Search results

  1. T

    Looking for a Good Indian Restaurant

    Some interesting options in this list.
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    And she’s grinning like a Cheshire Cat because she was just shown the current “pawnographic” world chess logo, and now imagines the point of the game is for someone to try get their Bishop into her. Dirty ‘ol bird. ;)... .. and then she pleasantly laughed when someone tried to explain the...
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    Anyone have the inside scoop for eye glasses?

    I’ve bought glasses from my local for ~2,500 and from Clearly Contacts for a lot less. Clearly Contacts didn’t suck. I’ve had close friends go to Hakim and have regrets and others that liked Clearly Contacts.bit of a crap shoot, but check out the store on Queen St and get a better feel. Ask...
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    American missionary hunted and killed by primitives

    A good old fashioned colonizing, proselytizing, arrogant SOB fundamentally (pun intended) endangered their lives with his modern disease ridden form, and was dispatched accordingly. The locals defended their families which may not resonate with you, but that’s your families burden to suffer.
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    New $10 bill featuring Viola Desmond goes into circulation next week

    I don’t totally disagree, but we should have put an aboriginal on the bill first. Second, get in a long line. If we go through the historical list of poorly treated minorities I suspect, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Jewish, Chinese, Portuguese, Mennonites, non-gentry ad nauseoum.. are ahead of...
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    Masturbation is killing up to 100 Germans a year, warns forensic physician

    ...and billions succumb to la petite mort each year.
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    Scanning Old Film Negatives

    Lots of good advice around storage / backup etc. Before you get there though you need to scan and that’ll require you establish and follow a scanning routine with really clean habits. Anything like fingerprints and dust will scan in as well and it’s like listening to scratches on your fave...
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    Apartment rental question

    Uhhhhhh, no. I used to own multiple rental units and am very familiar with the regulations. Some shifty or uninformed landlords may try to get away with toilet paper contracts, but they mean nothing if and when they contravene regulations. This is a good reference, even if you’re not a...
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    Ontario Cannabis Store Help

    One of the tips to mitigate side effects like paranoia is to look for a bud with equal parts THC and CBD. Also, think of Sativa as an upper and Indica as a downer. Kind of like NyQuil daytime and nighttime. Save money on an expensive vape and start off with a little $40 hand held water pipe...
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    Green Tea

    Hopefully you’re using a kettle with a temperature control. Japanese green tea should be made at 160 to 170F Chinese green tea at 170 to 180 It makes a difference. The better the tea the more you need to pay attention to how it’s made.
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    Transgender Female Adversting as Biological Female | Unethical Business Practice

    So you’re suggesting any of the ladies on here who don’t declare their breast implants in their ad are guilty of rape? What about the guys going home to their wives after seeing an escort? They’re guilty of raping their wives? These women are legally recognized as such, so legally, there is no...
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    Man Harasses Woman Wearing Puerto Rico Shirt Police Do Nothing

    The thing about logic is that it needs to be logical to make any sense. I didn’t notice the white guy showing his passport or any form of ID to any one. I’m white, I’m not American. Only Americans can vote for the POTUS. Puerto Rican’s vote for the POTUS. Now, I don’t know if they were from...
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    Where to put my News-Reading $$$

    Interesting article on the Toronto Star. I didn’t realize how close it was to collapse. It’s a shame, but I find their online presence feels more like a high school project than a serious attempt by what used to be the largest circulating newspaper in the country. Top that off with a...
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    Where to put my News-Reading $$$

    As suggested earlier use private browsing or clear your cookies whenever you hit the limit on articles and access is unlimited. Interesting how many here, myself included, go from Terb to NYT / WP / BBC. Love to know what their Data Analytics looks like. I don’t really get much into local...
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    Black Denim: Yes or No?

    Uhhhhhh yes. Banging her au natural ass 6 ways to Sunday, no need to freeze. It OK if she a bit smelly. Sounds like a Borat quote, tempted to include quotes.
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    Just for fun how long would it take the US to annihilate Canada in the event of war?

    Gloves on or off? Gloves on, see previous responses about ineffectual political interference handcuffing success. Gloves off, less time than it took to type this response.
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    MD's group wish to scrap Cannabis Program

    Many doctors are also simply drug pushers for big pharma and marijuana is a threat to their bottom line. I suspect some of their “concerns” are .... funded by big business. I’ve had friends on coctails of prescribed drugs where the doctors admitted they cant predict the interactions, but you...
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    BC: Behind in child support? You could lose your driver's licence

    Fair or not, a judgement was passed and payments must be made or further action must be taken. What bothers me in this instance is how the action is being taken. The government throwing its hands in the air and applying universal punishment while giving up on fixing what it obviously deems to...
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    The McLaren Senna super car

    I like when you get to the bottom it says “Register Interst” ummmmmmm.... well, OK, if that’ll help. Gorgeous car.
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    What's the Fastest you've ever Driven on a Public Road?

    Only 285... but did get speed trapped in the US. Luckily was road tripping with one of the sexiest women on the planet who got out of the car and walked up to a screaming cop with his gun drawn. In the end he patted me on the shoulder and winked at me. Yeah, sexy counts. White knuckled the...
Toronto Escorts