Harvard scientist says Trump hatred motivated experts who denied Wuhan lab leak theory


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I said symptoms are USUALLY not present. That means its rare.
But I never said people with the flu NEVER end up on ventilators
The whole discussion started because you made up some story about a lab worker being ventilated and said it therefore wouldn't be the flu. If you now admit that 20-50% of ICU flu patients get ventilated, then it makes your fantasy about the lab worker irrelevant.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The whole discussion started because you made up some story about a lab worker being ventilated and said it therefore wouldn't be the flu. If you now admit that 20-50% of ICU flu patients get ventilated, then it makes your fantasy about the lab worker irrelevant
No, I said its an odd coincidence that under normal circumstances only .008% of all flu patients annually wind up on a ventilator, and that out of those 3 Wuhan lab workers one also wound up on an elevator. What are the odds of that??

Its very suspicious, and counts as circumstantial evidence:



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, I said its an odd coincidence that under normal circumstances only .008% of all flu patients annually wind up on a ventilator, and that out of those 3 Wuhan lab workers one also wound up on an elevator. What are the odds of that??

Its very suspicious, and counts as circumstantial evidence:

Is being on an elevator now a symptom of covid?:LOL:

Other than your made up ventilator claim (that for some reason you're still sticking with) ... you miss it's only an extremely small percent of people with covid that end up on ventilators too; what's your point?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Is being on an elevator now a symptom of covid?
Its called autocorrect. If you could afford a smartphone you'd understand 😂

Other than your made up ventilator claim (that for some reason you're still sticking with) ... you miss it's only an extremely small percent of people with covid that end up on ventilators too; what's your point?
You dont appear to have the mental capacity to follow this discussion.
Either that or you didnt do your research.

The percentage of patients who wind up dead on ventilators from Covid is much higher than with the regular flu.
Why do you think we need to go into lockdowns and why hospitals seem to run out ventilators during Covid outbreaks, but not during flu outbreaks?? Lets see if you can come up with a coherent answer that doesnt make me laugh
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Its called autocorrect. If you could afford a smartphone you'd understand 😂
Hmm. I wonder if that's why I put a smiley on my comment. :rolleyes:

The percentage of patients who wind up dead on ventilators from Covid is much higher than with the regular flu.
Source? Is this something you 'heard' like your claim that a lab worker was on a ventilator?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Hmm. I wonder if that's why I put a smiley on my comment. :rolleyes:
You thought I had misspelled it on purpose. Now you're trying to bullshit your way out of it

Source? Is this something you 'heard' like your claim that a lab worker was on a ventilator?
I dont have the time nor the energy to google it all for you. Do your own research.
You'll find Covid is much more infectious to the lungs than the flu is.
Thats why hospitals quickly run out of ventilator equipped ICU beds when there's a Covid outbreak.
Why do you think we never had any lockdowns in Ontario because of a flu outbreak??

The fact you dont even know this speaks volumes


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

I dont have the time nor the energy to google it all for you. Do your own research.
Right. I should take the time to google the shit you made up and are still is true.

Have you ever examined your absolute incapability to admit you were wrong?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Right. I should take the time to google the shit you made up and are still is true
You wrote: "I should take the time to google the shit you made up and are still is true"??
"and are still is true"?? What does that mean?? 😂

Maybe take some night school classes in English grammar, because you're making no sense 🤪

Also, you never answered my question: Why do you think we never had any lockdowns in Ontario because of a flu outbreak, but we do for Covid outbreaks??
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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
Also, you never answered my question: Why do you think we never had any lockdowns in Ontario because of a flu outbreak, but we do for Covid outbreaks??
Is this March 2020 again? People are still trying to cast doubt why this isn't like the normal flu season? This can't be a serious question in good faith about a novel coronavirus. Try harder.


The 1918 flu pandemic, known as the Spanish flu due to Spain’s extensive reporting on the disease, led to widespread closures of schools and businesses across Canada, while quarantine efforts, the use of face masks, and the implementation of public hygiene rules were put in place.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Is this March 2020 again? People are still trying to cast doubt why this isn't like the normal flu season?
Its @basketcase who apparently doesnt get it, thats why I have to repeat the question


The 1918 flu pandemic, known as the Spanish flu due to Spain’s extensive reporting on the disease, led to widespread closures of schools and businesses across Canada, while quarantine efforts, the use of face masks, and the implementation of public hygiene rules were put in place.
That was not a regular flu strain. People back then had no immunity for it, similar to Covid

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You wrote: "I should take the time to google the shit you made up and are still is true"??
"and are still is true"?? What does that mean?? 😂

Maybe take some night school classes in English grammar, because you're making no sense 🤪

Also, you never answered my question: Why do you think we never had any lockdowns in Ontario because of a flu outbreak, but we do for Covid outbreaks??

It should read:
Right. I should take the time to google the shit you made up and are still pretending is true.

You keep claiming that a lab worker was so sick they required a ventilator and said it must be covid because people with the flu aren't ventilated that often. In reality, people with the flu do sometimes end up on ventilators and you completely made up the crap about the ventilator.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You keep claiming that a lab worker was so sick they required a ventilator and said it must be covid because people with the flu aren't ventilated that often. In reality, people with the flu do sometimes end up on ventilators and you completely made up the crap about the ventilator
They dont SOMETIMES end up on a ventilator, they VERY RARELY end up on a ventilator.
In Canada its only .008% annually. A figure which you didnt know. You kept trying to pass off that 20 to 50% figure as if its 20 to 50% of all flu patients put together who wind up on ventilators, which is completely untrue
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Couldn't you find anything in the National Enquirer?
Dr. Fauci (Chief Medical Advisor to the President), Dr. Ebright from Rutgers University, and Dr. Roland Wiesendanger from the University of Hamburg work for the National Enquirer?? Since when??

Are you really this fucking clueless?? 😂
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Well, one thing for sure. The people who were saying another flu weren't far wrong. This is just the Spanish Flu's big brother, if you insist on semantics....


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Couldn't you find anything in the National Enquirer?
Would The National Enquirer publish two people with the exact same quote in a single story?

But Dr Ebright told The Sun Online: "Clearly, a lab leak is the by far most likely explanation for the current pandemic which is further supported by these new documents.
"Any virologist who claims the opposite has now the burden to prove a natural origin.
"In particular, the Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have to provide access to their coronavirus database which they deleted in September 2019 as well as to their lab notebooks and safety procedure protocols."


Dr Roland Wiesendanger, from the University of Hamburg, told The Sun Online: "Clearly, a lab leak is the by far most likely explanation for the current pandemic which is further supported by these new documents.
"Any virologist who claims the opposite has now the burden to prove a natural origin.
"In particular, the Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have to provide access to their coronavirus database which they deleted in September 2019 as well as to their lab notebooks and safety procedure protocols."

(And yes, for those asking, these appear to be the same documents the Intercept reported on last week.)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Dr. Fauci (Chief Medical Advisor to the President), Dr. Ebright from Rutgers University, and Dr. Roland Wiesendanger from the University of Hamburg work for the National Enquirer?? Since when??

Are you really this fucking clueless?? 😂
Maybe you should actually look at what those people said instead of buying the crap from the UK Sun.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I don't understand why Phil hasn't pushed the new Intercept story about the 2018 grant since that seems like it is a much stronger piece of circumstantial evidence favoring a lab leak.
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