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Bare vs. covered


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
I realize there was a thread on this board that got off-track so I thought it would be better to start a fresh one. The subject concerns intercourse, not bj's. For the life of me, I simply cannot understand why anyone would want to dispense with a condom when it comes to intercourse these days. It simply makes no sense. And I'm not just talking with SP's. I mean with practically anyone. I don't even care if you've been seeing someone for a year and have both tested negative for HIV and other STD's. Can you really trust someone with your life? Do you even want to? I mean, you may say you'll be faithful and really mean it, but who says you or your better half won't go out one night, maybe have a little bit much to drink, meet someone fascinating and, against your better judgement, you make a big mistake? Then you come home and maybe give something to your partner? I agree chances of this may be small, but why risk it? I mean you've got a lot to lose with catching something deadly and very little, if anything, to gain. What, a little extra sensation? Personally, I've not had bare-back sex in over 10 years and I've had some wonderfully pleasurable sex with a condom that there doesn't seem to be really much difference in feeling with or without the condom. You might feel different about that point, but really, the bottom line is: For a measly little extra sensation, is it really worth the risk?.....


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
As I understand it HIV probably cannot be transmitted throught oral sex, and if it can doctors have not figured out how it would be. Other diseases I don't know. I agree that you should always be covered in a serious relationship, but more for pregnency then disease (I think you can trust some people to be faithful)


New member
Mar 13, 2002
Simple answer

...I hate how they feel. What about sex with half of the sensation. I've rarely ever used them. I had a few long term relationships and see no need. I've never had any kind of STD either. But for everybody else..yeah keep using them.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
Well, I guess some guys don't like the way they feel, but, as for me, other than when they are being put on me, I really don't feel any different than "uncovered" during a BJ or intercourse. The sensation difference for me is miniscule, if anything at all. So....I don't see any reason to risk my life, not even in a serious relationship or (and you may scoff at this), even marriage, unless we're trying for children, of course. I understand most people see no need for condoms in a serious relationship and I agree the risk is minimal, but if you are a person, like me, who doesn't really feel much difference with or without it, why take even a minimal risk when there's absolutely nothing to gain by going uncovered? By the way, do the ladies feel any difference when their guy is covered versus uncovered?.....


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Lucky you then.

meee (CM);

You are indeed lucky to find the difference in sensation so small as to be insignificant. I purchase my own condoms and prefer to use a Japanese brand (Crown "Skin less Skin" which is .047" as opposed to .070"in thickness) that is about 1/3 thinner than the average and even then I do notice considerable loss.


Dec 17, 2001
have you cats tried poly-urithane (sp?) condoms? they are several times stronger than laytex so they can be much thinner. apperently you can feel heat and texture much better through them. i haven't tried them yet since i don't have anyone that i'm sleeping with, but you can get them at any drugstore. they're called durex avanti i believe. the only thing is they are much more expensive than laytex. but it's worth it i think.

another tip i have is (and sorry if you all know this but it took me a while to figure it out) if you put some lube in the tip of the condom before you put it on it feels much better. wetter if you know what i mean.

try these tips out on your favorite lady, and tell me how it goes.


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Crown Skinless

Dr. Wanker said:
Crown are very nice but I haven't found them locally, where are you getting yours?
I buy from SafeSense http://www.condoms.net/?SP=SP4287

They ship to Canada {although CCRA does not know that I pick mine up in the USA} and I buy bulk packs too which makes them quite well priced.

Crown Skinless:
The closest thing to wearing nothing at all. A thin straight-walled, lightly lubricated, condom that will deliver maximum comfort and sensitivity. Crown Skinless (10 pack) $4.99, (25 pack) $11.59, (50 pack) $19.79, 100-pack $35.99.

length=185mm (7.28 inches)
width=54mm (2.13 inches)
thickness=.047mm (.002 inches) vs typical thickness=.07mm (.003 inches)

Another that feels as almost as nice but is a little tastier for her is Paradise Super Sensitive Flavored, and it's also a wee bit longer, and unfortunately a little thicker too though still much thinner than the ave. condom.

Paradise Super Sensitive Flavored:
Some think it tastes like strawberry, some like cherry and some even think they taste like HI-C, but what they all agree on is that the NEW Paradise Super Sensitive condoms feel great! Paradise Super Sensitive condoms are very much like the best selling Crown Skinless condoms. They are very thin but strong, and have that nice silky feeling which means more sensation for you! The Paradise Super Sensitive also has a nice flavor making it a great choice for safe oral sex.

Paradise Super Sensitive Flavored 10-Pack $4.99, 25-Pack $11.59, 50-Pack $19.79, 100-Pack $35.99

length=195mm (7.68 inches)
width=54mm (2.13 inches)
thickness=.055mm (.002 inches)

Another choice, but pricier would be Paradise Super Sensitive w/AstroGlide (10-pack) $6.49, (25-pack) $13.79 (50-pack) $24.99, (100-pack) $43.99. It's cheaper to buy your own Astroglide and add a couple of drops before using it.

Admittedly the new Urethane condom is thin and the heat transfer is great but they're too expensive for me.
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New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Re: goodmorning...

sweetdiane said:
............ I wouldn't use skin less skin condoms. They aren't safe. The thinner ones break more often, and they are said to be not as effective as the thicker or larger ones............ Diane. :)
I have done some reading (can't find the stats now) on these, however they're accepted all over the world. They use a different formulation of latex than the usual condom which has been designed to increase strength despite their being thinner, and they do surpass all standard test procedures used by the US regulations. Of course we in Canada do not have such testing requirements.

I doubt there is any evidence to be found that Crown Skin less Skin break more freqently than any other reputable brand. If you have based your concept only on the fact that they are thinner then I believe that you have made an incorrect assumption. In this case thinner IS STRONGER!
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New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Re: ok...

sweetdiane said:
You may think I am wrong, but I don't think so. I've used them, don't like them, and they break.

I've used MANY other brands that NEVER break.

I'd like to hear from other sp's on this one. Please.

I am surprised and :confused: Would you please verify something for me. You called them only "skin less skin" and so I wonder if we are talking about the same product here i.e. "Skin Less Skin" Crown Brand made in Japan and distributed by Okamoto U.S.A. Inc?

I have never had a problem with them, breaking or otherwise.

I began buying my own after trying to use those provided by the girls for me, which were often the worst I'd ever come across, sometimes translucent white, thick, heavy and often very, very smelly. Many girls have indicated they prefer using mine especially for the lack of offensive smell/taste. They even enjoy the taste of the Paradise Brand.

I should mention too that in over 600 encounters (est.) with over 150 different girls (fact) I've never been refused the use of my own condoms, or told that I must use whatever she brought with her.


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Re: h'mmm...

sweetdiane said:
.......... rr_bill: I've still slept with more people than you have. lol.
Geez, but I am totally surprised at that Diane:D! How in the world can that be true? More than me??? Really???? And here I thought that those stats would mean a sure win for me (lol).

Honestly, I didn't anticipate that this would turn into a contest. Actually the numbers were meant to re-enforce my opinion of the Crown condom - that there was narry a break in all those trys and also, that having seen more than just a few girls, I had never been pressured by any, to abandon my preferential condom for hers but, had I been requested to do so, I'd almost certainly have acceded to her request, unless of course I had judged her to be untrustworthy and capable of poking a hole in it.

Still, I do hope that your call for comments from others will provide some good information on "thinnies", either pro or con.
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New member
Aug 19, 2001
Lyla said:
(although they say it's kind of creepy going on -- like putting your penis in cold pudding ;-).

Now how would anybody know how that feels???
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