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    Embellishin' Biden's Cannibalized Mind......

    Which is not only old man racist, completely wrong, but is now causing an international incident. Not sounding healthy either.
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    Hunter Biden will finally face Justice in June No more delays.
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    Never Biden Michigan voters

    Representative of the views of 100,000's of voters in the state.
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    Biden's decline now apparent to donors

    He is on a steady slope downward.
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    Jon Stewart fucking nails it!

    Seriously funny, on point and absolutely roasting both candidates. Best 20 minutes you will watch in a year.
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    Hunter Biden recieved 6.5 million in "loans" From a man he only met in 2019. An Entertainment lawyer and big donor. But not fishy at all.....
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    Hunter Biden backs down. Way too patient with him.
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    Epstein names could be released

    Two weeks to appeal decision for those to be named.
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    Hunter Biden faces 9 more criminal charges He could face up to 17 years in prison. As he was prepared to plea this out its probably a slam dunk.
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    Democrats rig Florida Primary for Biden

    Not surprising really, especially with Wasserman involved.
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    Bank records show Hunter paid off Joe Biden Hopefully more to come as they dig deeper.
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    India Assassination plots on Foreign Soil Well well well......
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    High end Washington Brothel raid

    Apparently lots of people with high security clearances, elected officials could be implicated as they imputed their real identity to the owners.
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    Meanwhile in China banks are failing

    40 billion yuan frozen for 600 days. Civil unrest. This is the tip of the iceberg.
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    The Paranoia of the CCP. Restricting knives

    The authoritarian restrictions are growing. They foresee mass civil unrest coming.
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    Newsom vetoes cheaper Insulin Bill As I keep saying. The Democrats aren't nearly as good on Medical as they claim
Toronto Escorts