Judge Merchan is totally bias!!


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

JUST IN: Judge Juan Merchan found Trump violated his gag order for a 10th time and threatened him with jail. Currently the punishment is a fine of $1,000 per offense. "The last thing I want to do is to put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next president as well. There are many reasons why incarceration is truly a last resort for you. So, as much as I don’t want to impose a jail sentence, I will.” Would a Judge really jail the leading candidate against the opponent he donated to?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

President Trump isn't allowed to speak about crooked Judge Juan Merchan's daughter due to the unconstitutional GAG ORDER he slapped him with. What is Judge Merchan so afraid of? While Trump isn't allowed to say anything about Judge Merchan's radical leftist daughter, we are. In case you missed it, here's the skinny... As news started to leak about Judge Merchan's dirty family dealings just before the trial started, this heavily conflicted judge hit Trump with an even broader gag order to protect his deranged TDS activist daughter, Loren Merchan. According to legal analyst Mike Davis (
), "Gag orders generally protect the Sixth Amendment right of DEFENDANTS to fair trials. Defendants still have First Amendment rights. Ordering any defendant not to speak about his charges would almost certainly violate the First Amendment." Merchan overseeing Trump's case to begin with is a grotesque mockery of the scales of justice when you factor in his putrid cocktail of blatantly partisan ties. Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings reveal a troubling financial allegiance—a slew of donations to ActBlue, specifically earmarked for Biden's campaign, and substantial funding for the vehement anti-Trump group "Stop Republicans." The rot runs deeper with his daughter Loren's consulting firm funneling a staggering $250 million to progressive causes, indelibly intertwining the family's fortunes with those who seek to fervently oppose Trump. After Trump raised this concern on Truth Social, triggered Judge Merchan hit Trump with a more sweeping gag order to shield his radical liberal daughter. It's more than questionable or suspicious—it's an outrageous distortion of judicial neutrality that has no place in our system. This disgusting panorama of the Merchan family’s financial and political entanglements paints a damning portrait of judicial bias, one that loudly called for his immediate recusal from the case before it even started. Judge Merchan not only tarnishes the bench but shits all over the very concept of impartiality and the cherished, long-standing principle that justice should be blind.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
I love how butt-hurt the right-wing media fever swamp is over the fact that Trump isn't allowed to attack jurors. Which the vast majority of defendants would never contemplate doing...And, I love how they keep saying Merchan should recuse, when under New York law, he has no reason to. It's actually sad that they need to pretend this isn't a serious case, despite the damning testimony from Trump insider Hope Hicks on Friday. But, Donald is going to FA,FO if he isn't careful. But, let's be real, Trump is hoping he'd be put in jail. He probably thinks it'll make him look good. He'll just continue to lie about shit, like how he isn't allowed to testify....


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I still can't come to grasp the reality that Trumptards think that implicitly threatening jurors and the families of judges and public servants is ok.

What if someone they had a beef with at work went to their kid's school and told other kids that this particular kid's dad was <insert whatever you imagine here>. Thereby involving and bullying their family... and their child.

I'd say the most strident of the First and Second Amendment Trumpers would consider that reason enough to go to jail themselves, for killing the man who encouraged others to harass their child.

Trump is a fucking coward and his active supporters are even worse.

Is he innocent?

If he is so smart and innocent, hire "the best people" to investigate, debunk with tangible, incontrovertible evidence, speak up, testify and clear your name of the charges. In a criminal prosecution, you only have to create enough doubt that the charge is not "reasonably" proven.

Instead, he bullies the children of Judges, prosecutors and staff whose life's work has, thus far, protected us from other criminals.

