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  1. R

    Hiroshima: the Crime That Keeps on Paying

    I dont know how anybody today can relate to the mentality of 1945. The Imperial Japanese were on par with Nazis with respect to cruelty (See Rape of Nanking). It was all out war. There would be no surrender from the Japanese as it was against their code. Only supreme force was respected...
  2. R

    Morning! Will be in the area today and would like to know who's working.

    Morning! Will be in the area today and would like to know who's working.
  3. R

    Hi Crystal-will be in the area and would like to know who's working today.

    Hi Crystal-will be in the area and would like to know who's working today.
  4. R

    Hello When will Gia be available ?

    Hello When will Gia be available ?
  5. R

    Is Ellie working today ? And is she from studio 9 ?

    Is Ellie working today ? And is she from studio 9 ?
  6. R

    Coming back downtown anytime soon?

    Coming back downtown anytime soon?
  7. R

    The single most important event in world history

    Way to go Now there will be at least 1 horny guy who thinks D Day was in 1965.
  8. R

    Welcome back to T.O.^^ Any openings (I realize highly unlikely) for early this afternoon?

    Welcome back to T.O.^^ Any openings (I realize highly unlikely) for early this afternoon?
  9. R

    Who's your favorite at Pickering Angels?

    Great input. Haven't got out there that often (being a downtown guy) but I have seen Jade a few times. Just a gorgeous lady with a very toned, tight body which I love.
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    Blue Jays 2009

    The Jays will be lucky to finish 3rd this year. Having said that, there are a few bright spots. Cito/Gene Tenace obviously know how to coach hitters, and they have a couple of good young ones with Lind/Snyder. If they can get production out of Wells, Rios, Overbay and Rolens (and Hill...
  11. R

    Raptors really suck

    Raptor fans deserve alot better than this...they've been screwed from day one of the franchise and somehow keep coming out. This despite not being a "basketball" town. I could be wrong, but the tax situation here being worse than the states is a myth. Any accountants out there to verify that...
  12. R

    PS3 or XBOX 360?

    While I know the emulator won't play all old games, in the handful of games I've tried so far, it's played all fine. The problem I gather was that Sony assumed most people would buy the more affordable/not backwards compatible PS3. Turns out everyone bought the more expensive one leaving a...
  13. R

    PS3 or XBOX 360?

    Picked up the MGS PS3 last week, very impressed with the machine. Make sure you buy a backwards compatible one if you own any PS/PS2 games (avoid the 40 gig machine). Its very convenient to just have the one machine take care of all the games. At some point, probably the fall, I've heard...
  14. R

    Unions- Businesses Closing.

    I have 3 jobs I bounce around between. 2 are union and 1 is nonunion. I'm very lucky cuz the nonunion gig is a very good one-employers treat employees with respect and the pay is fine. That is the exception. Aimless union bashing is as emptyheaded as blanket corporate bashing. If more...
  15. R

    Unions- Businesses Closing.

    I wouldnt jump to any conclusions about it being the union's fault for the restaurant closing just cuz the owners said so. That's their spin. Unions are like anything else...there are good ones and bad ones. Maybe DWIDB would like to see everybody in slave labour camps so they could more...
Toronto Escorts