Three vaccinated long-term care residents die after contracting COVID-19 variant


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Since the COVID-19 vaccination rollout began, deaths in long-term care homes have plummeted dramatically. The vast majority of long-term care residents across the province have received two doses.
Of the almost 3.5 million vaccinated individuals, only 0.06 per cent (2,223 individuals) became infected when they were partially vaccinated or fully vaccinated, Public Health Ontario found. Most of them were not fully protected when they acquired their infection.

In a statement, Ottawa Public Health noted that no vaccine provides 100 per cent efficacy against COVID-19 and said people need to continue to follow public health guidelines “until the viral circulation in the population is reduced by a considerable amount.”
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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004

Research done by Public Health Ontario between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 17, 2021, found no so-called “breakthrough” deaths among people who had been fully vaccinated in Ontario. Breakthrough refers to infections after complete vaccination.

Of the almost 3.5 million vaccinated individuals, only 0.06 per cent (2,223 individuals) became infected when they were partially vaccinated or fully vaccinated, Public Health Ontario found. Most of them were not fully protected when they acquired their infection.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
Researchers warned that the South African mutation could defeat the current vaccines and also cause reinfection because of the component, called E484K, that may help the virus evade antibodies, key parts of the immune system which help bodies fight off infection. Studies have AstraZenica at around 10% of reducing infections with Moderna and Phizer around 75% of reducing symptoms but not infection against the South African variant. Moderna has a booster being tested that has had great early results against the mutation.
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
You do know that none of the vaccines have 100% efficacy ? That means that that a very small percentage of vaccinated people will still get infected and the elderly are much more likely to be seriously impacted or die if infected. But the numbers in LTC have dropped dramatically after vaccinated


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
The VOC from "South Africa was detected in all three residents".

I wonder what vaccine they got & their health condition. People in LTC homes often don't live long, like only weeks or months.

"Since the COVID-19 vaccination rollout began, deaths in long-term care homes have plummeted dramatically. The vast majority of long-term care residents across the province have received two doses."


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
I agree, we must get everyone dosed and then double dosed as soon as possible and keep with the lockdown measures for a bit longer.
Yup extend till June 28th and open everything up for a Canada Day free for all.
Vaccine supply accelerated in April and May. Now, at our current pace, Tombe’s model suggests that Canada should reach 75 per cent by June 19. In addition, 75 per cent of all eligible Canadians 12 and up could have second doses by the second week in August. If current supply deliveries stay at the rate they are.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Yup extend till June 28th and open everything up for a Canada Day free for all.
It seems the first stage will be mid June and the next 2 stages to follow every 3 weeks or more.
No getting swole till the end of July, early August for me.

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
You do know that none of the vaccines have 100% efficacy ? That means that that a very small percentage of vaccinated people will still get infected and the elderly are much more likely to be seriously impacted or die if infected. But the numbers in LTC have dropped dramatically after vaccinated
Yes, we know none of them have 100% efficacy. Actually, we know they’re completely useless.

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
You clowns still think they’re going to open?

Ford’s strategy slow rolls the reopening until the fucking summer is over. Then what happens? FLU SEASON.

And we start again at zero. Mongolian variant is prevalent around here 😂
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
Yes, we know none of them have 100% efficacy. Actually, we know they’re completely useless.
Yes … that’s why most of the world is going to get vaccinated so this pandemic will finally start to subside.

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
So we are to believe that there are variants that have mutated so much, that they can evade the vaccines, but we can’t question the efficacy of the vaccines.

Fucking clown world.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Ford’s strategy slow rolls the reopening until the fucking summer is over. Then what happens?
Sooner or later the vast majority will have immunity either via jabs or recovery from infection, or both.

Then we can all get back to SPs & singing kumbaya together.

OTOH if the virus mutates & leads us into the Armageddon apocalypse, then there's a meet in Elysium.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Why else are people getting vaccinated?

Just curious. If you say it is not for the pandemic, then what is it for?
My op is the vast majority of those clamoring for the vaccine are doing so because of the fear that has been hammered into them by media since Day 1
If you are not 80+ or have a serious health issue you won't die

I don't care if people want to vaccinate just to "be safe" or if they live with an elder they worry about it is their choice but the "need" to vaccinate against this virus is more a byproduct of the news than any source in reality

Death Stats are easily available online; young people despite accounting for 54% of raw cases they only account for less than 0.1% chance of death and 5% of hospitalization
Middle Age 40 to 59 are a bit worse but still nothing to fear with 0.3% chance of death
Seniors aged 60 to 79 are 3.8% chance of death (and this number rose by a bit once vaccines rolled out)
80+ in Ontario = 22.1% chance of death (and this number dropped significantly after vaccination)

39 & Under = 275,621 confirmed cases (we know the actual infected number is much higher, but many never got tested)
514,829 Total ON Cases

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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
My op is the vast majority of those clamoring for the vaccine are doing so because of the fear that has been hammered into them by media since Day 1
If you are not 80+ or have a serious health issue you won't die

I don't care if people want to vaccinate just to "be safe" or if they live with an elder they worry about it is their choice but the "need" to vaccinate against this virus is more a byproduct of the news than any source in reality

Death Stats are easily available online; young people despite accounting for 54% of raw cases they only account for less than 0.1% chance of death and 5% of hospitalization
Middle Age 40 to 59 are a bit worse but still nothing to fear with 0.3% chance of death
Seniors aged 60 to 79 are 3.8% chance of death (and this number rose by a bit once vaccines rolled out)
80+ in Ontario = 22.1% chance of death (and this number dropped significantly after vaccination)

39 & Under = 275,621 confirmed cases (we know the actual infected number is much higher, but many never got tested)
514,829 Total ON Cases

Thanks for all that but I didn’t ask you. I asked him.

And you still didn’t answer here. If not for the pandemic, why else are people getting vaccinated?
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Vaccine or no vaccine the “chance” of death remains 100% as the grim reaper is still employed. However the quality of life, premature death, the reality of immense prolonged suffering due to “long Covid “ ecocomic and ICU devastation and collapse seem to be mitigated with the vaccines according to many studies.
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