Besides, anyone who thinks a Judge who has earned his way to that level, is going to be implicitly or actively influenced by a politically active daughter is detached from reality. But reality is not the reality of cultists anyways, so no sense in anyone trying to deprogamme them. 🤷‍♂️
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Besides, anyone who thinks a Judge who has earned his way to that level, is going to be implicitly or actively influenced by a politically active daughter is detached from reality. But reality is not the reality of cultists anyways, so no sense in anyone trying to deprogamme them. 🤷‍♂️
Judges do not live in a bubble. They are influenced by the same things that influence other families. They prefer one presidential candidate over another. They want their daughters to succeed in their careers (especially if she is working for his preferred candidate). Judges are not better people than anyone else, and in some cases they are worse. The challenge for a judge is not to deny these influences, but to acknowledge them and to try not to let these influences account for decisions. However, when those influences are publicly known, it can undermine respect for the justice system not to recuse, regardless of how fair a judge is trying to be. Justice must be SEEN to be done. Judges recuse themselves in these politically charged cases far too seldom.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Judges do not live in a bubble. They are influenced by the same things that influence other families. They prefer one presidential candidate over another. They want their daughters to succeed in their careers (especially if she is working for his preferred candidate). Judges are not better people than anyone else, and in some cases they are worse. The challenge for a judge is not to deny these influences, but to acknowledge them and to try not to let these influences account for decisions. However, when those influences are publicly known, it can undermine respect for the justice system not to recuse, regardless of how fair a judge is trying to be. Justice must be SEEN to be done. Judges recuse themselves in these politically charged cases far too seldom.

Sounds nice but in reality, you don't understand the legal system.

Most people I know got into, and practice their profession in the legal system on the basis of upholding the law. Thre is a distinction between the legal system and justice. As you and so may other right wingers are quick to point out, many obviously culpable murderers, drug dealers, fraudsters and rapists do not end up where they would justifiably belong because Judges are trained, experienced, dedicated to the law and selected and vetted by by their peers to be faithful to the law. How many Judges have said words to the effect that they hate to have to dismiss a case, but the circumstances applied to the law require that they do.

I have two friends who are criminal lawyer who have been particularly successful in defending sex offenders. I aks them how can they do it. They bother say that they are faithful to the law and the over-arching importance of ensuring that everyone has the best defence available to them, that it better that a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man have his liberty taken.

But using your logic, do you think that the loudmouth fat bitch wife of pussy-whipped SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas woulld have more or less influence over his decision that of a Judge's already successful daughter?


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Judges do not live in a bubble. They are influenced by the same things that influence other families. They prefer one presidential candidate over another. They want their daughters to succeed in their careers (especially if she is working for his preferred candidate). Judges are not better people than anyone else, and in some cases they are worse. The challenge for a judge is not to deny these influences, but to acknowledge them and to try not to let these influences account for decisions. However, when those influences are publicly known, it can undermine respect for the justice system not to recuse, regardless of how fair a judge is trying to be. Justice must be SEEN to be done. Judges recuse themselves in these politically charged cases far too seldom.
Agreed. E.g., Clarence thomas.
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Sounds nice but in reality, you don't understand the legal system.
One of us doesn't. I'll form my opinion on who it is based on my life in the real world. Because winning arguments on the internet is not really worth anything, I never disclose anything about my real world experience here on TERB.

Most people I know got into, and practice their profession in the legal system on the basis of upholding the law. Thre is a distinction between the legal system and justice. As you and so may other right wingers are quick to point out, many obviously culpable murderers, drug dealers, fraudsters and rapists do not end up where they would justifiably belong because Judges are trained, experienced, dedicated to the law and selected and vetted by by their peers to be faithful to the law. How many Judges have said words to the effect that they hate to have to dismiss a case, but the circumstances applied to the law require that they do.
Most people I know who got into the practice of law did so because they believed it would lead to wealth and/or influence (even though it doesn't for most). Yes, the profession holds out the ideal of enhancing public confidence in the legal system - how could it do otherwise? But in practice, many lawyers and judges put their own personal interests ahead of strict service to law. Some of them (far too few) even get disbarred for it.

Btw, in Canada judges are not trained. They are appointed straight from practice. Nor are they vetted by their peers. They are recommended by a small group of their peers (who have their own particular agenda) and appointed by governments (not the entire government, just the governing party). How a lawyer rises to the level of judicial candidate is a distinctly "political" process, as any failed candidate will tell you.

When judges talk about "I hate to do this" they are managing public reaction to their decisions. Why do they care about such reactions? Because they don't live in a bubble!

I have two friends who are criminal lawyer who have been particularly successful in defending sex offenders. I aks them how can they do it. They bother say that they are faithful to the law and the over-arching importance of ensuring that everyone has the best defence available to them, that it better that a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man have his liberty taken.
People who are identifiable as lawyers are greatly restrained by their Rules of Conduct about what they can say about how the legal system works (or doesn't work). You're more likely to get an accurate take on those issues from someone (or an anonymous person) who is not bound by those restraints.

