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Russia Reacts to NATO…and History


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
ANUARY 21, 2022Russia Reacts to NATO…and History

In mid-December 2021, the Russian government publicly announced that it would “seek legally formulated guarantees of security” from the United States and its allies that would end NATO military activity in eastern Europe as well as military support for the Ukraine.
U.S. media reporting on this event, characterized by the New York Times, framed it as a Russian attempt to “wind back the clock 30 years to just before the collapse of the Soviet Union,” and thus Russian demands were “echoes of the Cold War.” Little media credence has been given to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s repeated insistence that his country is “threatened” by NATO activities close to its borders.
In the meantime, “NATO officials emphasized that NATO countries will not rule out future membership for any Eastern European countries, including those bordering the Russian Republic, such as Ukraine.” U.S. President Biden has responded Russian demands with contradictory policies. On the one hand, Washington insisted that what was necessary was a “context of de-escalation,” and on the other, declared that the American “flow of arms to Ukraine would continue.”
It would seem that while Washington and its allies, to say nothing of the media, heard the Russian demands, they displayed no evidence of understanding them within an accurate historical context—a history that goes back considerably further than the dissolution of the Soviet Union 30 years ago.
Historical Background
For those readers who are interested in understanding what historically motivates the Russian leadership to behave as they now do, and make their current demands, here is a rundown of relevant past events.
— In modern times, Russia was first invaded from Western Europe in 1812. In that year, Napoleon Bonaparte’s multinational Grande Armée attacked Russia. The invasion failed and ultimately helped lead to Napoleon’s fall from power. For the Russians this was not so much a victory as a national tragedy. An estimated 200,000 Russians died, and soon after Napoleon occupied Moscow, then the “spiritual capital” of the country, the Russians burned the city down around him.
— Between 1812 and 1914, Russia maintained one of Europe’s huge multiethnic empires alongside those of Austria-Hungary, Germany, France and Great Britain. On its European side, the Russian Empire held sway over Poles, Finns, Ukrainians, and various other Slavic and Baltic people—that is, Russia established a sphere of influence that encompassed a good part of eastern Europe. Operating as an absolute monarchy, it did not readily respond to the needs of its subject peoples. By the early twentieth century, the Russian Empire’s centralized government was growing weak and was roiled by challenges to its dictatorial ways.
— In 1914 World War I broke out with Russia, Britain, France and the United States on one side and Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire on the other. After a brief Russian incursion into East Prussia, the Germans went on the offensive and moved deep into western Russia, inflicting heavy casualties. This marked the second time Russia was invaded from the West. Successive defeats led to the collapse of Russia’s imperial government and eventually the founding of the Soviet state in 1917. Overall, Russia lost approximately two million soldiers and over a half million civilians in this war. Russia also lost most of its Eastern European lands.
— The next twenty years marked the so-called interwar period, the time between World War I and World War II. For our purposes, the most important consequence of this period was the creation of independent states such as Poland, Hungary, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and others out of what, until the end of World War I, had been the imperial territories of the German, Austrian and Russian empires. Unfortunately, the initial lifespan of this independent status was short.
— It was World War II that brought an end to this initial period of East European national revival. The war began on 1 September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. Nazi Germany soon conquered most of continental Europe. Then on 22 June 1941 Germany launched a massive invasion of Soviet Russia. This marked the third invasion of Russia from the West in a little over one hundred years. Initially, Germany occupied much of Soviet Russia west of the Ural Mountains. However, the situation changed in 1942, particularly after the German troops failed to capture the city of Stalingrad. After that failure the Soviet forces began a long slow process of pushing the Germans back—a long German retreat that would go on till the end of the war in 1945.
—Those new East European nations mentioned above were free of German control by early 1945. However, they never did regain full independence. German control was now exchanged for Soviet Russian control. The Western interpretation of Soviet post-war occupation was that it was the product of an inherent drive for world conquest by the communists. However, there are other explanations that flow more logically from the history given above.
