Applications for War Crimes Arrest Warrants Issued for Gaza


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I suspect that they will issue warrants only for Hamas and not for Bibi. After all they have been repeatedly criticized of bias against the 3rd world.

The ICC has been accused of bias and as being a tool of Western imperialism, only punishing leaders from small, weak states while ignoring crimes committed by richer and more powerful states. This sentiment has been expressed particularly by African leaders due to an alleged disproportionate focus of the Court on Africa, while it claims to have a global mandate.

African critics have suggested the ICC is acting as a neo-colonial force seeking to further empower Western political and extractive interests in Africa. Scholar Awol Allo has described the court's underlying problem that has led to these challenges with Africa as not overt racism, but Eurocentrism. Another analysis suggests that African states are motivated by concerns over Africa's place in world order: the problem is the sovereign inequality displayed by the ICC prosecutor's focus.
I'm not so sure.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
They are also asking for an arrest warrant for Yahya Sinwar.
I cannot believe that they would dare to do it to the most famous freedom fighter of our days!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Exactly what the senior leader told him. They will manipulate and pull strings and get what they want done. And then act like they are so morally superior.
Except now its out of their hands.
It will be up to the judges.

Khan had a panel to help him ride out criticism.
I expect that's why there were so many Hamas charges, to make it harder for the US to attack them.

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009

Works like clockwork. Anytime headlines seem to go the other way, MSNBC Morning Joe , RE- REINVITES a clownish "marketing expert" called Donny Deutch to exhort women to watch the "rape video".
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Works like clockwork. Anytime headlines seem to go the other way, MSNBC Morning Joe , RE- REINVITES a clownish "marketing expert" called Donny Deutch to exhort women to watch the "rape video".
MSNBC is accused of being too far left. Aren't the left supposed to be against Israel's cause?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009

Kenneth Roth: Biden’s response harms U.S. interests
The Biden administration’s reasons for condemning the International Criminal Court’s move against Israel and Hamas are confounding. It appears to be grasping for a way to defend senior Israeli officials for their starvation strategy in Gaza — a strategy that senior U.S. officials themselves have repeatedly decried.

President Biden called chief prosecutor Karim Khan’s request for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials “outrageous,” noting that “there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas.” But Khan did not say there was equivalence; he simply charged both sides for their separate crimes. The dual charges help underscore that war crimes by one side never justify war crimes by the other.
Biden also said the United States “will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.” But the issue is how Israel defends itself. No defense justifies war crimes.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed without elaborating that “the ICC has no jurisdiction.” He could be referring to the old U.S. argument that the court cannot charge nationals of governments that have not joined it, even if they commit crimes on the territory of a government that has. Israel has not joined the ICC, though the Palestinian territories have. But Biden abandoned that argument when he called the ICC’s use of territorial jurisdiction to prosecute Russian President Vladimir Putin “justified.”

Or, Blinken might be alluding to the view that Palestine should not have been allowed to join the court. But the ICC judges have already rejected that argument, based on the U.N. General Assembly’s recognition of Palestine as a “non-member observer state.” Palestine has used that status to ratify a host of human rights treaties, which should be welcomed.
Blinken notes that the ICC, under the principle of complementarity, is supposed to defer to good-faith national prosecutorial efforts. But the Israeli government has never pursued war crimes charges against senior officials. Khan said he would reconsider his charges should that change.
Finally, Blinken says the ICC’s request “could jeopardize” efforts to reach a cease-fire. But, historically, war-crime charges have often facilitated peace by marginalizing hard-liners. They led, for example, to the Dayton peace accord for the Bosnia conflict. Khan is right to discount this contention.

Biden should reconsider this reflexive, if flimsy, defense of the Israeli government. It does enormous damage to his administration’s efforts to portray itself as a principled supporter of the rule of law.
Kenneth Roth was executive director of Human Rights Watch from 1993 to 2022.
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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
James A. Goldston: Biden must uphold international law
As someone who has served within the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and whose organization has worked closely with the ICC, I welcome Monday’s announcement by the prosecutor.

The court has faced many tests in its first quarter-century. But this is the most important.
It is critical that the panel of judges now reviewing the prosecutor’s request for warrants do so independently, free from any threat or intimidation. And if they ultimately decide to issue one or more warrants, the United States and its allies must support the court, notwithstanding past U.S. objections to its jurisdiction over nationals of nonmember countries. Anything less would be a betrayal of the “international rules-based order” that Washington has proudly defended since Nuremberg.
Just last year, following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Biden administration and members of Congress applauded the ICC’s issuance of an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes. Late in 2022, Congress passed legislation allowing ICC officials to conduct “investigative activities” in the United States “related” to Ukraine, even though Russia — like Israel and the U.S. — isn’t a state party to the court.
But in recent weeks, the White House made clear its opposition to ICC action, and 12 Republican senators went so far as to threaten to “target” the ICC prosecutor and his staff with “severe sanctions” and travel bans.
What’s the difference? The law has not changed. Nor has the imperative of holding to account those most responsible for grave crimes.
If warrants are issued, many topics will merit discussion: their impact on precarious peace negotiations, the unlikelihood that they will be executed anytime soon, and the opportunity for Israel to demonstrate that, contrary to past practice, its domestic judiciary is capable of — and willing to — hold senior leaders to account.
But what the world should not tolerate is impunity for war crimes. At a time of rising global concern about double standards, the United States will pay a price for appearing to pick and choose where the law should apply.
James A. Goldston is the executive director of the Open Society Justice Initiative.
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