Israel at war


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That is why he will prolong this. To save his political career. In a sick way, this terror attack was one of the best things to happen for his political career.

Israel is an ultra-right wing country, there is no space for leftists in that country. So he will very much be voted in. And they will continue to steal land.

What about the Palestinians in all of this? What happens to their lands? Why is there ZERO empathy for them especially over here in the west? The ONLY reason is racism. People are so racist, they have absolutely no empathy and concern for the plight of those people because they are a different religion, because they are poor and because they are possibly a different skin colour.
There is zero empathy because from 1948 on they have never wanted peace and just keep on losing. They tried to overthrow the Jordanian govt, and ran plane hijacking out of it, were complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood in the death of Sadat, supported Iraq when the invaded Kuwait, and have repeatly, under numerous leaderships continued to engage in terrorist activities.

There will never be peace with them. Ever.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Its clear that some mainstream Jewish organizations are gaslighting their own people as well. Trying to frighten them and keep them in line. They should be teaching that “ Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” is a political expression of the yearning for liberation.
Its a war cry for jihad.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
There are many choices he could make. He could still pursue military action against Hamas. Find Haniyeh, Deif, Sinwar, Mashal and others and send a hit squad to kill them. Freeze their assets. There is no excuse for bombing civilians though. It is not a solution, he is creating more problems.

I wouldn't give a flying fuck if this was only Hamas that was taking the ass kicking. But the ones on the receiving end are mainly children, women, old people and other innocent civilians.

There is no version of this, that will prevent terrorism.

You attack them, you will have terrorism. In the future there will be a bigger terror attack. Israel is not the US, they have a geographical disadvantage. So it will keep happening until it is resolved diplomatically.
You can spin it any way you like but the quickest way to end the death of Palestinians occurring at present is to return all the hostages, not the old and sick but ALL OF THEM with a Hamas surrender. Once this is done, then and only then can a solution hopefully be worked out.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The simplistic take that once Hamas surrenders and returns hostages, Israel will work out peace, is unrealistic. You are not seeing the forest for the trees on this.
It is not simplistic as a solution to end the bombing of Gaza now is it? Do you believe Israel would for a second entertain the notion as you, Franky and friends seem to have that they would negotiate with a terrorist organization holding hostages? Why on earth would ANYONE want to empower Hamas with an ounce of respect? Perhaps you do, but most don't!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
If Hamas surrenders today, and returns the hostages do you think the military operation will stop? Do you think Israel will stop before they take out all the tunnels and other suspected infrastructure? Which means more people continue to die or are displaced.

I am not saying Israel should negotiate with Hamas. I think they should use other military strategies against Hamas, and rescue the hostages, than the ones they are using today. Also give me an example of a time when a hostage rescue was done, using aerial bombings in the very location where hostages are located?! Also Hamas lives in tunnels right? So how does Israel know in which tunnel hostages are located if they are dropping bombs on every tunnel? So clearly Bibi is not really prioritizing rescuing hostages here.

Lastly, the root causes of the conflict need to be addressed and I am convinced Bibi will do everything to make it worse.
Again, one more time! How on earth can Bibi continue to drop bombs and keep the US/West support if Hamas surrenders and releases the hostages?? Let me answer it for you before you go into your biased diatribe, THEY CAN'T! Sure they would still go in and eliminate all the tunnels. What government, left, center, right, or communist would leave them intact? The difference is they would not have to drop heavy bombs, instead can safely conduct operations with very little collateral damage. They don't owe Hamas anything, zero ,zilch.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Gaza will soon no longer function as a launch pad for rockets sent into Israel.
Gaza will soon be an inhabitable , macabre ghost town, no longer a headquarters for terrorism against Israel.
Israel will make sure that Gaza is a security zone, security in favour of Israel‘s safety.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
Yet you refuse to call for the return of the hostages.

How immoral of you.

Please enlighten us as to how your position is anything but immoral and hypocritical to what you ridiculously claim to stand for.
Hamas may have a problem with that if most of the hostages are no longer alive, or have been severely mistreated...

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I bet lots of Palestinians feel this way, although now rumor is that Pali civilians took part of the massacre of October 7 .

Gazan: Hamas top dogs ‘Khaled Meshaal and Ismail Haniyeh destroyed Gaza. They are the greatest traitors.

Well he lives in hope and draws comfort from his belief. "Allah is the best revenge taker". The religion of peace.
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