— Communism as an ideology might predict the eventual victory of the working classes and the withering away of the state, but in every case where communists have come to power, they have eventually settled down and ruled as nationalists. It might have been different if Trotsky had gained power in Soviet Russia instead of Stalin, but we will never know for sure. Thus, it is highly unlikely that Stalin ordered the permanent occupation of Eastern Europe for communist ideological reasons. He had at least two nationalistic reasons motivating him. One was that Russia was traditionally a great imperial power and holding vast territory was the part of the definition of a great power. That was a status the Russians hoped to recapture. The second reason was perhaps more immediately important. Given that Russia had been repeatedly invaded from the West, what the Soviets wanted from their war-won occupied territories was the creation of a large and deep buffer zone. That is, a security zone between the historical sources of their pain—countries such as France and Germany—and the Russian border. Nonetheless, the Western leaders interpreted Soviet behavior as communist-inspired aggression and created NATO, a military alliance, to forestall further Russian advances. The Russians, in turn, interpreted NATO as yet one more reason why they needed a buffer zone. They may have been right.
— Soviet Russia’s buffer zone lasted as long as the Soviet Union lasted—that is, until 26 December 1991. After that, Russian troops were pulled back to the new Russian Republic. At that point, the Eastern European countries founded after World War I, and other non-Russian territories such as Ukraine, moved to assert their independence. The other side of this coin is that the collapse of Soviet Russia left millions of ethnic Russians who had migrated within the Soviet empire prior to 1991 stranded in new political entities, such as the Ukraine, with which they had no strong identification.
— The leaders of these new nations knew their history and assumed that Russia would someday seek to recreate its lost empire qua buffer zone. So, they sought to protect themselves by sheltering under the NATO umbrella. NATO embraced most of them, and thus a military organization that was designed, ostensibly, to prevent Russia from expanding westward, now rapidly expanded eastward. Sooner or later Russia, motivated by its own history, was bound to react.
The Situation Today
NATO’s expansion eastward has set up the confrontation we witness today. The Russians had to accept NATO’s early move to the east because the new Russian Republic was initially in political and economic disarray. Nonetheless, as President Putin put it, “Russia feels threatened by an encroaching Nato.” Today, the disarray has passed, separatist movements within the Russian Republic, such as in Chechnya, have been brutally crushed, and the Russians have decided to draw a “red line” to forestall further NATO expansion into what remains of the non-Russian areas between themselves and a historically hostile West. That red line encompasses Ukraine. Thus, that country’s recent turn toward the West and its expressed desire to eventually join the NATO alliance has triggered historically embedded alarms in Moscow. To emphasize this point to the Ukrainian leadership, Russia has amassed troops on their mutual border in a manner that suggests the possibility of invasion. Russia has also increased aid to the separatist pro-Russian part of eastern Ukraine—the Donetsk People’s Republic.
A singular problem here is that none of the Western media coverage and very few of the Western politicians demonstrate an understanding of the situation within an appropriate historical background. Essentially, few of these otherwise influential people know any of the relevant history before 1991, and that is why you get this from the Los Angeles Times: “Thirty years ago this month, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Ukraine broke away from Moscow’s control. Russian President Vladimir Putin has never gotten over it.”
For a while now the United States and its NATO allies have had the Russian Republic surrounded with long- and intermediate-range missiles. There are plans to place these weapons in NATO’s Eastern European member states. These weapons are described as “defensive,” but most of them have offensive capabilities. For the Russian Republic this seems too much like a replay of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. If the Americans were alarmed by such missiles on their doorstep at that time, why should they now be surprised that Moscow is alarmed? The Biden administration, looking to switch subjects from the Russian demands for comprehensive security agreements to particular agreements on missile placement and the nature of NATO military exercises in Eastern Europe, has offered to enter negotiations on these specific topics. This is certainly a good first step, but it’s probably not sufficient.
The United States and its NATO allies may well have to swallow some of their pride and go further. They may have to give up any further eastern expansion of the Western military alliance. The Russian Republic, motivated by three tragic invasions and convinced of the need for a security buffer zone, seems very serious about their “red line.” I don’t think they are bluffing, and therefore the West should realize this is not just Putin playing from a “tough guy” script. History speaks here as well.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
I understand Russia's historic anxiety to having enemies on the western border. But, they cannot dictate what a sovereign nation does, or who they ally with. They want to continue having a sphere of influence, even though many of those baltic countries would rather have better relations with western Europe. I'm not sure what Putin and company think will happen if they invade Ukraine. They will clearly be seen as the aggressor, and will suffer economic sanctions that could devastate its economy.

