Canada's Jr's go for gold

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Let's just take it one game at a time. It wouldn't be the first time we counted the chickens before the eggs hatched...


who said 'surrender'?
Aug 20, 2003
one thing going for them is they're not the favourite, but it will probably turn on one goal, win or lose.

Good luck!!

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I enjoy watching the juniors way wore than the NHL. I find the game more entertaining and less hack and grab/trap.


Jul 29, 2003
theboss said:
Can they loose? Good goaltending,lots of offence.
Yes they can loose, and if they do it will be to the Russians. I can't remember the stats exactly. I think we lost to them 5 of the last 6 years. (or something like that) They sleep during the regulation round and then when its medal time look out. They will be the biggest thorn for Canada by far, .........but first we have to play the Czechs.

Canada hasn't won Gold in so long its high time. --- Kev

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Dont forget the U.S.

This will be a repeat of the '97 final in Switzerland.Plus, a battle of the Shattuck St Mary's alumnus in Sidney Crosby and Zach Parise.

Montoya is a good goalie, but in Fleury Cnada has the best goaltending in the tournament.

I think the big question will be whether or not the Americans D will be able to handle Burns,Getzlaff and Carter. They're bigger than most NHL lines and all 3 or good skaters (Getzlaff not as great as teh other two,but can still hold his own) with soft hands. If the American D gets frustrated and starts taking lots of penalties I can see Canada coasting to a fairly easy win. If the American D is able to contain them along with Dawes-Stewart-Richards, and Paille - Crosby - Tambellinini, it's wanyones game.

Canada is stronger overall, but America is loaded with returning players and I have a feeling this is the year their Michigan based hot-housing program for their top under 18's in the country really pays off.

U.S 4 Canada 2 - With Parise scoring the game winner and empty netter.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
well obviously there is less grabbing/obstruction/trapping...its a bigger ice surface!

and Ukraine getting pounded what 10-0 by Canada and 14-1 today by Finland hardly qualifies as good hockey, its more like a scrimmage...

I cant say I like it better than the NHL though

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
the rusty tromb said:
Dont forget the U.S.

This will be a repeat of the '97 final in Switzerland.Plus, a battle of the Shattuck St Mary's alumnus in Sidney Crosby and Zach Parise.

Montoya is a good goalie, but in Fleury Cnada has the best goaltending in the tournament.

I think the big question will be whether or not the Americans D will be able to handle Burns,Getzlaff and Carter. They're bigger than most NHL lines and all 3 or good skaters (Getzlaff not as great as teh other two,but can still hold his own) with soft hands. If the American D gets frustrated and starts taking lots of penalties I can see Canada coasting to a fairly easy win. If the American D is able to contain them along with Dawes-Stewart-Richards, and Paille - Crosby - Tambellinini, it's wanyones game.

Canada is stronger overall, but America is loaded with returning players and I have a feeling this is the year their Michigan based hot-housing program for their top under 18's in the country really pays off.

U.S 4 Canada 2 - With Parise scoring the game winner and empty netter.
Sadly I was right (almost,4-3 instead of 4-2)

Second time in three years the give up a 3-1 lead in the gold medal game (happend in '02 against Russia).

Gotta be especially bad considering the winning goal went off of Braydon Coburn after arc Andre Fleury tried to clear it out of harms way.

Thought the difference came down to the Canadian defensive zone coverage, as they often seemed to be confused by the Americans cycling and creative offensive attacks.Goaltending was alos huge as Al Montoya made more than a few game savers (especially the one on Crosby early in the third).

Besides Montoya, Patrick Eaves and Nigel Dawes were the best players on the ice. Hopefully they'll get a chance to play in the NHL, despite their small stature.

Parise didn't have a bad game, but I thought he'd play a bigger role in the Americans defeating Canada. None the less, he had a great tourney and was deserving of capturing MVP honours.

Crushing loss, but congratualtions still goes out to Canada for a great tournament right up to the last 15 minutes.

Lets hope the drought ends next year in North Dakota.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Back Burner said:
Are we the only ones in the world that care about the "Worlds Junior Hockey Championship"

I mean the US won and I bet it won't even make ESPN.

Back Burner
Pretty much. The Finns, Russians, Swedes,Czechs, etc, care, but not nearly as much as Canada does.

It will be on Sportscentre,but most likely not till the very end of the show.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Kathleen said:
Goober- You read my mind.
3-2, I said uh oh.
3-3 I thought .. eddie?,
4-3 a chuckled Toronto!

I like the olympics when the NHL guys are in it, and never much cared for the Juniors. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing Canada win the gold. At the 4-3 goal, I reminded myself, Womans hockey, and juniors don't count. Sad way to lose it all though. 15min gone bad. Wonder how Fleury will deal with it?
Improve, or turn Ray Finkle?

Juniiors dont count?

Spoken like a true NHL only fan.

I'm sure if Canada won, you'd be back to your bandwagon ways of "we" won "we're" the best. I guess you only include yourself as part of the team when they win.

Go back to watching down the watered down NHL games.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Kathleen said:
I like the olympics when the NHL guys are in it, and never much cared for the Juniors.
I'm quite the opposite. I liked the Olympics when it was about amateur sport.



Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Kathleen said:
I like the olympics when the NHL guys are in it,
Actually I think allowing professionals in the Olympics was a stupid idea. We already had tournaments such as the Canada Cup which satisfied our need for international supremacy.

The Olympics was a great training ground for young players.

The thing I liked about the junior tourny was some of the rules they had in place:

* No centre line. A great idea. It opens up the ice and helps eliminate the trap.

* Tag-up offside rule. This was in place in the NHL at one time, I cannot understand why they ever eliminated it. Helped speed the game up.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
anyone who thinks the Olympics were about amateur should do some reading about the East European sports system during the communist era, where these guys were disgused as military officers while spending basically zero time in the army and 24/7 training for their sports, as for the international game, the faster face off is a great way to speed up the game, but not really a fan of removing the centre ice line, as it has been tried in the NCAA and the hockey is absolute garbage there, what the NHL needs is a lengthy lockout where half of the teams fold from bankruptcy and we get a more competitive teams as less Tie Domis making 2 million per season will be in the league.
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