Boy, 2, dies in freak Thornhill car accident

King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
Thunderballs said:
I don't agree that this was his fault at all. Have you ever seen a 2 year old run around? It is impossible to keep track of them 100% of the time. You think that they are one place and then they dart over to another. Just a sad tragedy. Poor little guy and the Dad as well. :(
Right. Which is why my 2 year old was always in a stroller or within arm's length of his mother or me when he was outdoors. This was entirely avoidable. Tragic but preventable. And if this Kurrupt person is to be believed, it was bound to happen.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
kurrupt said:
I have a real life asshole.
I'm thinking a sad one with very few friends due to some unresolved anger issues. Or is it because nobody else's opinion matters? Maybe you still wet the bed? Possibly because the only reason someone would sleep with you is if they were too lazy to masterbate? Doesn't matter the reason, your true colours have come out.

a 1 signing out because my feelings have been hurt.:(


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
a 1 player said:
I'm thinking a sad one with very few friends due to some unresolved anger issues. Or is it because nobody else's opinion matters? Maybe you still wet the bed? Possibly because the only reason someone would sleep with you is if they were too lazy to masterbate? Doesn't matter the reason, your true colours have come out.

a 1 signing out because my feelings have been hurt.:(

Your feelings are hurt???

He called me a "fattie", and i guess it's not because he wants to plant his two lips on my "joint".

Code 420 reference in the lounge.



Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
rubmeister100 said:
Hey Kurrupt...

It would be a FANTASTIC public service if you were to approach the media with your story. Give it to them on a silver platter and let them go at it with all they have to bring YRP to account.

My suggestion would be CBC's "The Fifth Estate". Local bingo callers have too short of an attention span.

I would agree. If it is true Kurrupt - then tell the story and let everyone know. Not just a bunch of drunk horny bastards on an escort review board.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
a 1 player said:
Well, I really am kind of an asshole, so it didn't hurt too badly.

Why, God, do they keep giving me these set up lines, if they don't want me to use them.

You say " kind of an asshole". What springs to mind:

Some might say they've seen you, and thats not stretching it. So I won't go there. Don't colon me again.


Not a 420 alert this time , but some clever veiled gay inyouendo type reference at a 1 players expense. Hope he isn't sore. (nudge)

Okay, I'll stop now.



Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
An unfortunate story, horrible story for the family.

I call shenanigans on Kurrupt.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
a 1 player said:
Your speaking greek to me.

no homo

Its getting late, so I better leave you behind and sign off now.

Seriously no homo, unless GB joins in.:D


New member
Feb 26, 2006
kurrupt said:
He's Chinese. Of course. And 'almost killed' a few other kids including my daughter on the way home from school. This guy was a menace and it was a matter of time. He drove like a lunatic. A Chinese lunatic.
While race should not be of any concern in this tragedy, the news reported that the driver is Korean. What's scary is the stereotyping of a particular ethnic group before this poster would even verify the truth:rolleyes: What a fucking racist!


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I know the area in question - it is just north of The Promenade Mall, and I drive by there from time to time. The streets in those subdivisions are really bad in that they are twisty narrow lanes with cars parked on the street all the time. One can't do better than 40 km/h on a good day. In addition, kids like to play street games during breaks in traffic. All in all, I wouldn't buy a house in this area. Imo, f you're going to go all the way out to York Region, one should get a third of an acre at least to enjoy the suburban life. Otherwise, live in the city and avoid the daily commute. It's not like these homes are cheap and people move here to save money.

IF the guy drove fast on those streets, I can see how he would be an accident waiting to happen. However, as much as a jerk as he appears to be, he will be feeling a world of hurt right now...and running over your own kid is not something anyone would get over. Aside from his own mind...imagine what his wife and inlaws are thinking about him.

As for York Regional Police not caring...from my experience in York neighbours up here complain to the cops over every little thing - schools make to much noise, trucks make too much noise, youth loiter around, somebody might be selling drugs in the park at night, the guy down the street lets his cat roam free, kids too big for using the swingset use the swingset, etc, etc. Seriously, a lot of stay at home housewives up here in York have nothing better to do than sit at the window and record how many times trucks heavier than 3 tons go down the street, put it in spreadsheet form and call the cops to demand traffic calming measures be taken as 2 trucks per hour is unacceptable. Mlam complained he is woken up at night downtown becasue of car noise? Up here in the summer I can hear the crickets...that is about the loudest noise. So yes, the police get pissed off over people phoning in repetitive complaints about the guy across the street watering his lawn duirng a water shortage, etc. They threatened a guy near me because he was clocking how fast cars were going and phoning in to say the woman at # xxx goes 5 km/h over the limit most days - why don't you give her a ticket? Actually what they told him was to volunteer his time at a charity or something and get out of the house more.

Well as, I said, the guy might be a jerk, but nobody deserves to have to live with the knowledge they killed their own son. That's worse than jail. I keep thinking of Ralph Fiennes in "In Bruges". I couldn't live with muyself if I did that.
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