Americans MUST realize she's hiding avoiding all these interviews. If they don't they're dumb.
I've never seen it at this level before. It's the "trust me bro" form of politics.
She won't tell you how she will fix anything. She won't give you any details on how she'll achieve the lofty goals she preaches about.
You just have to vote her in to find out. This after years of being the supposed brainchild of Biden's failed administration & [open] border czar.
There is no greater red flag than this. At a minimum, politicians do these interviews and bluff there way through them.
Kamala knows she'll be stumped one question after another.
If she was a younger person, I'd chock it up to lack of media training. But someone at her age & with her experience should be able to talk, at length, about any topic that she is running on, with anyone.