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37% of Covid Infections had 2 Doses of Vaccine


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
I got it and I feel fantastic and I'll be first in line if they offer me a second shot sooner than the 16 weeks. You can hang on to your little pecker in your basement while the rest of the world moves on after the 2nd dose and you antivaxxer morons lose privileges one by one.
Ill read about you and the other folks who took a jab with less than 6 months of research put into it in the obituaries soon enough! 🤣

Why didnt you get the 100% shot??? Too risky???😂😂😂


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Ill read about you and the other folks who took a jab with less than 6 months of research put into it in the obituaries soon enough! 🤣

Why didnt you get the 100% shot??? Too risky???😂😂😂
My money is on me reading about you before you read about me in the obituaries.

Genius I'm proud to have taken the first AZ shot and as soon as I'm given the green light for a second dose I'm in.

Btw, both Dougy and Justin are also AZ blessed. You on the other hand will be landlocked once the rest of us return to normal life.

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
My money is on me reading about you before you read about me in the obituaries.

Genius I'm proud to have taken the first AZ shot and as soon as I'm given the green light for a second dose I'm in.

Btw, both Dougy and Justin are also AZ blessed. You on the other hand will be landlocked once the rest of us return to normal life.

Ill be living it up with the healthy ones once covid goes away in August like i've predicted months ago..... ;)

I hope you're still wearing your mask and sanitizing and keeping your 6 ft distance in the mean time.......even though you're now superman with 25% of the shot.

I dont know why in the hell people getting the shot to only continue with covid protocol and no freer than the rest of us???:confused:


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
Ill be living it up with the healthy ones once covid goes away in August like i've predicted months ago..... ;)
Oh..... so you have been vaccinated?

August of what year do you predict covid will "go away" because it won't be 2021.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
Oh..... so you have been vaccinated?

August of what year do you predict covid will "go away" because it won't be 2021.
AUGUST 2021 the covid simulation is scheduled to end. It was developed to run 1.5 years to help the WHO develop their global health protocols on infectious diseases and pandemics to ensure they can enforce a global protocol to follow in case a pandemic were to happen.

Every country, city and town had to have a plan in effect.

This simulation is the first of its kind on a global scale and is meant to study the effects of lock downs and civil obedience.

They were predicting response, panic, disobedience to govt, turning on each other and many other outcomes.

The third wave was inevitable. The third wave was programmed to be 30% more lethal to ensure panic and fear and that those who objected the vaccine would be scared enough into getting the vaccine.
Dr.Junni from St. Michael hospital made a comment about the virus being 30% more dangerous about 2 months ago but unfortunately for him, that info was out in July 2020.

August 2021 will show a great reduction in numbers and come September, the world WILL be going in the right direction but small pockets of the poorest countries wont be able to eradicate it which will make the Covid vaccine a yearly or bi-annual booster shot or possibly another FLU shot for influenza A, B and C.

Taken from the link:

"This virus may be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets or by fomites (non-living material) due to its ability to survive on surfaces for short durations.[4] Influenza viruses have a relatively short incubation period (lapse of time from exposure to pathogen to the appearance of symptoms) of 18–72 hours and infect the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract.[4] Influenza virus C tends to cause mild upper respiratory infections.[13] Cold-like symptoms are associated with the virus including fever (38–40 °C), dry cough, rhinorrhea (nasal discharge), headache, muscle pain, and achiness.[4][14] The virus may lead to more severe infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.[13]

After an individual becomes infected, the immune system develops antibodies against that infectious agent. This is the body's main source of protection.[4] Most children between five and ten years old have already produced antibodies for influenza virus C.[14] As with all influenza viruses, type C affects individuals of all ages, but is most severe in young children, the elderly and individuals with underlying health problems.[4][15] Young children have less prior exposure and have not developed the antibodies and the elderly have less effective immune systems.[4] Influenza virus infections have one of the highest preventable mortalities in many countries of the world.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
I truly wish I had your ability to just spew bullshit without the restraints of logic and reason. To just say things and not concern yourself about coming across as a buffoon. To ignore those who truly have expertise in fields and decide that you know better than they with their focused education and experience. That is the true freedom that you enjoy!
There is no masking or lock down of your willful ignorance, you are content to counter attempts to enlighten you with straw man arguments and delusions of grandeur.
I envy you.
What expertise? What field?

Are these the same experts who have gotten it wrong since day 1???

The same experts paid through GOVT FUNDING???

The same experts that cant stop a virus with a 99.7% AT HOME RECOVERY for 98% of the population?

You keep trusting your experts and scientists. They have the death of innocent lives on their hands!

