Search results

  1. N

    Looking to create a product

    If you want the product scrutinized first you can always submit the idea to Quirky (but you don't get all the income from it's development), otherwise find a product promotion company (many are scams) or a patent lawyer....I once worked on an invention and couldn't get it to market as it had 4...
  2. N

    Natalie at Hamilton Strip

    Bump...anyone with info?
  3. N

    Pension question

    When you take the money, withholding tax is taken (usually 30 %)....this is a consideration towards income tax and the amount withdrawn is considered income - you are not taxed twice, just accounted for upfront and plays out at tax return time (ie a refund or not, depending on you income for the...
  4. N

    If You Won The Lottery, Would You Keep Working?

    Depends on how much I really buys time and financial security, but there are many cases where larger winnings have just been wasted and the person is 'poor' again (within 7 years is the average - from what I remember reading somewhere).
  5. N

    banking with Tangerine (formerly ING)

    I use Tangerine....excellent service (if you call they answer very quickly), no fees and interest to boot - earned about $80 just from my business account last year - reserves for Taxes and HST payments former bank (big 5) charged me to keep a business account open!!
  6. N

    Back Taxes - Any Accountants?

    What he said...a demand to file is the start so don't ignore it....penalties and interest will be applied at this point.
  7. N

    Flying first class vs business?

    I think most flying First class would be higher level executives (who probably still work during the trip), the wealthy and minor celebs (those not flying on a private jet with an entourage) class is great as you don't have kids and babies...and for longer trips.
  8. N

    Masturbation, what do women think about it?

    Once in a while my SO and I will mutually masturbate ourselves when together in So has woken up to me tugging away and she finished me off with a turned her on!
  9. N

    Why do men...

    Only read the first page so maybe covered already - I like to cum on tits as it means I am not cumming into condom (with an SP) - with my SO I cum in her as she prefers it that way (although have sometimes cum on her tits and she does the whole blowjob and swallow, so I get that experience too!)
  10. N

    US govt warns users to avoid Internet Explorer until security flaw fixed

    Lots of businesses stayed with XP - very stable compared to later versions and costs involved to upgrade has stopped them switching.
  11. N

    Canadian Moving to California - Tax Question

    As you can tell form many answers more information is required first: Marital status and where are wife/kids staying if married etc; current home ownership and what would happen when gone (principle residency has limitations if not declared in advance (even if rented out), paid by a Canadian...
  12. N

    Peoples most beautiful woman 2014: Lupita Nyong'o

    I don't think of these lists as Most Beautiful, otherwise they wouldn't change so much year to year - they are really a measure of the celebrity status of a person in that year- if she didn't win the oscar etc she would be # 1 - may have been on the list however.
  13. N

    Natalie at Hamilton Strip

    Passed by HS the other night and a girl named Natalie was working - able to have a good conversation with her, but didn't do any dances (I was just passing through for a beer on the way to pick someone up from Downtown)...does anyone know her and if she works outside of the Strip Club? (I am not...
  14. N

    Oskar Pistorius, I don't get it

    In general living in South Africa is different - I was on a conference call once (a while ago) with someone in their car - he had to hold the line for a minute or two while he ran a red light as he was concerned he was about to be stopped in a bad part of town - this was mid nineties, but it...
  15. N

    What are some ways and methods you use to get over a girl faster? [25/m]

    Tap someone else - whether SP or civvie (preferably civvie as it feels more normal, not desperate)...although its been a long time since I was in that situation (I assume [25/m] means 25 years old and male )
  16. N

    travel insurance

    google search "travel insurance"'ll get a large number of choices for Canadians...CAA (dont need to be a member to buy), Blue Cross, etc
  17. N

    Mazda Vehicles?

    Glad I saw this article - I am tossing around the idea of a Land or Range Rover later this year - maybe not. Another Japanese model that is not well known is Mitsubishi - they have great cars from what I understand (never driven one myself, however): For...
  18. N

    Men's hair removal

    I've had no problems with Nair for getting hairless down there! Much less intimidating than a razor!!!!
  19. N

    Measuring stick for the Olympics: total medals vs gold medal count

    I think the medals should have a weighting: Gold (5), Silver (3) and Bronze (1) to get a tally for each country. That way gold does count, but so does silver (if a country has a large number of them, they would be above another with a higher gold medal count).
  20. N

    if you could live somewhere else ( had the cash) to do so where?

    I think Spain or Portugal would be pretty cool
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