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  1. E

    Obama visit to Notre Dame upsets many bishops

    The zeal of the fanatical :) Pity they don't show the same enthusiasm to other important issues.
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    Obama visit to Notre Dame upsets many bishops

    Hey, you know the rules: if you want to visit my clubhouse, you have to follow my rules. Of course, because you are an important visitor, we should be civil and relax a little bit :)
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    Is Christianity a form of totalitarianism?

    Well, yes and no! According to the RCC, what he is doing is wrong and a mortal sin which will condemn him to hell - unless of course he is willing to confess his sins and ask for absolution before he dies and has sufficient plenary indulgences.
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    Is Christianity a form of totalitarianism?

    Christianity is a general categorization of a set of religious beliefs. So the answer is no! Now if your question was "Are organized Christian churches practicing a form of totalitarianism?", I would say the answer is yes. However, this would apply to all forms of organized religions more or...
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    Brit facing death penalty in Laos knocked up in prison

    Indeed! Imagine if all that money was spent on the elimination of childhood poverty ...... oh no, that's no good: children can't vote. How about famine in Africa? No, no good either, no oil over there. How about the elimination of AIDS? No, that won't work, they're mainly gays and Africans...
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    Brit facing death penalty in Laos knocked up in prison

    Penalties are indeed well known and encouraged by the US-led "war on drugs" which has been shown over and over again to be a wasted effort. It drives drug trafficking underground and only encourages crime. It is also used to justify the militarization of the police as well as over-policing in...
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    Ottawa still weighing Khadr order, says Cannon

    Give them a chance to do what? Omar Khadr was a child soldier whose constitutional rights have been denied and whose incarceration is illegal under international law. He should have been brought back to Canada years ago. Every day that passes just adds to the embarrassment for all fair-minded...
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    Fiat about to take majority in GM's Opel

    The German government should allow Opel to take control of itself, and support it's efforts to do this, if necessary. Fiat and Opel compete with each other too strongly in the European market for a takeover to be pleasant or even successful.
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    I must be a prejudiced Westerner

    I've got a number of Muslim friends who drink alcohol and engage (I think) in "wambo minki". They don't consider themselves inferior in any way when they visit the mosque on Friday. The only time they won't drink is before they go to the mosque.
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    Speaking of tax dollars

    An upper house is a fundamental part of our parliamentary system (known as the Westminster system). In this system, the affairs of the lower house are carried out in an adversarial style while the Senate adds a more consensus layer to the debate. How would we replace the Senate's function if...
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    G20 shapes New World Order

    Is the USD a world currency? Has tere never has been such a thing? I dont think so - not unless you consider gold as a currency. The markets determine which currency is the "world currency" at any given time. Once upon a time, the British Pound was the currency of choice, now it is the USD...
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    Speaking of tax dollars

    Justification for Senate reform not elimination This behaviour is disgraceful but it happens at all levels of government and in lots of countries too. It is not justification to eliminate the Senate but it is another reason to reform the upper house. My proposal is that Senators should be...
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    Afghan rape law spurs anger

    Justifiable and revenge? Can those words be allowed in the same sentence without a negative?
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    GPD per person by country

    This is a selective picture. GDP per person for Canada is $43,860 and US is higher at $48,400. These figures are from the Economists own site.
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    GPD per person by country

    GDP does not reflect cost of living.
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    Harper the idiot

    Someone is hyper-sensitive indeed! How about YOURSELF?
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    I almost feel sorry for Harper

    The Canadian dollar isn't weak, the US dollar is strong. If you look at the Canadian dollar against other currencies, you will see that it is relatively stable (except the British Pound which is weak). In times of crisis, investors buy what is considered to be the strong currency in the world...
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    Harper the idiot

    That sounds like a real stimulus package :)
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    Harper the idiot

    Every time he opens his mouth, he says something stupid. It seems he just can't help it. When asked about the home renovation tax incentive, he said something like "anyone who owns a home and has a wife, will be renovating this year". Needless to say, all the female MP's were immediately up...
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    I almost feel sorry for Harper

    Any business that is in the same condition as GM obviously has a "business model that doesn't work anymore"! The question is why doesn't it work anymore and what can be done to fix it? Clearly, the current - and past - government has some responsibility for the macro economic conditions that...
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