Now, did you feel like someone put a bag over your face and punched as hard as fuck when you found out how many covid filled planed came to the DIRTY GTA as you locked down and hid in your basement having govt tell you "ITS YOUR FAULT" the covid numbers arent coming down???? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Smarten up baffon!


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
AUGUST 2021 the covid simulation is scheduled to end. It was developed to run 1.5 years to help the WHO develop their global health protocols on infectious diseases and pandemics to ensure they can enforce a global protocol to follow in case a pandemic were to happen.

Every country, city and town had to have a plan in effect.

This simulation is the first of its kind on a global scale and is meant to study the effects of lock downs and civil obedience.

They were predicting response, panic, disobedience to govt, turning on each other and many other outcomes.

The third wave was inevitable. The third wave was programmed to be 30% more lethal to ensure panic and fear and that those who objected the vaccine would be scared enough into getting the vaccine.
Dr.Junni from St. Michael hospital made a comment about the virus being 30% more dangerous about 2 months ago but unfortunately for him, that info was out in July 2020.

August 2021 will show a great reduction in numbers and come September, the world WILL be going in the right direction but small pockets of the poorest countries wont be able to eradicate it which will make the Covid vaccine a yearly or bi-annual booster shot or possibly another FLU shot for influenza A, B and C.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of covidiots prolonging the restrictions.

But I was saying that IF I have to continue to wear masks and wash my hands a bit longer, it is no big deal.

You were guaranteed freedoms!
When will the vaxxed be able to have their freedom????
I have not lost any freedoms.

Why continue with covid protocol if the vaccine was the cure all????????????
It certainly provides a cure better than anything else. We just need to continue to get shots in arms.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
They better hurry the website is sold out of 6 product lines and there is only one LP Mark 1 (Leak Project 1st Edition) left, its features,
Liner – Removable Twin Layer, “High & Low Frequencies” Highly Conductive
EMF Radiation Blocking Fabrics Silver/Copper, including copper, nickel, polyester and silver fibers.
I believe it is ineffective against 5G though. For that you need to buy a 5G EMF shielding inner liner, but wouldn't you know it, they are sold out.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
They better hurry the website is sold out of 6 product lines and there is only one LP Mark 1 (Leak Project 1st Edition) left, its features,
Liner – Removable Twin Layer, “High & Low Frequencies” Highly Conductive
EMF Radiation Blocking Fabrics Silver/Copper, including copper, nickel, polyester and silver fibers.
I believe it is ineffective against 5G though. For that you need to buy a 5G EMF shielding inner liner, but wouldn't you know it, they are sold out.
Here is a guy wearing one of them and explaining how a card game was developed by time travelers to tell the future and how to foil the foilers by wearing a hat from


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Why didnt you get the 100% shot??? Too risky???😂😂😂
You keep referring to the 100% shot. What is that supposed to be?

AUGUST 2021 the covid simulation is scheduled to end. It was developed to run 1.5 years to help the WHO develop their global health protocols on infectious diseases and pandemics to ensure they can enforce a global protocol to follow in case a pandemic were to happen.
WOW! It's story time!


Every country, city and town had to have a plan in effect.

This simulation is the first of its kind on a global scale and is meant to study the effects of lock downs and civil obedience.

They were predicting response, panic, disobedience to govt, turning on each other and many other outcomes.
Meanwhile, they would be watching calmly.


The third wave was inevitable. The third wave was programmed to be 30% more lethal to ensure panic and fear and that those who objected the vaccine would be scared enough into getting the vaccine.
Dr.Junni from St. Michael hospital made a comment about the virus being 30% more dangerous about 2 months ago but unfortunately for him, that info was out in July 2020.

August 2021 will show a great reduction in numbers and come September, the world WILL be going in the right direction but small pockets of the poorest countries wont be able to eradicate it which will make the Covid vaccine a yearly or bi-annual booster shot or possibly another FLU shot for influenza A, B and C.
My god!
The situation will end up in a scientifically plausible result similar to what happened 100 years ago!
What a twist!


So let me see if I understand.

They ran a simulation with a fake virus that was never really there and made it 30% more lethal and then will continue with COVID shots for no reason after the experiment is over and they already have the data?


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
You keep referring to the 100% shot. What is that supposed to be?

WOW! It's story time!

View attachment 46406

Meanwhile, they would be watching calmly.

View attachment 46407

My god!
The situation will end up in a scientifically plausible result similar to what happened 100 years ago!
What a twist!

View attachment 46408

So let me see if I understand.

They ran a simulation with a fake virus that was never really there and made it 30% more lethal and then will continue with COVID shots for no reason after the experiment is over and they already have the data?

Again, the proof is in front of your eyes. Data given. Still you choose to believe the same govt thats been involved with many scandals behind closed doors and you still keep your head buried.

There is no help for the blind.
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