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  1. E

    Would you allow the torture... (Deep thinking required, reader discretion advised)

    From a morality or ethical point of view, there is never any justification for torture. To argue that there is requires somebody to believe that there is absolute right and absolute wrong in the world. We all know there is not. Torture is morally reprehensible and it reduces humanity to its...
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    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Real Irish people feel exactly the same and, for that reason, tend to stay away from the places where the wanna-be's hang out.
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    Teacher faces sack for writing 'loser' on poor exam paper

    If this teacher is to be fired, it should be because he is unable to spell :) Then again, maybe relating to his students involves using misspellings! Anyway, the teacher deserves to be criticized and sanctioned for his ill-advised action but not fired. His apology to the parents and student...
  4. E

    Proroguing Parliament is 'routine,' Tories say

    The "Nazis" didn't have POW's. they were a political party. I don't understand why people say Nazi when they mean German. The Germans and people of German extraction can actually distinquish.
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    What Can Israel Teach the U.S. About Airport Security?

    It's sad that this serious thread was hijacked with the usual BS and irrelevant comments. Oh yes, I see, they didn't read the article and they dont know what they are talking about :) The difference between Israel and the rest of the world is that Israel recognized what hijacking was all...
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    Toronto's worst ever mayor

    At least those Mayors had a pulse as did mayors like Lastman. Miller should have remained a Councillor where he did a lot of good. Stepping up to Mayor only revealed his incompetencies and lack of ability. Look at his performance recently in Copenhagen. It was great but then again he was...
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    Proroguing Parliament is 'routine,' Tories say

    RECENTLY? WTF are you talking about? The last election was in October of 2008. That hardly counts as recently especially when Harpo's government has demonstrated total incompetence in the intervening period.
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    Mayor Miller's Legacy

    Miller has just been such a sad disappointment. For an inteeligent man, he acted like a total idiot and embarassed many of those who voted for him. His perfect role is leader of the opposition. He should have remained a Councillor. He is divisive and dismisses all those who dont agree with...
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    Timmies fights min wage hike

    This is the sort of simplistic drivel used to justify all sorts of unethical and immoral behaviour.
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    Ontario introduces bill to create single, 13 per cent sales tax

    I don't think is correct. The beneficiaries of consumption tax reductions are always the lower paid.
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    Ontario introduces bill to create single, 13 per cent sales tax

    The way to sell this, IMHO, is: 1. lower the overall rate to say 12%. 2. embed the HST in the price for retail 3. exempt specific items altogether The trouble is that they are going to bargain now in response to lobby groups and do stupid things that will make the new tax incomprehensible...
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    New Navy ship honors 9/11 victims

    Just more militaristic BS that does nobody any good. A waste of sentiment and money.
  13. E

    PM Harper performs Beatles tribute

    Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds has nothing to do with LSD and never had. That is just a myth. In fact, the inspiration came from a classmate of Julian Lennons and a picture she drew. Her name was Lucy Vodden and she died recently of Lupus.
  14. E

    Victims of terrorism suing the perpetrators.

    The simple answer is that it won't work and Harper knows that. For example, India supports the Tamil seperatists in Sri Lanka. Canada and India are friendly nations. Victims of a Tamil act go to court and sue for restitution. Is Canada going to allow the Indian Ambassador's car to be seized...
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    Back Sooner than I thought.

    When your post starts off with an erroneous statement, I wonder why I even bother. Anyhow, the point here is that Flaherty and Harper both denied that we were in a recession when the rest of the world was already there and clearly we were following along. Mistake number 1. F&H sold us and the...
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    Should Sales Tax be included in the Price?

    What Dickhead McGuinty needs to do is: 1. adjust the PST so that the HST - at least initially - appears to be revenue neutral on a basket of goods and services, and, 2. embed the HST in the price (HST can be stated on the receipt when and where needed) so that the introduction goes ahead...
  17. E

    Back Sooner than I thought.

    Deficit lies Neither Flaherty or Harper have any idea how to run an economy especially in tough times. Look at Flaherty's track record in Ontario - it sucks. I think they both knew it would be bad but they both lied about how bad it was going to be. However, I also believe this will...
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    Conservative attack ads

    I agree with everything you've said here. Harper and company should be trying to get more people on side so that they can win that elusive majority. However, they are just so mean-spirited and mis-trusting that they cannot reach out to people and demonstrate good intentions. Attack ads are...
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    Thousands beaten, raped in Irish RC reform schools

    I can relate to much of this report having been brutalized by various members of the "Christian" Brothers. There was only one sexual incident that I recall and that was one particular brother around Grade 9 or 10. Fortunately, I was not his target and AFAIK he never went "too" far. He liked...
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    Most support Canada-EU trade talks, poll finds

    I don't think this is a surprise at all especially when many Canadians, especially those in the manufacturing sector, realize how dependent they are on the US economy.
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