Are we being discriminated against?

Warning... Soapbox speech ahead!

I have somewhat of a unique perspective on this subject, since I'm heavily "immersed" in it (via continuous contact through TERB) but don't partake... This being the case, my point of view may be different than most...

The thing is, the public misconception of people in "the hobby" needs to change. I feel the public for the most part is grossly misinformed. Before I found TERB, I figured all the "hookers" were a bunch of crack whores with pimps, and that all the "John's" were a bunch of low life losers that couldn't get laid to save their lives. Through conversations with people I socialize with and come in contact with on a daily basis, that is pretty much the impression of what public opinion is... and they generally have NO IDEA what the situation REALLY IS!

Since finding Terb and getting "to know" many of the members here, my opinion on the subject has taken an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT (read totally opposite!) direction. I have met some genuinely wonderful people (well their on-line persona's anyway) on this site. I have "met" some highly intelligent, truly incredible and loving human beings in some of the women that work in this industry. I have also "met" some truly inspirational and misunderstood guys that happen to use the services of professional girlfriends for a variety of reasons! (I will not get into any morality/ infidelity issues here, since that is not at all for me to judge…)

There are people here from all walks of life, from the blue collar worker to Lawyers and Doctors, and leaders of industry and of course everything in between! It really was an eye opener for me!

Yes, there is the occasional asshole that shows up every once in awhile (e.g. "ENOUGH", "Moeman" & "David Jenson" spring to mind immediately LOL!), and a few of those "lovable" character types we all know and love but for the most part TERB has a pretty awesome membership. If people would simply take the time to get to know the people that work and play in the industry, I think they would NOT be so quick to judge, and/ or discriminate against them.

**steps off soapbox**


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
We, who partake of the pleasures of paid sex, are the members of a group that are discriminated against. Almost all of us dare not speak of our "hobby" to family, friends or colleagues. We would be disowned, fired from our jobs, labeled as perverts - in short we are discriminated against. Our human rights are being violated. We should not live in fear of our sexual choices being discovered. We are victims of a narrow-minded, intolerant society. There is the gay Pride parade. There should be a "Johns" parade. There should be more tolerance. There should be an end to the police busts. We should be able to publicly celebrate our joy in our sexual choices. No?


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
We, who partake of the pleasures of paid sex, are the members of a group that are discriminated against. Almost all of us dare not speak of our "hobby" to family, friends or colleagues. We would be disowned, fired from our jobs, labeled as perverts - in short we are discriminated against. Our human rights are being violated. We should not live in fear of our sexual choices being discovered. We are victims of a narrow-minded, intolerant society. There is the gay Pride parade. There should be a "Johns" parade. There should be more tolerance. There should be an end to the police busts. We should be able to publicly celebrate our joy in our sexual choices. No?
Lead the way, brother! What's your real name?



Apr 24, 2005
I am having trouble hearing you from inside this "closet".

To paraphrase former Justice Minister John Turner: "You might think what they do is offensive, immoral, obscene, sinful, even repugnant but it shouldn't be criminal and we shouldn't chop their nuts off or toss their sorry butts in jail."


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Those of us who indulge in the hobby vis the outcall route are not violating any laws in Canada so nothing illegal to be worried about (unlike in the U.S.). So in theory, we could have a John's parade as the police have nothing to charge us with. One might go further and say even the incall crowd could parade as they would not be 'found in' during a parade. However, social stigma is real and if one wanted to see how close we can come to the Salem witch fiasco in 21st century Canada, sure, publish in The Star a John's Parade wll be taking place on Jarvis St on Saturday and all are welcome...:D

Not fair, but true.


Apr 24, 2005
However, social stigma is real and if one wanted to see how close we can come to the Salem witch fiasco in 21st century Canada,
Why does York Region LE publish the names and ages of all males found in an MP during a raid? I do give credit to the homos and lesbos for fighting back. Remember Pussy Palace!


