any other guys who don't want kids and never want to get married?


Nov 20, 2006
Oddly, handguns are relatively safe in homes without children!
Handguns, actually any gun are also rather good for getting rid of children. Wait, did I say that.


Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Let's see the never-married-with-no-kids version of this video. Would it be more spectacular?
I don't have any video handy and I do have one friend who is happily (most of the time) married...

...but the never-married-with-no-kids-version is the one that works for me!


New member
Jan 26, 2004
I got to know an old lady in her 80s who had more kids and grandkids than
she can remember. She had her homecare helper came in 2 times a week to
bath her and the other one 3 times to make her dinner. She must have been
grateful for the company of these helpers whom she has seen way more
often than any of her kids. 40 years from now it will be the weekly
outcall health care service that will keep my company.
I've seen more old people than I can count who are stashed away in a retirement home who seen the kids/grand-kids for a couple of hours a year at christmas and birthday time. It was quite shocking to me, but this represents a huge majority of the residents (I was told by a worker around 80%). Having kids so you can be taken care of when you're older is a myth.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Gee wonder how you would feel if your parents didn't HAVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a great wife of 37 years three wonderful kid,s 3 and one more coming grandkids.I wouldnt have it any other way.
I have found that this generation is all about ME ME ME They don;t want to start out slow like we did they want it all NOW!!!!!
When you are sitting in your wheelchair drooling out the side of your mouth sitting in your urine shit filled diaper "in the home" you may want to remember "IF you can" you didnt want kids so you won't have any family visiting you on holidays birthdays or just any day.

My wife who has been a nurse for almost 40 years says the SADDEST part of Christmas is seeing those who do not have any visitors.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The farther I get in life, the more I think of marriage and children as a burden I don't want. It's just not as important to as when I was younger. That said, for the right person, I'd drop my lifestyle for her and maybe even spawn a few rugrats.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I've seen more old people than I can count who are stashed away in a retirement home who seen the kids/grand-kids for a couple of hours a year at christmas and birthday time. It was quite shocking to me, but this represents a huge majority of the residents (I was told by a worker around 80%). Having kids so you can be taken care of when you're older is a myth.
Our society is a lot less family-oriented than it has been in the past and that's a product of our own advancements. Children grow up in families where both parents work and are physically and mentally drained by day's end. Few adults can spare the time they wish for their parents, or can't enjoy the time with them because they're so drained. Frankly, our society is about getting as much as we can as soon as we can and putting ourselves through misery to achieve it. Who has time for family...?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
The farther I get in life, the more I think of marriage and children as a burden I don't want. It's just not as important to as when I was younger. That said, for the right person, I'd drop my lifestyle for her and maybe even spawn a few rugrats.

Kids are a burden and lots of work.

If I was rich and could have a caretaker and send my kids to private schools and let them travel and bring them up very nicely and not much work on my end, then sure having kids could be great.

But I'm not rich !! Most people aren't.

I want to travel and have fun--now. Hobby shops are fun, same with electronic shops. Some towns have great strip clubs, oh boo hoo you might not get to fuck them but you can get some company and some fun. I sleep just great alone, better then with another person. Its when I'm wide awake I might want some company.

You can make friends with the opposite sex, its not at just strip clubs but many places. Yeah maybe no lap dancing but barmaids can be fun sit around by. I recall this one gal, she was the life of the party, could carry on and pull the guys in.

You need to get out and enjoy life with many different people, not get hung up on them. Or have hobbies, something you enjoy doing. I rate my life as a 7, I'm not depressed but not super happy, if I had more money, well I take more trips. Other then that life is good, I sleep in to 9--9:30 am, during the evening is all my free time, same with the night.

I got little worries, school bus comes for the little ones around 8:40 am and drops them back off around 4:40...other then that bus blocking my car at times, it has no effect on my life.

I lived here for 20 years, those little kids just keep coming each year. Its like people like to create work for themselves.


Nov 20, 2006
Gee wonder how you would feel if your parents didn't HAVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would not have felt a thing, much like those dozens of my mothers unused eggs and billions of my fathers unused sperm.

Whats next, menstruation is murder?

To raise kids just so you will have a few hours with family in your last few years is a lame ass reason to have kids.

There is one thing sadder than old people who don't get visitors, and that is old people who have kids who could not be bothered to visit. Lowered expectations for the win. I'd say that not expecting visitors is better than those old people who are ignored for all but a few hours a year by their kids.

That even assumes you don't drop of a heart attack or cancer. From what I've seen, that is what I'd prefer anyways.

Anyways, thats why the Great Pumpkin gave us cats


Active member
May 18, 2003
I used to not want to be married or have kids, dated a fair number of women (mostly based on their looks and not what would matter long term), traveled, spent a lot of cash on things that I was bored of a year later and didn't think any of the women I met were worth any sort of commitment (I wasn't exactly husband material either) until I met the one... Changed my life for the better in so many ways. Just wish I had met her earlier but maybe I wouldn't have been mature enough in my twenties to realize it.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Are there many of us here? I've never wanted children, and never been much of a long term relationship guy. I am very skeptical of marriage, and am very scared of the woman taking half my money/home. I often work very long hours, out of town at times, and that is not conducive to a successful marriage either. I work hard to make my 6 figures, and I know I don't want some woman blowing my money. I don't like spending all my time with a woman either... I need my space. I don't mind spending a night at a woman's place, or vice versa, but the next day I want to do my own thing. I can be in a monogamous relationship (which I think is somewhat stupid too), but I just don't want to live together, get married, or most of all have children. Am I crazy/neurotic? Trapped in adolescence? Or am I smart for wanting to live like this?
I feel the same way.I never want kids,mine or some elses kids.I might be open to common law,but would be very cautious.
Your not alone.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I'm single-childless and happy. You gotta travel and meet people and do new things.

Put that money aside for child care and take nice vacations.

I went to Washington DC for 5 days and then took Megabus straight to Toronto for 3 nights. I had a blast, yeah the first week back suck but it was fun while it last.

Get hobbies--not just hobbying--become a Best Buy freak.

Hit the beach and go jet skiing...I got a hot rod car for summer fun but Mich driving laws are cooler--I be without a license in Ontario, lol

You need to budget more time to have fun. Become a SC regular--but change what you do every so often..

Buy a new bed also, the more comfy you are it helps.

No, your not alone. Being single isn't viewed so bad by some of us--when I think of some of my neighbors wifes, it helps me out big time.

I hope never to father or raise any kids, don't see the point. Its work as far I care and if they get harmed, your butt is hung.
+1...hobbies are so impotant in anyones live,married or not.I enjoy golf,woodworking,bike riding.Keeping active and occupied keeps your mind off be single.


Active member
May 3, 2006
Marriage? Tried it (27 years) didn't work out. But my child is the best thing that every happened to me and raising her is one of the few accomplishments I'm proud of. Mind you, I'm broke...


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Fricken hilarious.
Why not just donate sperm.


Sep 2, 2004
Maybe when I reach my 40s I might have a different perspective and might think about marriage/kids. Yet as of right now? Nope not interested at all. Having seen my married friends having that empty look in their eyes like they have settled is not something I would have in my life. Plus I am too much of a free bird and don't like being tied down and answering to anyone. Especially to a woman.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
my observation is some people shouldn't have kids. Especially those stupid parents who have no care or no control over there freakin brat kids.

Marriage is overrated. Guessin that most don't last more than 5 years avg. these days.
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