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  1. G

    Best Music For Sex

    Massive Attack - Angel Anything from Brian McKnight
  2. G

    So Did Dmitri or Vincenzo Turismo Show Up ?

    Let me clarify. No description that matched Dmitri. The description of VT matches about half the guys at WAGG.
  3. G

    So Did Dmitri or Vincenzo Turismo Show Up ?

    I was a WAGG all last night and no one matching their description showed. Looks like they both chickened out!
  4. G

    Attacked by strippers

    See this is the attitude that caused WAGG to tone down a lot of their stage shows --- fear of prosecution by wimps like this! It's a strip club!! ...relax, get drunk, have fun and be a good sport....(and if your buddies do something like this, just make sure to plan something EXTRA 'Special'...
  5. G

    Idle ramblings

    311. Don't piss on my foot and tell me it's raining
Toronto Escorts