Bill Clinton BJ poll

Do BJ's count as sex?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • might be (maybe)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • might not be (maybe not)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If my GF/significant other is doing it w/ someone else yes- as with me no. (I can do what I want and

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


I started a "how many people have yoyu had sex with" poll a couple of days ago and got some pretty interesting feedback.

The comment that piqued my interest the most, however, was the one by Captain James T Kirk [of the USS Starship Enterprise], who agrees with Bill Clinton- that a BJ is not sex (oral or otherwise?)

Hmmm..... very interesting.

Dear Captain [and to any other TERB members who would like to respond to this open question]:

If Spock and Bones (Dr. McCOY- good nickname eh) [or a significant other in your life] walked in on you getting a BJ from Yeoman Janis (hot blonde with mini skirt and big big boobies- for all you guys who aren't familiar with Star Trek) or from Lt. Uhura (black chick as well endowed and attractive as Yeoman Janis), could you with all honesty (having a true and non self serving bona-fide belief in the following statement) say to your significant other: "Honey, no need to get upset now. This is NOT sex, and/or therefore NOT cheating etc.- So don't get bent out of shape. She's just sucking my dick- not an issue." Feel free to respond by posting and/or making a poll selection.

This is for all the givers and those on the receiving end. If you had a chick/or dude who said: "I'll be back in a minute babe, I'm gonna go blow the neighbour across the street" would your first thought be: Oh that's all, at least you're not having sex with him/her? Hmmm.....

By the way, the "might be" and "might not be" sex responses subscribe to the "half-full" vs. "half-empty" theorem of psychology.


...I wonder....

......Stay Tuned


New member
Feb 3, 2002
I think the clinton type male view would be "sucking dick isn't cheating, eating pussy is"

it's all bs, BJ is sex

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
From my point of view, a blow job is not sex.

It is an erotic act however, and i totally understand why a woman would get upset if she discovered her man was out paying for blow jobs or whatever.

It is cheating.

It is not sex, at least in the true sense of the definition of sex.

Plus to me, I honestly don't feel i have had sex if i have not had intercourse.

It just feels incomplete.

An interesting story, Nichelle Nichols, aka Lt. Uhura was having quite the ongoing affair with Gene Roddenberry. Apparently old Gene was not made of Tritanium alloy and had quite the appetite for the ladies. If you ever read any of the books by shatner or, Herb solo and Bob Justman they relate several instances of old gene personally altering some of the actresses costumes, writing sexy scripts, etc. Gene was quite the horn dog in real life.

As far as Yeoman barrow goes, again if you read those books it is interesting that she was, how does one say?, ---she had very strong female drives.



New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Let's change this around a little bit and see what you think

Mikeymike said:

This is for all the givers and those on the receiving end. If you had a chick/or dude who said: "I'll be back in a minute babe, I'm gonna go blow the neighbour across the street" would your first thought be: Oh that's all, at least you're not having sex with him/her? Hmmm..... ...I wonder....
Instead of her blowing him let's say your wife/gf/SO has a male "friend/neighbor" who she visits from time to time. She swears that no intercourse ever takes place but she has told you that he loves to eat her out and she enjoys it immensely too.

Would you consider her being eaten out as "having had sex" with him?

To make it a little more difficult, would it then make any difference if she told you that sometimes she returns the favor and blows him? If it was a mutual act, then would it be "having sex" ?

I'd vote YES on all counts!
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