Jul 3, 2009
We, who partake of the pleasures of paid sex, are the members of a group that are discriminated against. Almost all of us dare not speak of our "hobby" to family, friends or colleagues. We would be disowned, fired from our jobs, labeled as perverts - in short we are discriminated against. Our human rights are being violated. We should not live in fear of our sexual choices being discovered. We are victims of a narrow-minded, intolerant society. There is the gay Pride parade. There should be a "Johns" parade. There should be more tolerance. There should be an end to the police busts. We should be able to publicly celebrate our joy in our sexual choices. No?

Well the only way to have soceity have a different view is to fight to treated as equals and also fight for human rights for our choice of life style

I hope this court case makes some changes if not i will keep fighting for better rights for sex workers and hope it will change the view of johns as well.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Why does York Region LE publish the names and ages of all males found in an MP during a raid? I do give credit to the homos and lesbos for fighting back. Remember Pussy Palace!
Because they think of some MPs as basically incall locations depending on what they believe goes on inside. So they can charge anyone found inside one they raid who doesn't have a good excuse with "found in a common bawdy house", and (I think) they can release the names and ages of anyone they charge with a crime if they feel so inclined. Whether the charges stick is another mattter, but they can blame and shame even if the charges themselves are eventually dismissed.


Apr 24, 2005
Because they think of some MPs as basically incall locations depending on what they believe goes on inside.
They use to raid the gay bathhouses too until the homos fought back. Does anyone think LE has the balls to raid a gay or lesbo (Pussy Palace) bathhouse to-day?


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Why does York Region LE publish the names and ages of all males found in an MP during a raid? I do give credit to the homos and lesbos for fighting back. Remember Pussy Palace!
For a "straight" guy, you seem very obsessed with The Gays. Relevant or not, half of your posts make reference to The Gays.

What did they do to you (or maybe didn't do?) to justify all this attention and love?


Apr 24, 2005
What did they do to you (or maybe didn't do?) to justify all this attention and love?
I really admire how they fought the "White Man"* and were willing to risk life, limb, social obstacism, careers, etc. to defend their lifestyle. I think they can serve as a role model for repressed people everywhere.

Gen, when the "White Man" says some or all of what you do is illegal, "he" is violating your human rights to engage in "wambo minki" behind closed doors with a consenting ADULT partner of your choice (whether money or beaver pelts changed hands should be irrelevant).

*"White Man" means Blair, Miller, McGuinty and Harper.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
OK, if it's so wrong, then what does society want?

a) Clone couples if you're single (gf who looks like a female version of yourself)
b) Monogamy if you're married

Go outside these lines, and you're scum.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
We, who partake of the pleasures of paid sex, are the members of a group that are discriminated against. Almost all of us dare not speak of our "hobby" to family, friends or colleagues. We would be disowned, fired from our jobs, labeled as perverts - in short we are discriminated against. Our human rights are being violated. We should not live in fear of our sexual choices being discovered. We are victims of a narrow-minded, intolerant society. There is the gay Pride parade. There should be a "Johns" parade. There should be more tolerance. There should be an end to the police busts. We should be able to publicly celebrate our joy in our sexual choices. No?
A lot of johns are not being discriminated against. They just wish their identity to remain anonymous because they're cheating on their SOs by going to see SPs and MPAs. As for those that don't have SOs, like myself, they just don't want their friends to know because they'll think they're losers (they have to pay for something that most people can get for "free").
My two lousy cents.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
A lot of johns are not being discriminated against. They just wish their identity to remain anonymous because they're cheating on their SOs by going to see SPs and MPAs. As for those that don't have SOs, like myself, they just don't want their friends to know because they'll think they're losers (they have to pay for something that most people can get for "free").
My two lousy cents.
That hits the nail right on the head.
Warning... Soapbox speech ahead!

I have somewhat of a unique perspective on this subject, since I'm heavily "immersed" in it (via continuous contact through TERB) but don't partake... This being the case, my point of view may be different than most...

The thing is, the public misconception of people in "the hobby" needs to change. I feel the public for the most part is grossly misinformed. Before I found TERB, I figured all the "hookers" were a bunch of crack whores with pimps, and that all the "John's" were a bunch of low life losers that couldn't get laid to save their lives. Through conversations with people I socialize with and come in contact with on a daily basis, that is pretty much the impression of what public opinion is... and they generally have NO IDEA what the situation REALLY IS!