The first rule of conduct is - you can't be badmouthing the goose that lays the golden eggs!

But using your logic, do you think that the loudmouth fat bitch wife of pussy-whipped SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas woulld have more or less influence over his decision that of a Judge's already successful daughter?
I would agree that personal influences apply to judges all the way up to SCOTUS, so what to do? At least SCOTUS is made up of 9 justices, so perhaps these influences can balance out? It isn't possible to substitute an alternate. I think the problem for SCOTUS justices is that none of them want to recuse themselves unless they would be assured that ALL justices would recuse themselves on the same bases - so it's bit of a standoff

Of course at the lower courts there is no such practical impediment. There are plenty of judges at every level of court who do not have the kind of influences that would undermine public confidence in a particular trial. The only thing that prevents more frequent recusal in political cases is a stubbornness about maintaining the illusion that the courts are entirely independent of the other branches of government.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
One of us doesn't. I'll form my opinion on who it is based on my life in the real world. Because winning arguments on the internet is not really worth anything, I never disclose anything about my real world experience here on TERB.

Most people I know who got into the practice of law did so because they believed it would lead to wealth and/or influence (even though it doesn't for most). Yes, the profession holds out the ideal of enhancing public confidence in the legal system - how could it do otherwise? But in practice, many lawyers and judges put their own personal interests ahead of strict service to law. Some of them (far too few) even get disbarred for it.

Btw, in Canada judges are not trained. They are appointed straight from practice. Nor are they vetted by their peers. They are recommended by a small group of their peers (who have their own particular agenda) and appointed by governments (not the entire government, just the governing party). How a lawyer rises to the level of judicial candidate is a distinctly "political" process, as any failed candidate will tell you.

When judges talk about "I hate to do this" they are managing public reaction to their decisions. Why do they care about such reactions? Because they don't live in a bubble!

People who are identifiable as lawyers are greatly restrained by their Rules of Conduct about what they can say about how the legal system works (or doesn't work). You're more likely to get an accurate take on those issues from someone (or an anonymous person) who is not bound by those restraints.

The first rule of conduct is - you can't be badmouthing the goose that lays the golden eggs!

I would agree that personal influences apply to judges all the way up to SCOTUS, so what to do? At least SCOTUS is made up of 9 justices, so perhaps these influences can balance out? It isn't possible to substitute an alternate. I think the problem for SCOTUS justices is that none of them want to recuse themselves unless they would be assured that ALL justices would recuse themselves on the same bases - so it's bit of a standoff

Of course at the lower courts there is no such practical impediment. There are plenty of judges at every level of court who do not have the kind of influences that would undermine public confidence in a particular trial. The only thing that prevents more frequent recusal in political cases is a stubbornness about maintaining the illusion that the courts are entirely independent of the other branches of government.
I recognize your insight and respect this argument.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
BTW when you say someone is biased, you are describing an action. Thus, I'd like to see what you think is a biased action.
If anything, the judge is biased to trumps favor- he'd be in gaol now if he was Joe Bloggs.
The gag order is clear and is normal for any defendant and Trump got a wider latitude on that too.
Having a political daughter is not an act of bias.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

JUST IN—Trump addresses the media outside of the NYC "hush money" courthouse and hints he may risk jail by violating Judge Merchan's gag order because the "Constitution" is more important: "They want two to three more weeks. That means they want to keep me off the trail for two to three more weeks... This is really truly election interference and it's a disgrace." "We just heard two to three more weeks. I thought we were finished today...the judge is so happy about two to three more weeks because they all want to keep me off the campaign trail." "I have to watch every word I tell you people. You ask me a simple question, I'd like to give it but I can't talk about it, because this judge has given me a gag order and says you'll go to jail if you violate it." "Frankly our Constitution is much more important than jail. I'll do that sacrifice any day."


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Exactly!! Over 100 million people in the US want to hear what Trump has to say as the GOP 2024 presidential candidate!!
Who in the hell wants to hear a tired, old man spew lies and fantasies of a dictatorship, like some two-bit Mussolini.

Don Snoreleone should just stick to grifting off the MAGA cult idiots with his poorly printed Bibles.
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