what you want the most in prison


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
This is the main cause of violence against women. They put themselves into these situations and blame men as s gender. I bet gomeshi's reputation as an abuser was a turn on.

And now that he is even more famous he must be receiving more messages from women than ever.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
This is the main cause of violence against women. They put themselves into these situations and blame men as s gender. I bet gomeshi's reputation as an abuser was a turn on.

And now that he is even more famous he must be receiving more messages from women than ever.
Fantastic logic there, sport. Let's use the same brilliant deductive reasoning to state that since Manson is a psychotic murderer, obviously all men are psychotic murderers as a rule. Idiot.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Shaking my head.
I... don't get it.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Paul Bernardo was set to get married to a hot 30 something.

Here I sit, someone who wouldn't hurt a fly and I couldn't get a hug without paying 200 or so bucks an hour.
I wouldn't hurt a fly either, yet women seem to actually like me. Maybe it's because I'm not resentful of evil murderous fucks attracting the misguided romantic attentions of a few mentally disturbed individuals.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
I personally don't care who they go for. I hate when men as a whole are painted bad due to their stupitidy. And laws are enacted to make things worse for men.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Also I am not resentful of the evil murderous fucks, I am resentful of the stupid chicks that flock to them. Any normal person would at the very least look down on those stupid cunts. It is a perfectly reasonable responce. Hey I get it.
What a positively wonderful attitude towards the mentally ill. You really are a sweetheart. I honestly don't understand why women don't simply throw themselves at you at every opportunity.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
In a way its good news. Men's attractiveness is based on power. Hugh Hefner still gets poon and he is older.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
Nice try dumbass. Continue to spout forth your ignorence.

Thanks to the hobby of pen paper and dice roleplaying I can tell you that you can almost always find the roots even before puberty hits.
You don't get bitter and resentful and thus drive off the chicks, you get ignored or worse treated like your sexual orientation is a crime and thus develop the perfectly reasonable bitterness and resentment. But hey, please derp on, I like to have it confirmed that my theory that normals just don't get it is true.

Also I am not resentful of the evil murderous fucks, I am resentful of the stupid chicks that flock to them. Any normal person would at the very least look down on those stupid cunts. It is a perfectly reasonable responce. Hey I get it. I am a white heterosexual able bodied male and thus in your eyes have no right to feelings in the view of a hate monger like yourself. I am supposed to be the system's bitch and have a shit eating grin while you go on and cheer those who smash windows and try to break up peaceful meetings in the name of whatever left wing cause of the day is on the go because it is non violent and democratic. Speaking of idiot.
I can't imagine what you've experienced to make you feel like you're being treated like your sexual orientation is a crime.
The way you describe it is not my experience at all.
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