Since finding Terb and getting "to know" many of the members here, my opinion on the subject has taken an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT (read totally opposite!) direction. I have met some genuinely wonderful people (well their on-line persona's anyway) on this site. I have "met" some highly intelligent, truly incredible and loving human beings in some of the women that work in this industry. I have also "met" some truly inspirational and often misunderstood guys that happen to use the services of professional girlfriends for a variety of reasons! (I will not get into any morality/ fidelity issues here, since that is not at all for me to judge…)

There are people here from all walks of life, from the blue collar worker to Lawyers and Doctors, and leaders of industry and of course everything in between! It really was an eye opener for me!

Yes, there is the occasional asshole that shows up every once in awhile (e.g. "ENOUGH", "Moeman" & "David Jenson" spring to mind immediately LOL!), and a few of those "lovable" character types we all know and love but for the most part TERB has a pretty awesome membership. If people would simply take the time to get to know the people that work and play in the industry, I think they would NOT be so quick to judge, and/ or discriminate against them.

**steps off soapbox**

(I originally posted this during the TERB Time warp, & can't delete that post now, so sorry about the double post... 2 yrs & 2 1/2 months later!)


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Niagara Falls
I don't see much discrimination against John's bc John's have a much easier time of keeping it private, but the sp is working regularly. But yes, peoples views on sp's and john's is very not good, and if a john does get caught, or talk about his views on strippers and sp's, he's likely to face strong disapproval.

First, it seems almost everyone I talk to believes that escorting is illegal. They have no concept of incall vs outcall. Escorting is just seen to be one thing and it's illegal. All of the escorts are diseased drug users trying to get another high and pay their pimp. And the johns are depraved losers who are taking advantage of women. All parties involved are both criminals and automatically disgusting.

The most ironic and sad thing about this is that it isn't just the conservative prudes who think this way, it's the clubber freaks. The girls who are going out on weekends, getting smashed and getting high, and fucking random guys right there on the damn streets! It's the girls who are even more hookerish than hookers themselves! The girls don't realize it though. They get smashed on the weekends and then go back to their working lives on Monday. They don't see their behavior as anything bc money isn't involved. Once money is involved, then you're labelled a WHORE and for some reason that's wrong, but banging random drunk guys is somehow ok and safer and less dirty.

Unfortunately, changing minds on this is very difficult bc people are very solidly locked in to their beliefs on this issue. They never seem to budge. The concept of a WHORE is nearly impossible to break. Like trying to convince a religious person that the world isn't 5000 years old. How you gonna do it? Their mind is made up about something that isn't even based on logic. How you going to convince them?


Apr 24, 2005
Yes, perception is hard to change especially when there are groups such as the clergy, "real" women, the "Harperites", etc. painting all escorts as 13 year old drug addicted pimped out whores with no education and no other options. These jerks never met and probably never want to meet someone like Gen (forgive me, Gen).

Speaking of perceptions:
Are all priests and teachers child molestors and consumers of child porn?
Are all policepeople crooks who steal money and drugs like the "Toronto 6"?
Are all politicians liars?

DO NOT EVER TRUST STEPHEN HARPER WITH A MAJORITY. Even now his lawyers are opposing women who want to practice the sextrade indoors. His lawyers are also attacking homos (e.g. gay marriage) and polygamy but that belongs in another thread.
Yes, perception is hard to change especially when there are groups such as the clergy, "real" women, the "Harperites", etc. painting all escorts as 13 year old drug addicted pimped out whores with no education and no other options. These jerks never met and probably never want to meet someone like Gen (forgive me, Gen).

Speaking of perceptions:
Are all priests and teachers child molestors and consumers of child porn?
Are all policepeople crooks who steal money and drugs like the "Toronto 6"?
Are all politicians liars?
I would venture to say that Gen (since you used her as an example) and many of our other Lady TERB's would likely put many of the clergy, "real" women, the "Harperites" to shame with their poise, intelligence and wit!

To answer your other questions:

Are all priests and teachers child molestors etc? Of course not.
Are all police- crooks who steal money and drugs? Of course not.
Are all politicians liars? For the most part, yes... they are.

Just my nickels worth...
Toronto Escorts