Now, that being said, the Russian army is significantly better than it was a decade or so ago. Remember when they invaded Georgia? Sure, Russia won, but it was not a smooth victory. They couldn't do maneuvers with their tanks and had major issues utilizing its air power for ground support. It was frankly embarrassing for the Ruskies. But, they've spent the past 14 years improving their tactics and military doctrines, and are now pretty damn good. They've show their capabilities in Syria. If they decide to make a move on Ukraine, at least without assistance from other countries, Russia will eventually win.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Can we talk about history of Fox News and gop supporting Russians? I am not watching fox as it induces vomiting but I understand that they are currently taking active pro Russia position.
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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
Can we talk about history of Fox News and gop supporting Russians? I am not watching fox as it induces vomiting but I understand that they are currently taking active pro Russia position.
It is rather disturbing to see them throw their own country under the bus. And for a dictator. Makes me wonder what Putin has on Rupert Murdoch.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
No country should have to act a military buffer zone at the dictate of any of its neighbours. All countries, regardless of geography, have the right to choose their form of government and society. These physical barriers, such as the old Iron Curtain, mean nothing in a post-nuclear world.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I understand Russia's historic anxiety to having enemies on the western border. But, they cannot dictate what a sovereign nation does, or who they ally with. They want to continue having a sphere of influence, even though many of those baltic countries would rather have better relations with western Europe. I'm not sure what Putin and company think will happen if they invade Ukraine. They will clearly be seen as the aggressor, and will suffer economic sanctions that could devastate its economy.
No country should have to act a military buffer zone at the dictate of any of its neighbours. All countries, regardless of geography, have the right to choose their form of government and society. These physical barriers, such as the old Iron Curtain, mean nothing in a post-nuclear world.
What do you think about the Monroe doctrine, and the way USA treats Central and south America?


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
What a straw man argument. The West has not been threatening to invade, or provoking conflict with Russia.

If Russia is really that afraid of a conflict with the West, they should not be building up troops and invading other sovereign nations.

Not sure why the GOP have decided to take a position that Russia needs to defend itself from an attack that was never going to happen, by taking a military offensive and land from its neighbours. But they have.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It is rather disturbing to see them throw their own country under the bus. And for a dictator. Makes me wonder what Putin has on Rupert Murdoch.
Hmm, this was 10 years ago....
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The "proper context" is that Russia pushed to the North West in order to secure access to the Baltic to reach the European markets. Poland, Lithuania (the Polish/Lithuanian Commonwealth), Finland, Belarus and much of the Ukraine were NEVER part of Russia beyond being the occupied territories with the hostile populations to the Russian overlords. Russia never had security zones nor spheres of influence beyond the Yalta settlement. The biggest problem is that the West views historical realities as far back as breakfast , while in Central and Eastern Europe the historical realities go back.500-600 years. Especially among Russians who are still pissed off about the Asiatic occupation and the Polish and Swedish adventurism. So far, Putin has succeeded at keeping the Southern border semi secured, although the Georgian and Kazakh "troubles " point to a bleak future. But, Ukraine is an unique problem because Putin sees Eastern Ukraine as part of Russia and so do the Russian people and the Ukrainian government knows that, so they're looking for pan European guarantees and support. Had the West reacted forcefully to the annexation of Crimea, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. But, rightfully, Putin is sensing weakness in the Western alliance and lack of resolve in Washington.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
What do you think about the Monroe doctrine, and the way USA treats Central and south America?
I'm not a fan. I understand the US going nuts over Cuba in the 60s. I mean, the missile crisis nearly triggered a nuclear war. And the US pulled nukes from Turkey over it. What I'm curious about is what the US would do if China decided to make South America one of its spheres of influence. They're doing it in Africa right now, but not to a large extent in the Americas.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I'm not a fan. I understand the US going nuts over Cuba in the 60s. I mean, the missile crisis nearly triggered a nuclear war. And the US pulled nukes from Turkey over it. What I'm curious about is what the US would do if China decided to make South America one of its spheres of influence. They're doing it in Africa right now, but not to a large extent in the Americas.
But you are getting your shorts in a knot over Ukraine, but not over Cuba and Venezuela, Nicaragua, Chile, etc etc


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I'm not a fan. I understand the US going nuts over Cuba in the 60s. I mean, the missile crisis nearly triggered a nuclear war. And the US pulled nukes from Turkey over it. What I'm curious about is what the US would do if China decided to make South America one of its spheres of influence. They're doing it in Africa right now, but not to a large extent in the Americas.
The Russian "sphere of influence " in the post WWII Europe was guaranteed by the Red Army deployed all over the occupied nations. Today, China uses its economic reach to accomplish similar results. But, without the military pressure, the Chinese "sphere of influence " anywhere outside of China and especially as far out as South America is an illusion. It would be different if China decided to deploy its military, but that kind of escalation would lead to boycott of the China trade and collapse of the CCP.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
The Russian "sphere of influence " in the post WWII Europe was guaranteed by the Red Army deployed all over the occupied nations. Today, China uses its economic reach to accomplish similar results. But, without the military pressure, the Chinese "sphere of influence " anywhere outside of China and especially as far out as South America is an illusion. It would be different if China decided to deploy its military, but that kind of escalation would lead to boycott of the China trade and collapse of the CCP.
But you do not need military power. Economic power trumps military power as we noticed in Europe after WWII. Not many western European countries asked to join the Soviet Warsaw pact.

If and when the $US collapses, many things will change. Unfortunately, the last couple of USA governments seem hell bent on reducing the use of the $.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
But you do not need military power. Economic power trumps military power as we noticed in Europe after WWII. Not many western European countries asked to join the Soviet Warsaw pact.

If and when the $US collapses, many things will change. Unfortunately, the last couple of USA governments seem hell bent on reducing the use of the $.
That's what they say. But, you notice the Chinese build up of their naval air arm? You cannot project influence without being able to project power- military power.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Has there ever been a century that did not involve a major military conflict in the known world?

Think this century will be any different?

Once the networks go down, you’ll know shit for real.

Time to buy an old ham radio.



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
What do you think about the Monroe doctrine, and the way USA treats Central and south America?
Isn't the Monroe Doctrine to prevent a foreign power from invading any Central or South American country? Yes, I know the liberals have a different spin on the Monroe Doctrine.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
That's what they say. But, you notice the Chinese build up of their naval air arm? You cannot project influence without being able to project power- military power.
I somehow disagree. China has to be able to defend herself. In the same way the 3 invasions loom large in the history of Russia, the Century of Humiliation looms large in the history of China.
American aircraft carriers in the South China sea can not be comforting for China.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Isn't the Monroe Doctrine to prevent a foreign power from invading any Central or South American country?
No, no foreign power was invading Chile or Nicaragua.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
China has to be able to defend herself. In the same way the 3 invasions loom large in the history of Russia, the Century of Humiliation looms large in the history of China.
American aircraft carriers in the South China sea can not be comforting for China.
The U.S. actually came to the aid of China in WW II.
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